Anybody else see all these articles regarding the Smollett case with headlines like "Check to attackers didn't say 'For hoax attack'. He's innocent!" Gee, you guys are hard to fool, eh? Because people always write the crime in question on the payment checks. How else will the bankers know when you deposit it? Then there's all the complaining about how people won't automatically believe victims now. Like, their concern is people are going to actually think about the stuff they read. What a fucking tragedy. Besides, has any of these 'too good to be true' rape/hate crimes ever not been a hoax? Real criminals tend not to peruse the current identity politics narrative to make sure they are acting exactly in concert with the current fantasy.
The snippets of text they released though doesn't support the police's contention, it's all about getting training/diet advice. Either they have real evidence that hasn't been released to the public about the specific allegation of pulling the hoax for financial gain on the show, or they are making huge leaps based on what we know. Still his original claims of specific accusations is too good to be true I agree. Something never jived, just human nature to question something that felt so off from the offset.
The two guys he hired already confessed and were caught buying all the stuff they used in the attack. When 2 of the 3 people involved have already confessed it really doesn't look likely that suspect #3 is innocent. Besides, the case isn't very old. I wouldn't be surprised if the police haven't released everything. Not that they really need more anyway. To be fair, I probably haven't read every story on this though. His defenders definitely aren't convincing. I can confidently say that at least.
I know the Hillary horse has been beaten beyond recognition at this point, and this isn't about her specifically, nor do I think she needs to constantly come up in the 2020 race, but this really does deserve a mention. The bitterness over Hillary's loss to Trump has been unending in that camp, and they really like to blame Bernie Sanders. You would think what happened with the DNC was in the complete opposite direction. Since Bernie launched his campaign they've been going ape shit. This article is a goldmine of stupidity. It's all her former aides and allies. I really did try to only select the most out of touch stupid things these people have said, but it wasn't easy because that's practically everything they've said. I'll admit I'm not being real mature here, but just look at these fucking people. They're criticizing him for getting his donations from common citizens instead of wealthy donors? I mean, really? Do these people remember the problem people had with Hillary? I can't even comment on that one. The stupid is too powerful, but just to be sure, did I read this right that this guy is so butt hurt and bitter about a primary campaign where his team both cheated and won that he is following Sanders' donations in real time, literally by the half hour so he can cry about it on twitter? Yeah because what people really want to hear is more about what it means to be their gender. They don't care about their income, the climate, the debt. Yeah, fuck all that shit. More gender talk. These are the people that claimed that one of the main reasons they lost was because their ideas were too fucking smart for people to get. Notice the person criticizing him was wrong anyway. Oh really, the people bribing politicians don't like the most well known figure standing up against corruption? No fucking way. The numbers of time these people bring up major donors as if they're sincerely oblivious to American perceptions of Hillary is staggering. Billionaire master of the universe? For one you sound like a child, but more importantly you lick those people's assholes for a living you worthless fuckwit. And seriously, you cheated him, he supported you anyway to stop Trump, and you're whining about all the favors he did you? What kind of person is this? And what was this desperate effort to stop Trump? I remember you morons being way too occupied with meticulously planning the victory ceremony to worry about these desperate efforts. Keep in mind, these are the people from the campaign who were either too lazy or too inept to visit Wisconsin even once. Ok, they can't argue with that one, right? That is pretty much the basis of civil equality, right? WRONG. You could take that half a dozen different ways, but none are really less cringe worthy than the other. To be fair to Hillary, she at least has toned it back... for now, but damn. That article might as well have been a parody. These people don't even touch on Bernie's economics, or any of his real weak spots. Nah, let's keep talking about the "major donors". That will make Bernie look bad, and remind everyone what winners we are. We are the ones who clearly know how to beat Trump. Worst. People. Ever.
File this one under "So Insane It's Funny": In light of the Kushner revelations (trump made them give him a security clearance despite documented objections from his chief of staff and the intelligence community), the House Oversight Committee sent the WH a request for documents relating to how they grand security clearances. The WH counsel then REJECTED that document request (they can do that?) and said they will "continue negotiations in good faith." Uhm..... 1) I don't think it's a negotiation; 2) there's no way in hell the WH is ever gonna act in good faith.
Yeah, Cummings is clearly ready to send subpoenas out, he's just making sure he takes all the proper steps first.
Do they actually have a reason to subpoena it though? Is going against a recommendation a crime? Or is this supposed to be another Russia thing? It looks like they just want something to throw some fuel on the collusion theories. Whatever though, Trump is doing this to himself. The media is in full "beginning of the end" swing... again. I swear, I want Trump out of office just because I'm so sick of hearing about the walls closing in. What are we on? Take 384?
If a cop couldn’t pass a background check you wouldn’t want them being a cop, right? Now what if their chief was like “you know what, I know this cadet can’t pass the same background check required of everyone else on the force. But I want to make him a supervisor. So screw it, failed background checks are irrelevant. But just for him.”.... Now make that like ten thousand times worse. Also manafort gets sentenced today.
Yeah, I know guys, but do they have any actual recourse? That's mainly what I was trying to get at. If it's a flagrant violation of normal prcedure or what have you, can they do anything other than make Trump look bad? It feels mainly like a political move for 2020 (not saying it is a bad one).
Depends what they find I suppose. They are the House of Representatives, so they can always pass legislation, they can make criminal referrals to the DOJ, and of course holding public hearings exerts public pressure. My guess is their strategy right now is just to look into the things that the House Republicans were clearly ignoring during the first two years of the administration and see what shakes loose.
Manafort just got 47 months (little less than 4 years, minus time served). Prosecutors were asking for up to 25.
Boy to be a white republican operative actively working against the US and not a street level weed dealer.
trump is gonna do a victory lap with this and dems are gonna use exactly what you said as a way to rile up their base for votes. Absolutely disgusting verdict in my opinion.
When I saw what the judge said before the sentence about it not being about Russia(untrue), I thought he would get 5 years. I didn’t think I would overshoot.
In fairness he went down for tax evasion. Granted, it was a shitload of tax evasion, but the sentencing has to follow the conviction.
At the end of the day, he gets more jail time next week and then he will probably get some state charges as well. I hope Trump pardons him. I’d rather see him in the state pen instead.
This is the same judge that sentenced a man to four decades minimum in prison for dealing meth. I wonder which take he’s on. He stated Manafort “lead a blameless life”. Remove this silly old idiot from the bench already.
Sentencing recommendation was 19-25 years and the judge gave him 4. While claiming he had lived an otherwise "blameless life." Methinks Judge Jackson is going to issue a makeup call in Manafort's upcoming sentencing and nail him to the wall just because she can.