On cue, Beto has another made-for-TV moment: dude was at a coffee shop, people started shouting questions at him so he jumped up on a table and held a question and answer session. Then trump tweets about it and makes fun of how he uses his hands when he talks and says that indicates he is crazy.
I had assumed this might be part of the inevitable out-crazy each other to show who is for real far left aspect of the dem primaries. Warren came out for reparations the other day, and Castro was talking about it like it was a cool idea. Apparently Harris is for it as well. I'm guessing it isn't serious, but the fact that candidates are even supporting it is ludicrous enough.
The race to the left is getting a little crazy. Its a social justice arms race. You don't want to be the one candidate to say "no" to reparations. Even if it is fiscally uncountable. How do you even quantify who gets what and how much? They'd probably automatically label you a wannabe slave-holder or some shit if you didn't immediately support it. It just feels like the political situation is "While we're at it, let's just throw in X and see who bites."
I think it's mainly just to say it and virtue signal, at least for this issue. It's way too unpopular to actually run on. I'm happy to support some affirmative action, but fuck off paying people my money straight up for something 6 generations ago, especially when my family never had slaves and fought for the north. It should die down. I hope. I think it's what you said, nobody wants to be the outright "no" person. Shit, you'd have to be as crazy as Obama to do that.
Even measuring by the incredibly fucked up bar we use for him, Trump's current Twitter tantrum has gone on for a really long time...
Speaking of twitter, Nunes is suing them. He wants $250 million. Why? Because he's butt hurt about mean things said about him and other republicans. Man, the right wing is really getting into this snowflake shit too. One of the users Nunes is crying about, ahem, also suing, is Devincow, who called him "udderly worthless". This is illegal somehow? It's a lot of Russia conspiracy crap as well, which probably is 'fake news' or at least a lot of it is, but believing unproven theories isn't a crime. How do people feel in general about this idea that these social media sites are responsible for fake news? I think it's impossible to police, but more importantly I don't think it's the duty of these places to determine what news is real enough, or their fault if people believe nonsense. Sure, they should delete stuff like ISIS propaganda when they find it, but the only way to stop fake news from existing on places like facebook and twitter is to totally shut it down. As for Nunes, I really doubt he has a case that can win.
He wants $250 million because that's the "Covington Number" which is what that Covington kid chose because it's the entire purchase price of the Washington Post. Now every conservative blowhard suing anyone for anything (or just threatening) is using that number.
Nunes is about to experience some form of Streisand Effect-like backlash over this, you can guarantee it. You don’t tell people on social media to stop doing shit if they don’t have to, they won’t have it.
Oh my fuck. Now New Zealand is going after facebook for the attack. It's not their fault you fucking morons. This blame game shit that always follows these attacks is so goddamn stupid.
Ah. So in 24 hours, he made the problem 135 times worse. All with just using the power of his stupid fucking mouth. Never, EVER say “You can’t talk to me that way” on a public platform. Not only will they do it, they’ll hunt down the biggest megaphone in the galaxy to accomplish the task.
He's almost at 500k followers now. Dude was a complete unknown before the stupid lawsuit. This is kind of awesome. Congratulations Nunes, you gave devincow a platform to make you look bad.
trump is attacking the deceased McCain on twitter because, in his words, he didn't get a thank you after mccain's funeral. At what point can we just 5150 the guy?
Trump signed an executive order that aims to cut university public funding if they infringe on free speech rights. I'm really torn on this. I don't think it's the government's place, but I also realize these identity politics types are making the youth dumber, should all be shot to death, and the world would truly be a better place without them. They are hands down the worst thing ever to happen to higher education.
If the government is going to fund them, then they can sure as hell decide not to fund them if they infringe on free speech rights. You want to infringe on free speech rights? Fine... go get your own funding. I'm all for this.
I think that's a fair argument. I'll admit, my main reason for supporting this is petty. I'm sick of seeing these idiots get their way every time they throw a tantrum, often over shit that is just plain made up like at Mizzou. I think at least 50% of the reason they don't want dissenting opinions to be heard is because on some level they know how stupid and inconsistent their ideology really is.