Also the NCAA's absurd scheme is so normalized in this country that Avenatti got arrested for blackmailing Nike with the information that Nike was paying money to people who accepted the money. The horror.
I’m just glad that Mueller can go back into retirement as a decorated hero without members of his own team trying to discredit his whole existence simply who doing the job he was hired to do. The amount of Trump supporters (along with the idiot king) who put him in blast and threw empty accusations at him on the basis of nothing was astonishing. He remained a straight-arrow throughout, and the investigation had zero leaks. It was less costly and more efficient than past investigations. Have the assholes who bashed him the past two years began THEIR backpeddling yet?
Well he’s an honorable man now because they got the “result” they wanted. You know...normal thoughts like that.
Now they're saying Mueller told the justice department 3 weeks ago that he wouldn't reach a conclusion on obstruction. Which makes me really think Nett was onto something when he mentioned how long trump went without tweeting. I now have a very hard time believing Barr's summary won't be convinced of anything until the actual report is released. Trump's team was basically repeating stuff they already knew and acting like that was the conclusion of the Mueller Report.
So McConnell just blocked the motion to release the report. You know, the one that went 420-0. Tell me again how it exonerates Trump. "Oh no, guys, trust us, we've read it, and there's nothing to see here... so yeah, we're not going to let you see it."
Time to make Mueller testify, since McConnell is being his typical lying coward bitch self. Way to not stir up any suspicion whatsoever, scumbag.
Time for Obama to testify why his intelligence and justice agencies were abusing the FISA court system and manufacturing false intelligence against political foes. I could theory craft here but I'll stick to facts. It is time to account for this behavior and understand the scope of the problem.
That makes me cringe. Why the fuck would anyone think that's a good idea? Is there any world in which the report, or at least the facts contained therein, don't get out eventually? It's like they haven't heard the phrase "the cover-up is worse than the crime."
Worst as in most evil? Most inept at his job? Just the dumbest? Serious question. I bet there's some history nerds on here that could give some good examples (I can't).
Most evil. Easily the worst hypocrite. Directly responsible for covering up everything that has happened so far. If there was ever a person who embodied the phrase “elections have consequences”, it is him. His behavior alone should inspire people to vote him out. But that’s a tall order.
Do you think if something happens to RBG in the year 2020 or another Supreme Court justice retires that he will uphold his “no confirmation hearings for nominees during an election year” policy? Of course not.
It’s Kentucky. That’s why he exists. Although on the bright side, at least his age puts him in demographic known as People Who Will Thankfully Be Dead Soon.
I've never seen so many otherwise intelligent people buy into a spun narrative like this. It's precisely because the democrat politicians have been playing the 'impending cover narrative' so fucking hard for the last two months that I shifted from "I'll believe the Russia narrative when I see compelling evidence" to "Ok, this story is probably bogus." I tend to think they've long since seen this coming. If you want to talk conspiracy with a foreign government how about that $900 millon loan Kushner got from Qatar? For all the talk of circumstancial evidence I've never seen anything remotely like that come out of the Russia story, and this one is barely discussed. The Trump campaign colluding with Russia never had the most evidence (or any). It was just the juiciest, and most talked about. I am glad though that Mueller finished a good year and a half before the election. Trump really is a horrid representative of the US, and hopefully this will give the democrats time to work on their messaging beyond being anti-Trump, or letting AOC be the loudest mouth piece. I think the obstruction angle would be a disastrous play for the democrats moving forward. Mueller ran his investigation unimpeded, and they have concrete Trump scandals to go ahead with that aren't going to result in endless quibbling about legal technicalities.
The Mueller report is not our generations version of Watergate. Trump is an idiot/moron but he won't be getting impeached. The summary doesn't exonerate him but it damn sure doesn't indict him. It is hilarious though to read tweets/watch CNN/MSNBC/CBS/ABC news and all the celebs freak out about the summary. The left was so sure he was guilty and Mueller would nail him! I just hope this can let everyone move on and figure out who you want as a Democrat in 2020. I may vote D that year cause I cant stand Trump's tweets an moronic statements. I'm not alone in those feelings, but removing the electoral college and/or gun control is a non starter for me. I will always vote against either of those ideas. That's not even counting the Dem hopefuls platform of Reparations? WTF?
Why don't you lay out again for us the tangled web of Russian payoffs to his real estate business, Cambridge Analytica, Russian PeePee dossiers, kompromats,that Mueller was going to spring indictments on all of Trump world as the curtain fell? I want to see the report in full too and it's almost a mortal certainty that the report will be released in as full a state as our intelligence community will allow without compromising their ongoing work. I love how your still insinuating there has to be some lynch pin Trump is guilty of, while also saying not to read into it with preconceived notions. After years of leveling charges at Trump that have turned out to be almost complete fantasy (or at best wildly mischaracterized), to turn around and say Bob Barr's got to be hiding something gets another hard eye roll. If he was wildly mischaracterizing the info and conclusion in the full report you don't think Mueller or his team would have spoke up and release press statements ala Buzzfeeds nonsense? That he wouldn't make a point to testify before congress sooner rather than later? It really feels like you are still just projecting. Im also pretty sure the House intelligence committee doesn't need the Turtles blessing to subpoena and release the report themselves.
How about just an investigation into the actual conspiracy where the Obama Justice Department and the FBI had a surveillance operation on a presidential candidate based on bullshit intel cooked up by a DNC-funded research firm?
Yeah... because, you know, 39 actual indictments, 25 of whom are against Russians, with numerous guilty pleas and people actually, you know, in jail, is just a figment of my imagination. And how the Trump Foundation has been shut down and is still under investigation. Because this isn't how innocent people act. Again, I will wait for the report, but I still believe there is stuff in there that is damning and incriminating, which is why the report is being paraphrased the way it is by Barr and McConnell handling it like he is. I cannot wait for it to be made public. I will absolutely accept the contents of the report, but I will be incredibly critical of anyone who won't release it but will instead tell us what's in it. How have they been almost complete fantasy? We haven't seen the report yet. But yeah, because you know, Barr's got such a stellar history behind him of doing the honourable thing we should just trust what he says... but of course you probably forgot about Iran Contra.