The fucking arrogance that you think you can take 70% of somebody’s earnings just because they didn’t hide it in some Cayman Islands barcode bank is fucking atrocious. No, don’t take the bankers’ money who stole everything while burning the house down. Let’s not touch one dime of the literal trillions of dollars being hidden offshore by superrich cheapskates. Instead, let’s take the owner of that successful start-up company down a few pegs. Their money is better off spent on lazy and worthless people they’ve never met. That bitch is a fucking tumour on the DNC, and instead of cutting her out they choose to chain-smoke cigarettes and breathe life into her. It’s like they gave horse teeth to a liberal Glen Beck and turned him into a stupid, loud mouthed Hispanic chick.
I would be shocked if there wasn’t some sort of informal deferred happening, Between the two days(and counting) of community service and the fact that he forfeited his bail money.
The 57-0 scorecard on the NGD was great. I maintain that that chick is never going to write so much of a single line of a bill that becomes law. That doesn't mean she won't try. As for the democrats that voted present AOC is saying that's because she told them to. I had no idea she had such influence with her colleagues. Looked more like a statement of "We want to address climate change, but not with this".
Don’t be surprised if she isn’t president one day. Trump only used to be some stupid, arrogant loudmouth. Sound familiar? Change in your country is never smooth. It snaps 180 degrees in the opposite direction literally overnight. And the ones on the pedestal to boss everyone else around have never been more extreme and impulsive in their views. Not to mention uneducated/inexperienced.
The only way she is similar to Trump is that her supporters like her because they feel she “represents” them. It doesn’t matter what they say if they think her heart is in the right place. Being wrong is of no consequence because they think they know what she really means. Trump fans are the same way. They like that he speaks the way they speak. Like your racist uncle saying dumb shit based on zero facts. The only difference is AOC doesn’t base her ideas on how cruel you can be to the other side.
Yeah, she just bases her ideas on policies that are responsible for the deaths of millions of people throughout history.
I feel like countries that practice capitalism have killed a person or two also. I don’t think it’s unique to your economic system.
Ok, then find me the capitalist equivalent of The Great Leap Forward or Dekulakization (as part of the FFYP).
Not only that, but the Democrats never want to talk about the seven fucking wars we're in, or why we're actually in them (hint, it's not because we want to spread democracy). The neolib Democrats of today are a bunch of interventionist warmongers just like the Republicans. Now both sides are funded by the military industrial complex. These are the people we should be pissed off about.
Elijah Cummings asking nicely before he subpoenas, requests 10 years worth of Trump's financial records If there's nothing there he should have no problem handing it over. Just like the Mueller Report.
That’s because of his Kavanaugh fuck-up. He tarnished himself bad with that, which blew my mind because since I knew about him a decade ago he always was smarter and better than pulling cheap moves like that.
Meh. I don’t really care about his “bring it” showboating from the hearing. It just feels like he tries so hard to be perfect and ironically comes across less so. I mean, if he’s the nominee, I’ll vote for him. But I’d prefer others.
Like his pretending to be ambiguous about being gay to show how progressive he is, and writing a paper about how guilty he felt and how much he learned because he touched a girl's boob once when they kissed? The guy feels so fake to me. He sounded cool when I first heard of him, out there shoveling snow with da ppl. But that's all he is, is cheap bullshit like that. Where it counts his best friend is Menendez and he has a spotty history with being a sell out. Juxtaposed with someone like hangin' in the kitchen slammin' beers (sooooo not her) Warren, and yeah she does some silly stuff, but I think she at least stands for something. Problems aside, I'll admit he would probably be more competent and less of a national embarassment than Trump.
Yeah, what the fuck. The State's Attorney said she had recused herself, but "only colloquially". What the hell is that supposed to mean? There is a shit load of conspiracy theories floating around about how his family is politically connected or whatever. Im not quite ready to jump on that train yet since its all speculation, but there is some serious fuckery going on if Rahm Emmanuel of all people wants the feds to investigate for corruption. Looks like Trump is asking the FBI and DOJ to look into it.
Listening to his “See? Told you I wasn’t lying” interview made me want to gouge his fucking eyes out with a melon scoop. Is it literally impossible to get an actor to spend more than one day in jail?
He has to be a legitimate sociopath. The term is overused, but he was willing to let two innocent people be charged and potentially convicted for a violent hate crime that he fabricated for his own career / social advancement. And even now, hes sticking with his story that everyone knows is obviously complete bullshit.