yeah I tried that against an older trump supporter. “You enjoy your Medicare and social security right? Those are social policies. Shouldn’t we all have the benefit of them?” “yeah well I served my time for our country. I deserve them.” “you were a dental tech in the navy. And your ship was drydocked the entire time.”
Bloomberg released a SELECTION of his NDAs. Lord knows how many this piece of shit has, the fact he even has one should have disqualified him from running. But hey, it’s now “Anyone but Sanders” for the DNC (just like last time), and CNN is treating the primary like a suspense movie and Bloomberg as the action hero who will save the day. It’s hilarious propaganda.
The democrat establishment is really scraping the bottom of the barrel with some of these Sanders take downs they're attempting. The criticism I've heard the most often over the last few weeks is that he has random supporters who are mean on the internet. I guess that's true, I just don't understand how they're expecting anyone to care about this. It never seems to be anything serious either, at least that I've seen. It's not supporters sending death threats to someone or anything like that. Most of the time it isn't even anything specific, just some vague reference to Bernie bros and their meanness. I'm just completely baffled that they continously expect anyone to give a fuck about this, and at the same time seem oblivious to the fact that they're insulting a pretty hefty chunk of the democrat base.
The US intelligence community has reported, to him, that Russians are creating false associations with him on social media. Those are the accounts/etc that they are trying to remove.
I wasn't talking about the Russian troll farm, I was referring to the way they keep trying to demonize his actual supporters. The bernie bro stuff goes back to 2015, they're just playing it up 10x more now that he's the front runner. It reminds me of the Trump attacks from last election where they kept trying to cram his supporters into alt right, dog whistlers, the deplorables, and other kinds of obscure 'bad people!' groupings. It wasn't very successful then either, finding the worst out of tens of millions who support a candidate doesn't really prove a whole lot. But with Trump there was at something tangible. I don't know that his KKK endorsements necessarily correlate to his entire base, but at least that stuff was there. With Bernie I don't even get what their angle is supposed to be. Some of his supporters are mean on the internet? They attack his campaign opponents? Uhhh... it's bad? There's been hundreds of articles aimed at convincing readers Bernie needs to take accountability for this. Tldr: I just find it a very odd attack strategy.
It's the same shit that happened last time... he's leading, they don't want him to, so they're going to try and find a way to fuck it up for him, and in the process fuck it up for themselves as a whole. The DNC is just as fucking bad as the GOP when it comes to that shit... they want the people who they want in power, and Bernie is not that guy. He's beholden to nobody, owes nobody any favours, and the major money supporters of the DNC are freaking the fuck out and don't want him in for the same reason the GOP supporters don't want him in. To me, that makes him the best fucking candidate ever. Hell, you had 4 years of Trump, so why not go right to the other end of the spectrum and try 4 years of Bernie? Mix it up, go full retard (again) and see what happens? At least I would be 99% confident that bernie would try and do what is best for the company, not what's best for his brand. This speaks volumes: It's by no means a sure thing, but it's more reputable than most.
Hell, elect Bernie instead of Trump, and you've just saved $350 million in golf expenses right there.
I think a lot rides on who his VP pick is. Good chance Bernie can't make it through his first term with the amount of stress from the job and at his age and health. If he picks a solid VP choice, he could grab a lot of the more moderate voters on the fence. If Pete, Klob, and Warren drop after super Tuesday leaving in between Bernie and Biden, I think its a real close race. If Bernie picks Warren or Klob for VP, he could do really well.
I REALLY don't think Bernie would ask Warren to be his VP, and even if he did, I don't think she'd do it. Do you really think Biden has a hope in hell at this point? I think it's going to come down to Bernie and Bloomberg, and that's only because Bloomberg has the cubic dollars to keep going, regardless of poll numbers.
That's what I was telling my wife yesterday. Except I predicted the opposite end of the spectrum. I said if he went with a more moderate candidate like Pete or Biden (think he'd do it again?), he'd give trump nightmares. If he isn't already. I think his best chance at winning is picking someone middle of the road so he covers the entire base, and he strikes me as someone who wants a voice in the room pushing back on his more extreme ideas and looking at it from a different viewpoint. Unlike a certain someone right now...
I think that's a great point... Bernie is not afraid of solid, hard, intelligent dialogue with people from a different angle. He learns from that, grows from it... for the most part. I think he strikes me as the kind of guy that would relish that kind of input close at hand, as long as it didn't derail things so nothing got done.
As much as Bernie/Pete would be a winning ticket, part of me wants to see Sanders/Clinton just to watch the world burn. The public freakout would be worth it. I think?
Good thing it's not up to the democratic party. If bernie wins -- given what happened last time, I'll believe it when I see it -- I don't think he'll pick someone just for votes, a la palin. Hell I could see him going with someone who isn't running and/or in an office at the moment. Trump turned the swamp into a cult, so now Bernie is the "drain the swamp" candidate. He should get plenty of votes on that basis alone.
He should, but you have some rabid cult members that see Trump as the best thing that ever happened to the US... and the GOP more than happy to fall in line behind him and keep their heads down as he gets away with more and more shit that he shouldn't be getting away with, that no sane career politician would even consider trying. Meanwhile, he's trying, and is somehow getting away with it.
If Bernie picks a moderate dem for vp, he will piss off his base. His “plan”, which has no chance of passing is to abolish private health care. The only person who dabbled in that would be Kamala Harris. But her record as a prosecutor pisses off the Bernie people. Even though it shouldn’t because prosecuting crimes shouldn’t be a disqualifier. I honestly don’t know what Bernie supporters think will realistically happen if he wins. He’s got one term in him at most. And most of the country isn’t on board.
And every other civilized country on the planet looks at you guys, your medical system, and laughs. I really don't get the push back from you guys to this, other than some moronic "it's socialist" headspace... Your health care technology is world class. Your healthcare system for your citizens is fucking insanely bad. 99% of it is pure greed by the middle men... the insurance companies. Useless markups for profit that do nothing but fuck over your country.
I wasn’t saying that because I’m happy with the system or the way it’s set up. I was just speaking to a political reality. The idea of abolishing all private care and moving to a fully government run system is a radical plan. Even if it’s not truly radical.