I don't know what Klobuchar is still doing in the race. Hasn't finished better than third. I think like Pete these races are more about what type of fundraising they can do for the party and the power and influence that brings.
If she stays in past Super Tuesday and wins her state, she can then drop out and her delegates can go to Biden. Same with Warren. Pete had no real path forward and all he does is strip moderate votes from Biden at this point. Klobuchar and Warren are in it to keep Bernie from getting their votes and delegates. Now all of that means nothing if Bernie wins overwhelmingly in all those states.
Who or how is it decided where the delegates go when a candidate drops out? not questioning that what you said is accurate, just curious as to the process
You ever fill out a ballot for a shitload of judge positions and think you might as well be flipping a coin? I basically checked the Bar Association to make sure they were rated as "qualified" or "well qualified" and then went with a gut feel based on how shitty or not shitty their website was.
Never had the pleasure. We don’t get to elect judges here. Depends on the state. I think most states’ delegates don’t officially vote until the Convention. The ones that do I think go to whoever the candidate that drops out officially endorses.
*grabs popcorn* As long as they put up someone who can and will beat trump I don’t give a shit at this point. I’ll let them nominate my dog if she does better.
I'm not sure Buttigieg bowing out was really all that consequential, but this might be. It won't necessarily allow him to win states he otherwise wouldn't have, but it could easily push him over 15% in some contests where he would have otherwise received nothing. That's really all he needs at the moment to keep Bernie from running away with a majority. Their forecast odds have been shifting by more than 20% every few days lately. It's kind of been all over the place and between Biden winning SC, and Buttigieg/Klobuchar dropping out all within the last two days there is no way their model has sufficient data on what the consequences of all this will be to make a very reliable prediction. I think we'll have a much better idea, and much more stable odds by the end of the week. They are bound to their candidate until their candidate releases them, (regardless of whether the candidate has suspended their campaign) at which point they are free to endorse whomever they choose. That said the candidates themselves approve all of their own delegates before voting takes place, so it is likely they will just follow, and endorse who they are told to, but technically it's not required at that point. The whole using delegates is pointless to me, even in the general election. If people feel like only someone with an outright majority should have the nomination then do it the sensible way, and have a run off between the top 2 or 3 candidates where the whole party (by that I mean everyone who registered to vote in the primary) votes all in one final day. Having delegates run around at a convention making backroom deals, and then possibly nominating someone who wasn't even running is beyond stupid.
More than you might think. He's polling around 20% in a lot of states. Usually, I feel like I have a pretty good idea what sort of people would support a candidate, but Bloomberg really has me stumped. Eg, he's been consistently improving with people who care deeply about racial issues and who think he would be best positioned to beat Trump. I mean shit, wouldn't you better off with Trump in that regard? I don't remember Trump instituting so many policies specifically targeting minorities... but that's ok because what's really important is racial issues and beating Trump. It really is baffling.
Bernie is getting stomped on Super Tuesday. It's almost funny. I was listening to a Bernie supporter talk about how worst case Bernie wins 8 states. I knew that wasn't the case, but I was not expecting this. I get not supporting Bernie, I really do, but I do not get this party. There was a huge field of candidates, and many of them got plenty of exposure. There was not a lack of choices, and yet they still pick the most unimaginative, vanilla, approaching senile candidate who just happened to be the biggest name entering the race. Biden did nothing, and I mean fucking NOTHING to win the nomination of this party. His speeches suck, often they're rambling and incoherent, but I'm really not sure how many people would be aware of that because no one is even fucking listening to him. No one cares about Biden. They're just voting for him just because. He has no ideas, and when pressed to discuss one he struggles to explain himself. It's embarrassing to watch. People, this is not the next Barrack Obama. And who finishes after Sanders and Biden? Bloomberg. Are you fucking ki- I can't. I just can't. What you're left with is the celebration to hate on Sanders supporters and their 'conspiracy theories'. Yay, someone to hate on until you can hate on republicans again and really get your hate on. How about at least attempting something positive? Nah, fuck that. We don't want to do that in this party anymore. What are you even voting for? What is it that you are excited about Biden fighting for? Do you even know? What the fuck? Ok, so probably the bigger reason is Biden felt like the safest choice to beat Trump. Yeah, I could see that. Unless you watched him. At all. He's not a good debater anymore. When there is no one to cut him off it's even worse. The longer he talks the more he sounds like an idiot. You were so upset you lost last election, and couldn't stand to see it happen again, so to make sure you pick the candidate that most closely resembles the one that lost. Fuck me. You know what his primary strategy has been throughout the campaign? I swear I am not making this up, it's been to limit his exposure because his advisers realized the more he was in front of the public the more he fucked up. Does this tell you anything about what he has to offer, or lack thereof? Does it tell you anything about what you have to do to earn the nomination of this stupid fucking party? Ugh, I don't hate Biden, and I'll probably vote for him in the general assuming tonight set the pace(although it isn't over yet). I think all things being equal he can beat Trump. I also think that was true of a lot of the candidates. The primary showed that there are different voices out there, that we aren't stuck with the same backwards policies and leaders more loyal to special interests than they are even interested in their constituents. Unless we choose it. And we are. Again. Of course. Shit, if we don't, we might not win. There's a touch of irony there.
I always thought Biden had the best chance in the midwest states Trump took last time. I don't see them turning out big for such a radical departure as Sanders. If he was smart though he'd choose a stand out of a vice president, Stacey Abrams or the like. If he pulls a Hillary and goes with back scratch favor Beltway insider like Tim Caine, he's got a lot tougher race.
I’m shocked that the Democrats overall didn’t fully go down the rabbit hole with a lunatic like Sanders.
Voters 18-29 voted something like 13%. That’s who makes a majority of Bernie people. Young people still don’t vote and it costs them every time. He did win California though which is the biggest win of the night. But the rest of the country isn’t California.
And it cost her hundreds of millions of dollars less than Bloomberg, who has spent $100 million per delegate he won. Also,
No fucking shit. They’re the horseshoe effect to Florida. If 9/11 happened in Los Angeles, nobody would have cared after a couple of weeks unless the Kardashians died.