Well guess all those crying that we’re a plutocracy or that he was buying his way to the nomination with the DNCs help should be shutting up. I believe Hillary outspent Trump just to lose to him. Money can’t buy you regard with the public. Though campaign finance and lobbying need major reform in this country.
Luckily for you guys then that the people best suited to fix that are being put into positions of authority.
Many young voters sat out Super Tuesday, contributing to Bernie Sanders' losses https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/elec...-bernie-sanders-losses/ar-BB10IrLz?li=BBZdWbk
If one good thing out of this crapola, it’s the fact it took a giant dump all over every aspect of that sleaze. The dude was a walking attack ad on himself simply by entering the primary or opening his mouth.
Seriously. On another note, I think people overestimate how widespread their agreement is because of Twitter. It’s easy to get news and opinions or whatever from twitter, but I think people forget that what they are seeing on there is what they choose to see. So when they see tons of support for Bernie or whatever, they are basically looking in a giant mirror. Less than 20% of Americans are on Twitter and even less than that actually vote. Sanders supporters complete shock at his losses last night must have been because their Twitter followers all said they were voting for Bernie and they just can’t fathom how that doesn’t translate to actual votes.
I'm seeing similar things on a site I frequent about mentions of, "The Establishment" and "The Media" having suppressed young voters and how just like last time they're the reason that Bernie didn't get the nod and got screwed out of what should have rightfully been his nomination. Like, they REALLY can't fathom that Bernie doesn't have the messianic appeal that they attribute to him.
Well he can be Commie Jesus all he wants, if his followers are too stupid to go out and actually vote, then it doesn’t matter. Probably for the best.
Bernie does have a portion of his following that sees nefarious activity everywhere. The Iowa votes being rigged because the democrat party bought the app that registered the vote was another recent example of that. Well, who else is going to buy the app then? The people that are using and administering it bought it??? No fucking way. But I hate when people reference these clowns as if it's an excuse to write everything off. What do you really care more about? The fact that the DNC repeatedly broke their own rules last primary, and that most of the candidates this primary thought shutting Bernie out of the nomination process if he won a plurality of delegates was an acceptable practice, or some internet tin foil hat retards spinning BS on reddit?
It was the fact that they bought a horribly broken and shitty app and never properly tested it that was the problem.
Yeah, I know. I was referencing a conspiracy theory where the broken app was just a facade used to tweak votes and create the illusion of chaos, and then still give Bernie 2nd place in the delegate total so as to not make it too obvious. There is a lot of that nonsense floating around, but the point I was trying to make is that just because people say stupid shit and craft unfounded theories doesn't make the real things that actually are concerning any less pertinent.
I'll say this: when Jungle Julia went to vote yesterday, they had TEN voting machines - but only FOUR were being used. This resulted in two hours of waiting. At a college campus. How many of those college students do you think were going to vote for Trump? Or Biden, for that matter? I know I can't prove anything, but it seems pretty suspicious to me.
I have never seen that, and I swim in some pretty popular Bernie areas a fair bit. So I kind of find it hard to take as a given.
You probably will run into some variants of it before the primary is over. It's not the norm, but there is a noticeable slice of Bernie's support who think every less than optimal result must be the result of some mechanism of establishment cheating. They also tend to vastly overestimate the popularity of Bernie's policies. Of course, there's a slice that greatly underestimates too because the term 'socialism' still carries more of a negative connotation for most Americans so people assume socialist ideas aren't very popular. However, if you look at the polling behind concepts like free college, m4a, strengthening unions, etc they fare a lot better than the negative label would suggest. Anyway, with regards to the Iowa app this covers some of the wackier theories that caught on. Most often Buttigieg was the prime culprit (because he won) via funneling money into the app's development, and every spot the money trail becomes incomprehensible (read: non-existent) it's further proof of how he was definitely covering his tracks...
The story of this election will be the people who talk but don’t vote I think. It’s crazy the amount of Bernie support I read about online and that I hear people talk about. Yet I don’t know a single Bernie supporter who voted. He motivates them enough to talk about how much they like him, but not enough to actually get to the voting booth. Maybe that’s why free everything sounds so appealing? They’re lazy as fuck.
I wonder if it’s just that people in that demographic just honestly don’t give a fuck about too much. People are maturing into adults later in life now. I don’t know a whole lot of people between 18 and 30 who do a whole lot or have much responsibility. Maybe they have an okay job, maybe they live at home still. But a lot of opinions aren’t formed until people get their first paycheck or get some life experience. A lot of people are stupid as fuck and maybe just don’t care about politics.