So there was a sexual assault allegation against Biden that turned up. Also this quite from another site. You don't need to tell me it's fucking stupid since that's self-evident, but I just want to know the logical involved there. Like has acceleration ever actually IMPROVED things EVER or is this just misguided wishful thinking based on absolutely no realistic basis?
Figured. Any thoughts on the Biden thing? Think it'll have an impact? Apparently it's made little to no headway so far, but who knows. Someone posted this theory.
As a rule I ignore these things until and unless some legitimate organization investigates them and finds them to be at least plausible, whether that's a reputable newspaper or a law enforcement organization. It's possible it happened, and if it proves out it will have to be dealt with, but I'm not going to include it in the calculus while it's still just something obviously being pushed by right wing media.
Well it's from an interview being hosted on Soundcloud right now, but the only outlets I've seen running with it are The Daily Wire and The Blaze, which are just propaganda rags. It is my understanding that the Intercept could neither confirm nor deny the story, and so was mostly reporting on TimesUp's political calculation when it came to not pursuing it.
Those people you are quoting are really off their rockers. For one, Trump didn't rape anyone. There's a pretty good chance Bill Clinton did. Sorry, the whole party purity thing failed a long time ago. Biden hasn't even been accused of rape, let alone been proven to be guilty of it. I'm not saying sexual assault and harassment are nothing, but do these people really not understand the difference? Biden only has 1200 delegates. You need 2000 to win. Bernie isn't actually that far behind in the count. I don't know why they all seem to think there's just nothing they can do at this point. We're just a little over halfway as far as the race is concerned. If anyone wanted to switch candidates based on this story they can easily do so if their state hasn't voted yet. Considering most of them are only voting Biden because the DNC told them to it shouldn't be that hard. What does he mean "Many of them fully expect not to survive another Trump term"? They think Trump is going to kill them? If so, that's awesome. I'm so used to Trump derangement syndrome I usually shrug this stuff off, but these fellows really don't half ass the crazy, eh? I'm in the same boat as Aetius. I'm not going to change my mind based on one unproven allegation. I know a lot of people are stuck in this "always believe" bubble, but that's a really stupid mindset to me. False allegations do happen, and just blindly believing accusers with no investigation makes you a shitty person to me, not a protector of women's well being. I find it very odd that all of those people you quoted not only seem to have completely forgot about Bill Clinton, they think that by voting for Trump, another sexual assaulter who they hate, they're going to save America. That really doesn't make any sense. And they want to make up their mind on all this before there is any investigation because they 'just believe'. I find these people very strange. If the accusation is false, I'm not sure I even feel bad for Biden after his imbecilic comments on the Kavanaugh hearings. Speaking of, how interesting all these media outlets suddenly need to verify these accusations before they run wild with them. It's the most peculiar thing, it almost appeared as if they didn't give a shit about integrity, or a fact finding process before. Oh well, I'm sure if there is another accuser who can't remember even the most basic facts, has their story refuted by every 'witness', and alarming details emerge like Biden drank beer at some point in his life they'll be there to cover it 24/7 and demand everyone acknowledge how credible the accusers are.
Trump's campaign has sent a cease and desist letter to television stations airing the following video: In the cease and desist, they threaten the station's broadcast license under the FCC: At issue is the beginning of the video, where Trump's voice saying "The coronavirus" and "this is their new hoax" are in sequence, which the cease and desist claims its a deceptive edit meant to deceive people into thinking Trump said the coronavirus was a hoax. Here is the full context of the hoax quote:
they can threaten all they want, doesn’t mean the stations will, never mind should, comply. The cease and desist just makes it look worse in my opinion. That full quote in context is horrible. Whomever came up with that add should make a new one: “We wanted to show clips of trumps remarks. His lawyers told us not to. So here’s the whole thing.”
Not so much. The democrat's incessant bitching has only succeeded in getting Trump to the highest approval numbers he's ever had. That might change as the death toll rises, but I keep wondering if they're ever going to realize that trying to make everything Trump does into the end of the world is only going to make less people take them seriously. The fact that their batting average with Trump predictions is fucking zero over the last 4 years doesn't help. You can call Trump supporters idiots because Trump gets his facts wrong so often, but he's not really alone there, is he? The democrats said there were massive CDC cuts. The opposite happened, funding went up. They said we were the worst prepared country for a pandemic. According to people who know what they're talking about we were the best prepared. So yeah, their big thing right now is talking about how Trump called the virus a hoax. Sorry, but he's not wrong that they've been full of shit a lot of the time.
That. Is. Fucking. Insane. I think that moron just became the US's number 1 health risk, exceeding COVID-19 by a large margin.
“I have a feeling that a lot of the numbers that are being said in some areas are just bigger than they’re going to be,” Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Thursday night. “I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators. You know, you go into major hospitals sometimes, they’ll have two ventilators. And now all of a sudden they’re saying can we order 30,000 ventilators?” He added: “Look, it’s a very bad situation. We haven’t seen anything like it, but the end result is we’ve got to get back to work, and I think we can start by opening up certain parts of the country.” Jesus fucking Christ. "Hey, these laws won't get enforced any time soon, go fucking nuts."
Once they start getting sick and dying in big numbers in NYC, be sure he’s going to blame it all on the healthcare workers for not doing their jobs. Just like it was the fault of park rangers that monstrous forest fires couldn’t be controlled. And yet he is supported in droves. They’ll literally be in the ground dead before they admit what an impulsive boob this guy is. They’re so stupid they think he’s right.
This is the Governor Trump has been attacking recently. edit: and less than an hour later, confirmed by the asshole himself: