lol, he is grateful for your mockery and criticism. A lot of the voters in his district already think what's stated in that ad. So, now he's getting national attention, which means he's getting free fund raising support for his stupid ad.
He's playing to his base and getting help from his opposition. He joined the Marines at 18, served in the Navy, served in Congress previously for three terms, and served as a military doctor in Afghanistan after leaving Congress. The rep who beat him for a fourth term is leaving to run for Senate.
Another “smart” stupid person, like Ben Carson. Somebody who can get a degree from Georgia U, yet still buys into the most ass-backward shit you could possibly cook up.
Georgia has a weird history of reps - we can send Sam Nunn, and Jim Marshall, but also Hank Johnson and Paul Broun.
It's not just people from the South though. Ben Stein is a creationist. Tons of other examples. I will never understand it.
I have to check out that fucking museum one day. A few years back, wifey and I went to The a Holy Land Experience in Orlando, and as sure as you are born it lived up to every single hysterical expectation. I mean, we are poker-faced while there, crying on the inside with laughter. We didn’t want to blow our cover or insult the demographic of goofy psychos that were surrounding us on all sides. People were “into” that place in a way that no Disney regular ever could be for their park. People were breaking down in tears looking at exhibits, doing their little Pentecostal grand-mal acts, etc. Still to this day it’s the only place where I’ve seen Mary & Joseph do a disco-pop musical dance number, plus got see Jesus Christ himself IN PERSON get crucified while under the Orlando airport flight path. Nice guy that Jesus, by the way. I did not expect somebody from twenty centuries ago to be 6’4”.
In other news... are you guys watching this all play out in Wisconsin? It's mind bogglingly stupid and horrifying and heartbreaking, and people are going to die because of it.
I posted about it on the last page. From a political perspective Wisconsin might be the most fucked up state in the country behind North Carolina. And they're giving North Carolina a strong run.
I saw your post and agree wholeheartedly, but seeing the pictures that people are posting today adds an extra layer of gravity and reality.
Trump requested an absentee ballot. You can't make this shit up, because if you did you'd be accused of being a hack writer.
That thing where he says the quiet part out loud. Is there any question about how the GOP thrives on keeping people from being able to vote?
He sounds very scared that people might start to come to their common sense. The voter fraud thing is the deadest horse of all. Just stop it, you pathetic fuckstain.
It’s the whole playbook man. Point the finger at others for what you are actually doing. And keep the brown people from voting.
Well, keep the brown people, black people, young people and people with any form of higher ed. At the beginning of COVID people were joking it was the "boomer remover." Might as well call it the republican remover.
The Revolution will not be televised, because it turned out to be a bunch of college kids who stayed home and didn't vote.
Dude, this isn’t over. This is only The Beginning. Just just wait and see what they’re planning to type next.