Easily Trumpers. Bernie Bros are still annoying as hell, but they haven't killed anyone and while dickish and me rather not being around them, I'm still willing to side with them the vast majority of the time on almost everything due to agreements on the improvement of people's lives. That's what pisses me off. They love to claim about how, "The Establishment" screwed Bernie over or had it out for him, yet they fail to see how it was their own and Bernie's pick-ups that led to him getting clobbered out.
Bernie is done, and therefore so is his twitter cult. Trump is harmful. Harming you right now. And his supporters are rooting him along and stating that things like they still think the virus isn’t deadly. This is only what I view from the other side of the wall. I personally haven’t encountered a card-carrying member of either demographic in a face-to-face setting. Thankfully there’s less wear-it-on-your-sleeve up here, at least for now.
This article is a good example of how Trump has politicized the Federal response and is trying to use it to prop up Republican re-election chances: https://lawandcrime.com/covid-19-pa...it-benefited-republican-senator-cory-gardner/ He did the same thing when insisting his name be on the mailers the CDC sent out with their social distancing and other recommendations.
So....Trump ignored the warnings about the pandemic and he: crashed the economy caused the worst unemployment in history ran up $2 trillion in debt (I mean, closer to $5 trillion, but just the CARES Act....) removed the oversight from spending said debt (they'll do everything right and legal the first time, right?) Is responsible, directly (since he subverted the normal process for pandemic response with his task force) for thousands of dead Americans, literally more everyday And he wants people to remember that? Good.
At this point, the really sick and twisted part of me that wants to watch the world burn is hoping Trump wins again just to see how bad it can get.
Thats all well and good of them to throw tantrums and kick and scream. They should just continue this behavior if they are cool with Trump replacing RBG next year. If they are able to get themselves to a 7-2 supreme court at some point, it won't even matter if one day the dems take the house, senate, and white house. They keep filling the judiciary with unqualified dipshits to ensure minority rule. The latest is some 37 year old dude who never even tried a case. They think it's worth tossing out the upcoming election and letting Trump win a second term and focusing on 2024. They don't realize that it will be too late at that point. They still think the GOP is still playing by the rules.
“Blowing up the Death Star from its core never works. Let’s stand outside and throw sharp sticks at it instead.” Thanks to the past few years of American politics on social media, the mere mention word like “revolution”, “squad”, or “cuck” make me cringe instantaneously.
As much as I make my living from technology and internet stuff specifically, I really do think that it's had some negative impacts on society. Social media especially. One of these days I'm just going to shut off all the gadgets and just retire into my workshop and say "fuck it" to the rest of the world.
Oh they know they GOP isn't which is why they want the "Revolution". There's also a fairly aggressive dislike/hatred of the Obama administration for its involvement in drones and the whole Middle East War ditto for Biden. That and links to DSA websites and other stuff like how Protest Non-Voting or writing in Bernie will show them they're serious and other nonsense.
At this current point in time, politics at the federal level is a zero sum game. It shouldn’t be that way, but as soon as they eliminated the 2/3 rule for judicial nominees and with the way McConnell doesn’t allow anything through that a democrat proposes, the Dems have to win all the branches in order to enact their own legislation. It’s a simple game of strategy and just actually voting. The gop will do whatever they gave to do to keep power. As long as they keep control of courts state and federal, it will be hard to get anything done. Come November, they will try to invalidate, challenge, or cancel elections that they lose. The only way to win is through voting in numbers large enough not to challenge. If Bernie people choose to stay home or write him in on the ballot, all their hopes and dreams will be even farther from reality. All they have left is to violently take to the streets. Won’t happen.
That's not nice. We don't wish bad things on Canada. And it would blow back on you when Trump invades Canada for you know, reasons.
That may be what the Bernie Bros want, but they need to look at the other side of the coin. Reddit is full of these people. EDIT: Matter of fact they are having a liberty rally in Idaho by none other than Ammon Bundy right now.
Both sides aren't the same, but I've noticed a tendency in both sides where if the other side has something stupid, they want it too. Hippy liberals were anti-vaxxers? Well conservative conspiracy nutjobs have to be anti-vaxxers too! Convservatives built a populist cult of personality around a political figure? Bring on the Bernie Bros!
So, with a potential for a worst-case 40% unemployment over the next 2-6 months, what do you all think is going to happen with your medical insurance? Do you think it'll still be tied to your job, or do you think this COVID shit will actually force some change to your medical system?
Force change. Trump already signed his name on UBI. Think as soon as those checks cash there's not gonna be some "oh shit, this works!!!" moments? And once they realize one thing works, then maybe the others aren't that scary either. Kind of like how all these far left people are buying guns right now. Or maybe I'm just giving people more credit than they deserve and assuming intelligence and rational thought when in reality it's gonna go back to the same dumb shit as soon as everyone gets back to work.
It's a one time cash payment with all manner of strings attached, and really only passed in order to create the giant-ass slush fund that Trump has rejected all statutory oversight of. I don't see this as the beginning of UBI, it's just the sop thrown to the people during disaster profiteering.
In good times and bad, it is maintain the status quo. Right now it is UBI checks to maintain the status quo. When the quarantine is over it is back to boot-strappin'.