Congress can override him on these things, but that requires bipartisan agreements, which are not always easy to overcome. We will hit a breaking point, where the government needs to decide to put low risk people back to work so things like crime, and draining resources don't become an even bigger problem than the virus. We aren't there yet, but Trump is an idiot who thinks he knows better than the people qualified to answer those questions. If he doesn't come to his senses I think it'll 100% cost him the election, but only congress can really 'fix that' in the meantime, and of course that isn't terribly reliable. The restrictions are set to come off April 30th so there's still some time for these issues to be sorted out. Thus far Trump has said a lot of really stupid shit, and then eventually caved to his advisers. I'm hoping that trend continues, but who knows what he's actually going to do.
My wife just learned that trump doesn’t drink. She legitimately thought he was drunk tweeting the last 4 years.
I found out right after the election, but I was equally shocked. I was less shocked to find out he's probably lying about that -
It's one thing to call State Governors exercising their legitimate authority under the Tenth Amendment "mutineers," it's another to use a metaphor that likens yourself to a power-mad tyrant.
He doesn't drink, at least anymore. A friend of a friend is one of the WH chefs. Said cooking for them is easy. "It's just a 15 minute trip to KFC." Found out because I was talking about this non-alcoholic wine I just "found" and apparently that's what they serve.
What’s the matter? Can’t handle a stable genius with total authority? Why, you liberty-hating fag. More deep state whining by your friendly neighbourhood Libtard. You’ll see the real facts come out in Ann Coulter’s next novel “SKULL-FUCK!!! How Liberals Ruined Everything by Making Trump Look Bad.”
Her next book will be called MAGAn't: How the triggered left broke Trump's heart. With special forwards by Richard Spencer and Jordan Peterson.
His fight with the state governors, and by his fight I mean he's the only one even fighting, they're just trying to get some necessary resources, might totally sink his election chances.
he now walked back his comment and said he’s granting the states the authority to open when they want. But that doesn’t make any sense. You can’t give someone something if you don’t have it in the first place. Am I missing something? he’s also halting aid to the WHO because he said they mismanaged and covered up the spread of COVID.
I would love to take up a collection, maybe a GoFundMe account, as a cash reward for the Press Corps journalist that not only calls Trump out on his bullshit but has the stones to stand up to him and not be shouted down. A couple came close tonight, one who got him to threaten to leave if he continued talking.
Jesus the website I visit literally is having dry heaving panic attacks over Bernie's endorsement of Biden and video saying that opposing him is irresponsible and whatnot along with making Biden sound like he's part of fucking Hydra fused with a Captain Planet and a Grand Wizard of the KKK. As an aside, I REALLY want to know more about the allegations against Biden and what makes them so credible to some people. I read the piece from NYT and my general take away is that Biden is just an old guy with personal space issues, but little to nothing popped out at me that screamed violent rapist. Granted the same could be said of John Lasseter so I dunno, but if so I feel we'd have heard stuff back when Obama picked him for VP or earlier. This whole election cycle is my first time hearing these things about Biden beyond the personal space issue.
if they wanted to do something about it they could have voted for Sanders over Biden, but not many people did. I have little to no sympathy for them right now. The ones who did, awesome. But if they're complaining while not having voted, I'm not sure they have a leg to stand on. Tweets don't equal votes.
Pretty much every pro-Bernie forum right now is some mix of retards, Republicans, and Russians. What the specific ratio of each is though, I have no idea.
He kind of does. He can mandate and remove some restrictions through executive order. Most of those that aren't put forth by congress, who I don't think has taken much action as far as timelines/specific restrictions. This is actually a good thing although any other president would never need to proceed this way. Let the states not run by complete fucking morons do their own thing.
No, he can’t. States Rights. Even Fox news says he can’t do that. Executive Orders are not magic. They have limits and boundaries.
What you Canadians don’t understand is that State’s Rights only extend to gun sales and owning other human beings. This administration is exactly why most conservatives claim to want unlimited gun rights. Too bad gun stores don’t also sell a set of balls .
Limits and boundaries, yes. He can't do anything, but he controls a lot of funding, and he directs the federal organizations a lot of these states are dependent on to implement their policies.