Well yeah, and I have no doubt that if he thought there was even a small chance he could get away with it he'd claim he invented 'the cure' himself. The media was repeatedly saying things like "no evidence" and "doctors are prescribing based on Trump's advice." They aren't saying these things now, and places like WAPO who don't have a medical adviser needs to shut the fuck up, and go interview more doctors before they start parroting the first one they speak with and doing what frankly looked like internet research level journalism. They thought Trump was promoting straight nonsense and ran with it full stream. They're finding out the reality is a lot more complicated than that. More research, less reactionary reporting would be a good standard for all the outlets to follow.
In that first tweet... is that him encouraging an armed resistance? Because that’s what it looks like.
Remember how I say millions will hang off every single word he says, no matter how retarded? Boom. ...why aren’t they being mass arrested for violating capacity and distancing laws? There’s not much other crime going on, maybe cops should do their fucking job, considering the ridiculous fines they’re handing out to rollerbladers.
It would appear that way. Seems our dear leader fears being looked at as being responsible for the highest COVID death count on the planet in the shortest amount of time.
Look, man, I don't like the idea of people dying from the 'rona. But, a cratered economic system is going to be worse. So, if the noise starts getting people talking about other ways handle the crisis and get people back to work sooner, instead of slowly watching the shelves empty having the doomsday preppers leading the revolution, then I'm good with that. A lot of people die from a lot of preventable things in the US EVERY. FUCKING. DAY. Where is the outrage for that? So many children in the US are fed because they get 2-3 meals at public school. When there's no school and no funds to support the ones that are open, how are they going to get fed. much less educated to raise their station?
I'm 100% with you on those sentiments. I just don't believe the current administration actually gives a single fuck about the people suffering. He only cares about how this affects his reelection because its the only thing keeping him out of legal trouble. The reason I know he doesn't care is because he spends more time attacking his perceived enemies than actually doing anything to help anyone. He's lied about testing, ventilators, the nature of the virus, anything else you can think of, yet all of the failure is on the state governors and Nancy Pelosi. This situation shouldn't be politically driven considering we have lost over 30k people in under 2 months and unemployment is through the roof. And if anything else were killing people at the rate that this is killing people, more would be done about that.
Couple of thoughts: 1. Around my way, the schools are still giving out bag lunches and breakfasts to any kid who shows up. 2. Economic recovery works best when people are alive and well to participate in it. 3. We spend so much money on health, it's hard to quantify. Want to Google OSHA and see how much we spend on safety, training, and equipment in response to preventable death? At this rate, Coronavirus kills more Americans in a year than just about everything but cancer and heart attacks. There's plenty of outrage, we just funnel it into work and actually, y'know, do stuff about it. I'm kind of curious how the cratered economic system is going to be worse. If I had a choice, I'd take living through 2008 again over this, hands down. What seems to be missing here: the economy won't get back to normal just because some government official waves their hands and says job well done. Anyone feel like going to a baseball game with 50,000 people right now, just because some governor said it's ok, and risking death or permanent disability to themselves or their family? I don't. Anyone think our economy is going to do well with perpetual outbreaks, thousands of newly disabled people and thousands more dead? I don't. Believe me, I am ready for this shit to be over. But if we go back to work because "mah economay!" too soon, we're shooting ourselves in the dick. The economy will recover when consumer and investor confidence recovers, and that won't happen until we get a fucking handle on this virus. Plain and simple. The outrage isn't over the virus. It's about the politicization of a crisis, the mishandling of that crisis all the way down, and the dickhead behavior that puts others at risk. If I thought these protestors couldn't spread it to wives, children, family members and hell, total strangers, it would be fine. They can, and thus victimize people for no good reason.
For anyone doubting the disastrous effects of a long term economic shutdown I would encourage you to remember that nearly half of this country lives paycheck to paycheck. Most of this board is fairly well off financially, but people scraping by on $400/week with no savings are going to eventually do the math between their chances of surviving an infection(quite high for many demographics) and trying to get by with an empty bank account. There's things we can do in the meantime. The UBI was definitely needed, and the unemployment benefits in the relief packages will buy some time. Buy time, but not last forever. Eventually the low risk pools of people are going to have to return to work, and we're going to have to hope our scientists can develop better treatment methods for those middle/high risk groups who are going to get infected eventually. Not saying it will, but yes, it can. We had a comparable number of dead and disabled during the last major pandemic and post WW2. Specifically with a pandemic like this it's worth noting how many of those that die are contributing to production vs draining resources. I know that's a cold as fuck way to put it, and it's not really the calculus we need to do when designing policy, but economics doesn't shed any tears for the unfortunate.
put another way, a bunch of dead old people aren’t going to hurt the economy except for the nursing home industry. It’s cold and calculated, but it’s also reality.
Maybe not, but some people who have compromised immune systems and/or breathing problems definently might. Not to mention that while it might not affect economics, a lot of people wont quite as ok with grandma and grandpa(or even mom and dad since this affects people even in their 50's) dying just because Trump wanted the economy to improve so doesn't look like the incompetent and cataclysmic fuck he really is since the economy was the ONLY thing he had that made him look even moderately competent.
I’m in the camp that there were two and only two reasons trump wanted the economy back: 1) the better the economy, the better his chances for re-election; 2) him, as well as his friends on Wall Street, would financially benefit from it
If that's all Trump cares about they should expose his geriatric ass to the virus, and then when he complains explain that this is for the economy since it will be better off when his dumbass isn't managing it.
I mean...he doesn't hide it for shit. I'll link it when I find it again, but someone listed a page showing that Trump owns stock in the company that manufactures that new drug he's peddling by way of Kushner I think.
You mean this one? Trump has a distant financial link to a pharma giant that makes the drug he's been pushing to fight COVID-19 — but it's probably worth less than $1,000 Or this one: Trump’s promotion of hydroxychloroquine is almost certainly about politics, not profits Even the outlets that hate Trump have backed off from that claim. Ryan whatever the fuck his last name is from the RMMB wrote a great book on this....Get your story out first and loudest, people are simple and they remember a great headline without reading the whole story. I have an honest question. Does anyone here genuinely believe that Trump pulled some random drug name out of his ass and touted it as a possible cure? Is it even remotely possible that maybe he has people advising him about such matters? I know the governor of Nevada and Michigan immediately took hydroxychlorquine off the table as a possible treatment because Trump suggested it. That's awesome....someone is dying of a new disease, lets take one drug that may be useful off the table because even though we're not doctors, we hate Trump. It's sad that a fucking pandemic has become political bullshit, but that's where we are as a country. It's not going to get any better.
They ONLY reason I believe he's pushing it is that he's got the vocabulary of a 7th grader and the memory of a goldfish, so for him to spout it off as often as he did in his press conferences, while pushing Fauci aside, just doesn't add up. i did hear that the pharma boss did pay $1 million to get to talk to Trump though... https://truthout.org/articles/hydro...ion-dollar-contract-with-former-trump-lawyer/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/poli...hen-hefty-sum-for-access-to-trump/ar-BB12eeHz
No, someone probably mentioned it was being tested somewhere (as they are no doubt testing all manner of anti-virals) and Trump just immediately went into his hype-man routine calling it the biggest and most beautiful thing ever. Once he had done that, he's committed, and he can't ever back down from it, so he needs it to be the miracle cure he touted it to be. He especially needs it to work out because then he can say that he had the answer all along and that if people had just listened to him all those lives lost would have been saved. The alternative is that he accepts responsibility for a completely botched response. I've never believed that money factored into it (except to the degree that it's possible the idea was originally planted by someone who had a financial interest).
I think it was definitely one of these since the mentioned sum was in the millions. In either case, there's no reason to not test this shit thoroughly to make it doesn't kill people at least(I'm not even gonna indulge the idea that this isn't snake oil bullshit and will just hope it's at least harmless snake oil bullshit). I can definitely see all of this being true as well.