Also, the drug he's been "promoting" as the miracle cure has been on the market forever and has multiple generics available. So it most certainly is not money but more than likely just a hype job so that he can act like he's some kind of savior.
OK. So Boo! for Trump for talking out his ass about a drug that might possibly help because even though he doesn't have a stake in the company, he's not a medical Doctor. Got it. How do y'all feel about the governors (Who are not Doctors) of Michigan and Nevada completely taking the drug off the table as a possible treatment because Trump suggested it?
Looks like the Governor's office issued a clarification once it was brought to their attention. There is currently no ban in Michigan.
On an unrelated note, can I say the 5 minutes or so Joe Biden has taken to address the nation during this crisis has been so inspirational? They're really taking that minimal exposure strategy to the finish line, aren't they? Fuck man, just pretape some shit and run with it.
Did anyone see the absolute bitch slap that Cuomo gave Trump yesterday? I’m not a fan of either one of them, but I like Trumonthe least, which is to say not at all. His conduct throughout this crisis has been completely unhinged while Cuomo is the voice of calm reassurance. And he completely eviscerated The Donald yesterday.
I don’t even think that would help make him seem coherent. Trump is going to win just on the basis of not being completely senile like Biden.
I think we are about to see and pay the penalty for a service economy. The value of a service is subjective: some people pay $150 for a haircut, some people wish Sport Clips had a discount section. The manufacturing economy had a more objective value chain. The upside of the service economy is higher (some people would pay $250 for the same haircut) the downside is....less so (I'll do it myself, so no value in the service whatsoever). The key piece of the service economy is velocity: some stuff I just dont have time to do, so I pay someone to do it. we have a lot more time at home, and paying for some of that stuff isnt coming back, or at least at the same strength. This economic recovery may hinge on more protectionist and isolationist policy, and that puts us further away from "America first".
Hey, we're still trading. Just taking more deals that benefit workers instead of only investors. It's protectionist, but it's not that commy centrally planned embargo shit that always ends in disaster.
If that’s the case, you probably shouldn’t call your campaign “America First” if you pick Sarah Palin as your running mate.
I wonder president Deals McBigly feels about oil prices today. I was told he cut a deal with Saudi to cut production.
Meh, his wording is pretty Trumpian, but we (Canada) have done the same. For us it's not about racism, or immigration issues, it's about "we're restricting travel and exposure and spread".
We're already pretty locked down, and immigration services are basically only processing green card renewals at the moment anyway. This is about throwing red meat to his base because every other argument for his re-election is falling apart. If he were smarter he would have phrased it purely as a COVID-related measure, but he can't help but give the game away when he throws out the old "immigrants stealing jobs" canard; it's about riling up anti-immigrant sentiment like he has from the outset, and nothing more. It's also relevant that Canada's actions have been congruous: they're taking the disease seriously, they're taking all reasonable measures to slows its spread, and they also just so happen to be bordering a petri dish to the South, which goes a long way toward explaining their attitude toward the border at the moment. Trump meanwhile is practically instructing his base to violate lawful orders from state authorities in an effort to stop measures to address the spread, and yet feels the disease is so serious it warrants an immigration shutdown? That's not a coherent policy, that's nativism.
Suspending immigration during a pandemic is a reason to call republicans racist, now? Reaching deep, aren't we?
Not reaching deep at all, he's been virulently anti-immigrant since his campaign. Notice he isn't saying "due to COVID I am suspending all travel" or "I'm actually taking this shit seriously and am encouraging my followers to follow local directives because we're already so infected that community transmission between US citizens is a far greater risk than any immigrants that may or may not come into the country," he's saying "LIBERATE MINNESOTA" and "we need to protect jobs from immigrants."
I mean, travel and immigration are not the same thing. Besides if people aren't supposed to leave their homes, why would we allow immigration? Hell I cant even go to Connecticut or Rhode Island without being mandated to quarantine for 14 days when I return. And with a very high number of people that will be looking for work, why should those jobs go to immigrants? This should have been done two months ago and Im surprised the H1-B visa program hasn't been suspended for new applicants yet. There are things to take issue with; suspending immigration isnt one of them. Also AOC continues to be the most retarded member of Congress. Celebrating the the crash of oil has got to be one of the most short-sighted things a proponent of a green energy movement could do. Now green energy developments are prohibitively more expensive than the price-per-barrel of crude. What a complete moron.
Why can’t a single DNC member say to her “Stupid little girl, you are humiliating us. Resign and shut your gigantic Shetland pony mouth.” Just imagine how many people refuse to be a democrat simply because they want no association with her. She is a poisoned pill. And she deleted the post, which means she likes to diarrhea whatever thought she gets and then ditch it like a golf mulligan.