I agree that it might be smart to suspend immigration at this time. But why is it so dangerous right now that we need to suspend immigration and limit international travel, but not dangerous enough that social mitigation measures are being lifted after a few weeks? I fully get that since a lot of Americans are out of work to not allow international applicants to have jobs here. Its not so much the policy, but the timing and surrounding language behind the announcing of the policies. It's hard for me to see any GOP policy as anything other than bad faith efforts designed to stoke racism and "owning liberals".
If the assumption is always that the opposition is operating in bad-faith, then whats the point of questioning the motives in the first place? Its a probably easier to just conclude that the federal government only has control over US territory, and given the lack of consistently applied policies between other countries, its a reasonable measure of risk reduction. Sure, policies between states are inconsistent as well, but that really has nothing to do with immigration. Okay, and?
The timing is the middle of a pandemic, dude. There couldn't be a time it was more justified. Is there any time the left wouldn't be making these weak as fuck accusations of racism? No, there isn't.
Because as mentioned, USCIS has already suspended most activities. The main thing they're still doing is processing extensions remotely, which makes complete sense because forcing someone to pick up and leave the country right now is just another potential vector, as opposed to them sheltering in place like the rest of US residents. They've also maintained the ability for immigrants to work in the agricultural sector because our food supply depends on them. The last time a state tried to eliminate immigrant farm workers it led to millions in unharvested crops, and I certainly haven't seen the escalade-driving protest set clamoring for these jobs. Trump tweeting about "suspending immigration" late at night isn't policy, it's just him going back to his greatest hits to rile up his base because everything else is failing.
This exactly is a great example of why it's helpful not to be a racist piece of shit. Because when you are a racist piece of shit for so long, there comes a time when you need to do something that might be good policy, but you don't have any credibility because you've spent too much time being a racist piece of shit. People who think/thought Obama was born in Kenya don't have any credibility in this realm, nor do they deserve the benefit of the doubt. And again, Trump needs the racists to show up at the polls in November in huge numbers. He is still depending on them and the people who don't really care about the racism.
Is there something you can point to that says they’re planning to boot existing green card and visa holders? Because all I’ve seen of the proposal is a 120 suspension of new applications.
They're not planning to, which is why they're still processing extensions. If you're asking if Trump is planning to, I don't think he's planning to do anything, he's just tweeting anti-immigrant rhetoric because that's what got him elected last time.
FFS, this race crap didn't work last time, and it isn't going to work now. You have nothing to point to except your feelings, dog whistling, bullshit, bullshit, and more bullshit. America doesn't give a fuck. Healthcare, climate change, his horrid leadership in relation to the states during covid=win. This culture war nonsense is how you lose because you sound like histrionic jackasses. When there is a policy or something tangible other than your 'interpretation' then run with it. Until then stop playing into his hands because that is exactly what they are doing right now. This shouldn't be hard, but goddamn the left really can't help themselves.
Weird as it may sound, I'm not writing on a messageboard with a regular membership of less than two dozen as an election strategy. I'm saying he's a racist because he is a racist, and I don't particularly care what you think about it.
I'm speaking about the democrats as a whole, but it doesn't matter anyway. They'll never learn, they'll never stop. Just keep taking a big bit every time Trump throws the bait out. Sigh.
Trump is a cult. He will have temples in in his name some day. They are never waving “Republican” or “Conservatives” flags at these gatherings of fat-asses. It never says “GOP” on their bumper stickers, hats, even tattoos. It’s his name, and nobody else. Like any cult, it’s a bunch of naive, watered-down, low-intelligence, and utterly pigheaded people that bought into something so hard that it would be basically a sin to call themselves wrong for doing it.
Had someone come into my work wearing this fucking thing. https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/2...VqdSzCh1CxghbEAQYAiABEgJJ9PD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Thankfully my supervisor was the one who took because I wanted to fucking spit in his face.
That’s assault brotha’ and with Covid you’d be looking at a trumped, haha, charge. If that shirt gets you to the point you want to spit in someone’s face you’re giving the TDS mantra credence.
Dude, I'm glad you're Canadian. You're right, Trump is the closest we've had to a cult of personality. We love electing celebrities for some reason. That said, not everyone who believes in his bullshit is dumb. And believing in his bullshit doesn't automatically paint you a racist, sexist, whatever. On my walk around yesterday, the dude with the Trump flag flying is an old, chubby black dude....not his core demographic, from what I can understand. This conflict is what Trump thrives on, it's what he desperately needs. If we can somehow push past the point of saying "Trump's a racist piece of shit, and you're an idiot for believing in him", he loses. The cacophony of the conflict around him right now is the only thing drowning out the deafening silence of his inadequacy, inability to lead or govern and failures. Dude is a troll and a bully, and the only way he keeps ahead of actual jail time is by keeping enough constituents riled up to be used as a weapon.
I like the ones that say Liberty Guns Beer Texas. But they keep adding letters to it and I don't want a shirt that's no longer relevant.
The dems would win so, so fucking easily if they could just embrace what DND said. Drop the false sense of superiority, already. Especially when they nominate senile people. Try "I have something better to offer" instead of "Fuck you, you racist dumbshit motherfucker." One of these works better than the other.