I firmly maintain that I rarely get sick because I sterilize my insides with alcohol on a daily basis.
I wonder how much this has to do with the lawsuit Amazon filed against tRump. https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/a...allegations-against-trump-tech-091445940.html
I would go with "all of it." Plus his dislike of the washington post, which bezos owns. He's using presidental powers in an attempt to settle personal grievances. And we're the ones who will be paying more for amazon purchases if they get charged more for deliveries. Not sure a rising cost on all those amazon boxes his supporters get will net him more votes. It's a bold move.
This has been a long running thing. Trump blames Bezos for the Washington Post's coverage of him (because that's what he would do if he owned a newspaper) and as a result has been attacking Amazon any way he can in retaliation. One of the ways he's come up with is to try to force the USPS to charge Amazon more for shipping packages.
What percentage of Amazon packages are delivered by the USPS? In all the years ive ordered frkm Amazon I can only think if a few instances (almost all were from a third party) where the item wasn't delivered by UPS or an Amazon owned truck
The majority of our Amazon packages come USPS. Every now and then an Amazon seller will send via UPS. We're kinda in the boonies, so I bet it's the cheapest option for Amazon.
It’s certainly a good thing that no Trump supporters work in the Postal Industry, they’d be upset to see such a disgusting portrayal of politics just to settle some pathetic and petty personal feud that their hero has. of course, and Trump supporter working the post office is no doubt having a reaction akin to “Yeah, Amazon, what the fuck? Just pay the extra fees so I can get my money!” I can’t help but notice the trashing of Trudeau from Trump supporters suddenly dead stopped during the crisis. I’m guessing it’s because Trudeau doesn’t pull stunts based on what his childish tantrums tell him to do, and they wish they had that right now.
I like how trump's aids convinced him to stop doing the daily briefings because he was fucking up his re-election chances. Gonna miss that daily dose of comedy though
I'm just amazed that he thought removing Fauci from the daily briefings was a good thing. For anyone.
The USPS is constitutionally mandated to provide service to all Americans. Unless they're willing to radically increase prices for all services to rural Americans, which runs afoul of that initial principle, or ban any competition to the USPS whatsoever, which seems completely unworkable, taking what revenue they can from the last mile delivery is their only option. The entire system is, largely by design, a subsidy for rural residents.
And just for further entertainment: He deleted and reposted the second tweet to fix the "hamberger" spelling, but as yet appears not to have noticed that he misspelled "Nobel" four times. ...and that there is no Nobel Prize for journalism.
I don't know what choice USPS has though. FedEx and UPS could always just do most of the transit themselves, and then just mail the packages the last mile like anyone else. Unless USPS jacks up the prices for delivery to rural areas, or somehow bans UPS and FedEx from the bulk of their business, I don't know what else they can do.
So, apparently worried that merely signing the checks wouldn't have enough propaganda value because a lot of people have direct deposit, the White House is apparently sending everyone who got the $1,200 via direct deposit a letter signed by Trump. Got mine today. What a fucking shitbird.