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Elephants and Jackasses...

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by Nettdata, Oct 14, 2016.

  1. Revengeofthenerds

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    ER Frequent Flyer Platinum Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    how much do you think that cost and what did the letter say?

    oh man just the printing costs associated with that has to be astronomical. What the fuck?
  2. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
  3. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    I got mine today too. I framed it.
  4. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    I'm sure happy that the worst thing happening in politics in this country is the government giving us $1200.

    It would sure suck if there were allegations of sexual assault against a candidate for president. Surely that would cause some discussion like when Kavanaugh was nominated. Pages and pages of links, allegations and vitriol.

    Yep. Sure glad there's nothing more serious going on.
  5. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Yeah, there's nothing at all corrupt and worth discussing about the President using the IRS for his re-election campaign.
  6. Revengeofthenerds

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    ER Frequent Flyer Platinum Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    like Oprah but instead of passing out cars he’s passing out campaign finance violations
  7. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    You mean like Obama did?

    I'm just legitimately shocked that when there are sexual assault allegations against a major political candidate, for president at that, that y'all aren't discussing it ad nauseam.

    Why is that?
  8. kindalas

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 19, 2009
    Ottawa Canada

    I know we should be talking about this:


    And this,

    And this one.

    And this one about the 13 year old that Epstein, who didn't commit suicide, provided him.

    Because I don't know how all of these things get brushed under the table so easily, by the very people who are screaming at the top of their lungs about Biden.

    It is like I don't take your false outrage seriously in any way whatsoever.
  9. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    Perfect answer. Thank you. There have been years of allegations against Trump and they have been brought up over and over again on this board with plenty of outrage and believe all women hyperbole.

    Now there are allegations against Biden and it's nothing,. Because there's been allegations against Trump.

    That's why I've never taken your false outrage seriously.
  10. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    If you're referring to the IRS targeting "scandal," then no, Obama did not. It was initiated inside the IRS and did not come from the White House. It targeted both conservative and liberal groups. And it found more conservative groups because, surprise surprise, they were breaking the law more frequently.

    It's probably a combination of:
    1. We're all still waiting for there to be a "there" there before getting riled up. No meaningful media organization, not even Fox News, seems to want to run with this story, and after reading the piece the New York Times did it seems clear they weren't able to corroborate the story in any meaningful way. If something else comes out, fine, but unless that happens it seems pretty clear that this story is going to die on the vine for lack of evidence, and is only being pushed right now by people who clearly don't actually care about sexual assault, and just want to either hurt Biden's chances or get revenge for the perceived slight against Kavanaugh.
    2. The sitting President literally has a wikipedia page solely dedicated to the sexual assault allegations against him and it didn't seem to bother ya'll none, so it's not like sinking Joe Biden is going to prevent a rapist from getting into the Oval Office.
  11. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    It took nothing but allegations against Kavanaugh to get y'all riled up and then post every "Breaking news" link about him. Including him being in a rape gang.

    The last I read there were two corroborating witnesses supporting Reade's allegations and supposedly a call from her mother uncovered to CNN's Larry King. No one corroborated the claims against Kavanaugh, yet this board was updated constantly.

    I'm not saying the claims against Biden are legitimate, I just find the response from folks here compared to allegations against others....interesting.
  12. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    You can look up every post I've made in this thread with the word "Kavanaugh" in it. The majority of what I focused on was his perjury during his confirmation hearing. Beyond that I posted the link to the original Ronan Farrow story in which Ford first came forward (and noted at the time that I was paying closer attention due to Farrow's reputation as a journalist in these matters). I said several times that I did not know if he was guilty of the assault or not, and the closest I ever came to saying he was guilty was that I found Ford's testimony more credible than his (due to the aforementioned multiple lies while under oath).
  13. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    You know damn good well that the anger on the right here isn't about Biden's actions but the rank intergalactic fucking hypocrisy reaction from the left, democrats, and the media in this instance. The more measured "well lets wait and see what the facts show" is a complete one 180 from just about every angle that happened with how they treated Kavanaugh. The NYT article on Joe says they found that she did tell people at the time (an action that by #metoo standards means she's credible and to be believed) and waffled and said because they couldn't find a pattern of behaviour further investigation wasn't needed. As if since because it's a single accusation and not a chorus line it doesn't fucking matter (way to cheapen sexual assault victims NYT!).The press ran with the college party penis on forehead story when even the accuser's witness said they didn't remember it happening. Not to mention the gang rape and rape parties allegations. Whhhhat they want to have a more measure response this time around to save journalistic integrity? How. Fucking. Convenient.
  14. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    I would say yes, you treat allegations against a former VP, and presumptive nominee different than Kavanaugh.

    One, if these allegations had weight...why now? Why not in 2008, or 2016? Biden has been in the public eye for a LONG time, so this just lingers until....what? What's more likely: these allegations went unheard for damned near 3 decades and she somehow was only overcome by guilt and shame when he's the presumptive nominee, or that there's been a massive search for dirt on Biden, this was the best that could be found and they are rolling with it to see if people believe it? Especially after 4 years of Trump "I'll accuse them of shit that I've actually done" tactics?

    Two, Kavanaugh was a Supreme Court appointment hijacked from Obama, that had never really been under any scrutiny before. He wasn't exactly the most qualified of folks for the gig, from what I can remember. This was early on in Trump's tenure and demonstrated the "high caliber" folks he hires. It's much more likely that they failed to address these allegations in his vetting process, and this was legitimately the first time they had been brought to light. Also, I think this was a pretty vivid demonstration of the difference in standards we're holding folks to. Think about college in the 1980's: a lot of things that were acceptable then are not acceptable now (blackface, for example). The Kavanaugh case was the first time I can think of where the divide between "frat boy shenanigans" that were acceptable then and current values have clashed so vividly. The way he handled himself was fucking pathetic as well, and it made for a lot of wild political theatre.

    Three, between the Kavanaugh allegations and Trump's recorded "grab em by the pussy" bit, somehow we are in a world where sexual assault doesn't preclude you from public office on the GOP side. Just noting that, because it's fucking mind-blowing.

    Four, if given the choice between Biden and four more years of Trump, I think you're going to have to do a LOT better than sexual assault in 93 to convince me that Biden is unfit for public office, when President Tide Pod has audio out there of "grab em by the pussy", 3 wives and a porn star he paid off. Call it hypocrisy if you want, I don't think people give a fuck.
  15. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Just to be fair, Trump has paid off more than one whore during his recent marriage. And probably more than two. And given the heat Clinton received for getting a who-cares blowjob; that should count for something, but it doesn’t count for anything whatsoever.

    I guess everybody in America needs to stop pretending that sex scandals bother them, because they obviously don’t.
  16. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    I think we're rapidly entering a phase where people's sex lives are more accessible, and we're going to have to de-stigmatize some of that in a big way.

    I think in the next few years, yeah you could find evidence that a representative took nudes for their partner, or bought sex toys, or gasp...had extramarital sex. I think about some shit I posed on Facebook in college about girls, titties or something that wouldn't reflect well on me today. AOC's college dance video is another example: next go-round might be nudes she posted on Reddit a decade ago, and I don't see a reason for outrage anymore. It's a shitty thing to do to a political opponent, and I think the repercussions of that will soon outweigh the benefits.

    I'm not saying allegations of sexual assault should be dismissed, but I also think this is a very dangerous trap for candidates. Hard to prove/disprove, no statute of limitations, ugly personal conflicts and a lot of SJW debate that ultimately amounts to fuck all (apparently) in terms of legal repercussions. One could argue that a female candidate is inherently less susceptible to this, and thus more appealing. However, if the allegations are unfounded, it exposes the worst kind of politics, that blows back pretty hard.

    Sex scandals=highly entertaining. That bit is just not going away.
  17. kindalas

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 19, 2009
    Ottawa Canada
    As opposed to now where Jacob Wohl is the best example of that behavior?
  18. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Well, that’s a shame because they’re boring and more often than not, none of anybody’s fucking business. More than ever people are concerned with the private lives of others, judging them on cheating when in our hearts we’re all perverts who watch porn and have secret fetishes.

    Back in the 90’s not only did I know that your president’s dick was bent, but also which direction his shaft veered off. The fact that shit has gone downhill from there is astonishing.

    Sex scandals are brought up only because somebody can work it to their advantage in politics or media. Once the opportunity is fine, the flames are removed from the feet. Most people could give a shit if any real victims were involved, they saw a chance to smite their enemy and they pounced on it.
  19. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    I won’t mine the thread for your earlier positions on this in regards to Kavanaugh but I will say your sentiment posted today is at odds in its entirety to the #metoo movement and the justifications at the time for Christine Blasey Ford coming forward. Not that I don’t mind people changing their stances to a measured middle of the road stance, done far too infrequently in today’s age, it’s just hard for me to square this stance with the popular stance at the time.
  20. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    Shrug. Not sure what your point is.

    The outcome of the Ford/Kavanaugh set of allegations isn't exactly great: the Senate confirmed a Supreme Court Justice, essentially ignoring allegations of sexual assault. Said justice was nominated by a President with a well-documented history of sexual issues, from assault, to improprieties, to improper use of campaign funds paying for a cover-up of a tryst. It sends the message that sexual assault doesn't disqualify you from executive-level public service, and it absolutely should...upon conviction. It also sends the message that these men are free from consequence, and that is damaging. I think the "under the surface" outcome is it changes their vetting process, and it wouldn't surprise me if other figures failed confirmation due to similar circumstances of potential allegations, and I think that provides a benefit to female candidates. Lastly, it sends the message that the court of public opinion is the only place where the accusers can win, and it encourages them to go to the New York Times with their allegations before going to the police, which makes the whole thing worse.

    Also, the way the man responded was simply awful and should have disqualified him from serving on the SC alone. The image of this weeping man-baby crying about his frat boy douchebaggery gone wrong destroys his credibility. Not saying there's a right way to respond, but God damn that was the wrong one.

    Also, also....remember that Kavanaugh's seat was supposed to go to Merrick Garland. McConnell played some dirty tactics to get that pick given to Trump, and I'm not surprised equally dirty tactics got used in response. Shitty on both sides, and I think we can all agree we were better off with the appointment and confirmation process not being turned into political theatre, but that's where we were. Where we are now is a wildly different world, and unfortunately when it comes to sexual assault, not a better one.

    I maintain that allegations against Biden, who's been in the public eye since the 1990's, coming to the forefront now, as opposed to Kavanaugh, which happened when he first assumed a publicly prominent role, are two very different things and need to be treated differently.

    I don't recall associating myself with the #metoo movement, as it seems wildly reactionary and to paraphrase Dave Chappelle, 'not conducive to lasting peace', especially as it continued to play out against folks like Aziz Ansari. I can get behind a movement acting against men in powerful positions abusing said position in the form of letting them have sexually inappropriate relationships with staff and underlings, or using company resources for whoring. That's holding them accountable to the same standards as the rest of the company, so to speak.

    Bottom line, this shit is all very sticky. These allegations, the investigations, there's a lot of things to wade through, and facts are fleeting. It was gross when it happened to Clinton (the textbook definition of witch-hunt), it wasn't better when it happened to folks like Kavanaugh or Franken and it will continue to suck when it gets deployed against Biden. It's an ugly tactic and I think we're rapidly approaching the point where using it costs more than it pays out.