I agree, but the GOP would never allow PR to become a state. Because then they also get 2 senators and congress rep or 2.
I’ve got nothing in this. But if you guys want a pinnacle example of “Not In America”, behold: https://apple.news/Avr8HWbPySOuLCyPuHgoeKw ...I’m sorry, I still do not know what constitutes as an “assault rifle”. Can somebody help me out here? I am sensing a dark, cloudy and polarizing storm approaching in Canada and we all have enough shit oozing out of our ears.
I'm no gun expert, but based on my understanding of multiple all-caps posts on reddit, an "assault rifle" is a long barrel gun with a select fire mode, and an "assault weapon" is a thing that doesn't exist.
Theyre both made up words congressional cretins dreamed up to confuse and stample on constitutional rights in the states now spread worldwide. In short it's what ever they want it to mean. Trudea had to show how much bigger a vergina(tm) he has compared to the New Zealand PM.
I really hope this is one of those times where I'm just in an internet bubble that won't translate to the real world, but listening to Bernie supporters talk about the general election is fucking exhausting. It's just a cornucopia of absolutely terrible takes that will fuck over the rest of us without actually moving them even one inch closer to their goals. It's so fucking counter-productive it's maddening.
Hate to break it to you, but as a Canadian, listening to ALL you fuckers talk about the election and the Red vs Blue shit is fucking exhausting.
Can I ask what Bernie supporters it is that you're always listening to? I can't tell if you're upset they aren't so hot on Biden, or if you've been following the stupidest motherfucker on reddit for the last 6 months.
Good for him. It’s about time the smart people of your country started holding those fuckers feet in the flames. I can’t wait to here what they spin against Bright. Automatically they can’t use the excuse that they knew better than him, so... they have nothing.
They'll say he's lying, or exaggerating, or otherwise making this up and the few remaining trump supporters will eat it up without question. I follow a lot of gun blogs and the like, and even people on there think that trump is getting destroyed in november. They see what's happening in Canada with them taking the pandemic as an opportunity to grab all the guns, and they're just like yeah well trump is fucking this up for us so hopefully the dems just don't like what they see up north?
The liberals are polling incredibly high here. Skyrocket high. The pandemic didn’t trigger the gun-grab as much as the worst mass shooting in our country’s history did. Not my area, but seems extremely abrupt to me.
Only by the government itself. I have to go renew my licensing at some point, and now there's talk about banning handguns. I'll not be a happy camper if that goes through.
In that case, this is already getting out of hand. Explain the benefit banning handguns to somebody like the victim of a home invasion. ...meanwhile, telling criminals they can’t have guns has as much of an effect as “This is a gun-free zone”. To my understanding, handgun laws are already crazy-strict in Ontario. Are you even allowed to stop for fuel while transporting one?
I don't think we are gonna see a gun grab here. Its political poison. As long as Feinstein keeps her mouth shut, it shouldn't be a major issue this election.
No, I don’t think that will happen. I doubt I’ll see it in my lifetime in your country without an incredible, unheard of social change. The response from citizens in your country... I can’t even imagine how large and how upset it would be. The thing I keep telling people.... liberals own guns. Democrats own guns. Lots of them. These people who blindly crusade against them never consider shit like that, and they should.
that’s what I’ll never understand about gun regulation to this extent. You’re regulating guns for law abiding citizens only. Criminals don’t care. The fucktard who murdered people in Nova Scotia used a firearm that was already illegal in Canada. All firearm regulation is doing is hurting people like you. Want to require a more extensive background process, more licensing, mandatory safety courses etc? Sure, go ahead, whatever makes you sleep at night. I have nothing to hide. But don’t prohibit me from owning something in an attempt to make bad guys go away. I’m not one of them, and if I was, I wouldn’t follow the rules anyway.