Every time I hear someone trot out the old "everybody loved him until he ran for President as a Republican, and suddenly he's Hitler" canard, I respond with "have you ever met a New Yorker?"
Joe: This never happened, show me the documents. Court filings at the time regarding the incident. It's of note this court document from Reade's ex husband is harder documentation than anything Christine Blasey Ford ever brought forward. It's just a matter of time before the left and media come to god and pivot to the ol' "We need to give people a path for redemption." Like after Coonman Northam of Virginia was caught wearing blackface. Your move Joe.
I recall the Northam situation being more like: White liberals: It's 2019, I can't believe we still have racism like this! Black Democrats: We can believe it. We'll stick with the blackface dude. White liberals: Wait, what? Really? Black Democrats: Really. We've seen the alternative.
Things are going to get ugly if he loses in November. Also worth noting for context: the "voting booth" he is referring to was requested by the Republican Mayor and granted by the County Board of Elections.
Preparing for calling this a "fake election." There's gonna be shootings over this. I wish I was exaggerating but this is what I actually think is gonna happen. Fortunately, it's california, and they only allow 10 freedom pills per magazine. So that should help. /s
AOC will co-chair Biden’s climate change task force. first bit of news I can remember seeing involving AOC that actually makes me happy. Other than her numerous pot shots about trump’s golfing. But that’s just low hanging fruit at this point. Imo stuff like this is her lane. She’s very smart, and there is potential for her when she can focus on her intellectual skill and ability to reason and question (like the kauvanaugh hearings).
No one cares. The standard is Biden is a democrat and Kavanaugh was a republican, therefore Kavanaugh did it and Biden did not. That's the only standard that was applied to either of these. If there was even the tiniest bit of interest in considering these cases based on the credibility of the accusations we would have seen it by now.
Wasn’t that the whole point of the Tara Reade accusation? To put forth an obviously false and constantly changing accusation so that when various democrats call bullshit on it, the whole “believe all women” policy can be thrown immediately back in their faces and essentially put a nail in the coffin of the metoo movement? At this point, anything short of video evidence will be insufficient and any new accusations against Trump or whoever won’t mean anything. The whole playbook is to muddy the water to the point where no one knows anything anymore. And people fall for it.
I mean, unless he actually is guilty. I don't think that was the point of the accusation, but I do think that's the point of the reaction to it. Zero winners in any of it.
And how do you automatically know it's false? Exactly. Reade's accusation is way more believable than Ford's and actually has evidence of claims going back to the time it happened. Ford's had none of that, but your reaction was 100% the opposite. Thank you for proving my point.
Besides, "believe all women" was always a really stupid position. This reminds of free speech limits, or any of the other idiotic new age justicey types of demands jackasses make. They're always so great until they too have to deal with the consequences of their dumbass policy. Then it suddenly becomes totally unreasonable and unfair.
I am withholding judgement until an expert weighs in on this. I don't know that CNN has sought comment from Greta Thunberg on this subject yet, until then, I will stay tuned. In a separate political matter, where is the media on the Russiagate conspiracy issue? It seems we are learning that all the hubbub about unmasking U.S. citizens from Obama Administration officials in the early days of the investigation was much ado about nothing.I was really worried because back at the beginning of this I was told how rare it truly was for U.S. citizens to be unmasked. Thankfully, James Clapper is in the pundits chair to correct the record and tell us that unmasking and spying on U.S. citizens was pretty routine. Furthermore, now these unmaskings are occurring at a rate of 10,000 cases per year. I so enjoy learning more and more about the creeping death of Liberty brought about by unchecked Federal power.
The spying was on foreign enemies that happened to have caught Flynn talking to them. Not spying on Flynn to capture info on others. I know that seems like a small difference, but its not.
I don't really care about the political tit-for-tat. I want the FISA court closed. Enough is enough. Government cannot be trusted to do the right thing with this kind of power over American's constitution rights. My only concern is as it always has been, the media is politically motivated and not covering the story correctly. Falsification of applications, destruction of evidence leading up to spying on U.S. citizens is something all of Americans need to understand but because this instance is so politicized the media is obfuscating.
I mean that’s cool and everything, and I agree with you on a larger scale about general government intrusion. But it’s not a tit for tat. It’s a real legal difference.