The countries involved in the TPP discussions were: Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, Singapore, Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, the United States, and Vietnam. Such trade deals can also be used to enforce worker/environmental protections and reduce or eliminate the kind of shenanigans you're talking about. US leadership in the area would make that more likely; Chinese leadership much less so.
The beast recently granted an interview with some feeble man. He discusses The Apprentice, as well as his plan to kill all the people he/we don't like. Worth checking out. Aetius, you might want to cover your eyes. He and Brady are tight. I can't believe he's never had a drink. He sure seems like a drinking man. Must be one of those things he feels very bigly strongly about.
We have not been having free trade with China. More 'free trade' with China is not the answer. This is basically what I was trying to say, if I could, uh, articulate myself properly. What kind of free trade deal do you want though? The conventional wisdom regarding trade is more in line with what I think Aetius' beliefs are. I'm still kind of confused as to what sort of approach you think the US should take. These ideas would be considered radical to a lot of people, and there's a plethora of doomsday and economic chaos theories thrown out. I strongly disagree, although the approaches I've outlined earlier in the thread might be too aggressive. The fearful thinking that we need to snatch up agreements, or lose our power on the world stage is very dangerous to me. NAFTA bothers me, and it needs to be reworked, but the future ramifications of a lack of response to China's manipulations, and economic direction towards the US are much more concerning. They've been taking advantage of presidents like Obama and Bush, who frankly, have not been very good economists.
Now that Castro is dead, what are the odds that Miami stops fucking up national elections by being single issue voters on something literally no one else in the country gives a shit about?
Yet here she is jumping in with Jill Stein for the recount effort: Even Obama doesn't buy it: I'm to the point now with American politics that nothing surprises me anymore. It is pretty clear that there is some sort of outside influence pushing Jill Stein along. What interest does she actually have with a recount? Is she trying to make sure her 1% of the vote was legitimate? The reality is that this is being pushed by big business interests; you don't just magically raise $6 million dollars in 48 hours for a recount effort from the people, that isn't real. I'm sure Wall St, Big Pharma and the influence of George Soros are playing a huge part in this and their fingerprints all over this. For Jill Stein's sake, I hope the payoff is worth it. She is toast after this. What is the likelihood that this election is overturned?
Likelihood is near zero, and Clinton knows that, and said as much in her statement. Once the recount starts however, it would be improper for any of the campaigns to not participate, just to ensure the recount is validated as correct by all parties.
I didn't watch the video, but from what I've read is the reason they're pushing it is there are anomalies between the electronic votes and the paper ballots. Heh, yeah anomalies never happen.
It gives Stein exposure and pushes one of the Green Party planks which is Fair Elections. If the recount turns up something, then it's an opening for the Greens to push their electoral reforms; if the recount turns up nothing, then she gets a ton of press and the Greens can put the excess donations towards their other Fair Election initiatives. There's basically no downside for Stein.
AND it's to satisfy the kooky side of the liberal base. No demonstration of Clinton's malfeasance in the wikileaks. The Clinton foundation was complicated and misunderstood. The white house is filling up with nazis. LOL Trump talked about Hillary rigging an election. No wait, Trump rigged the election. How many liberals actually think a recount is needed? Probably not very many, but it's best to just let them do it and put this election behind us, even if it's an unnecessary hassle. The bigger issue by far was whether or not Trump would fully pursue charges against Clinton. She definitely deserves to go to prison, but it's not worth it because the denialists will fucking panic. You're talking about people who read through the entire wall-street speeches and just couldn't figure it out. Trump has all but definitively said he's going to let it go, thankfully. And yeah, I agree, it really is good press for the Green Party. When you're that small getting attention for anything perceived as pro-liberal is a boon. Not that I think it will happen anytime soon, but I hope the large disparity between the popular vote and the electoral college keeps the momentum for a straight popular vote moving forward. It would be nice to see a general election with all 50 states in play. Not that this was my prediction per se, but - YEP.
While we're on the topic of illegal shit, I found it interesting that Trump's campaign promises about military action in the Middle East are closer to the Allied indictment of Japanese war criminals than it is to any previous stated US policy. Change at any cost™
Highly unlikely. The argument put forth is that differences in voting patterns since the change from paper to electronic ballots is indicative of tampering or ballot machines not interpreting the votes accurately. There is no evidence of either actually occurring, so it boils down to a "correlation = causation" argument and its silly for Clinton to attach herself to it, but I suppose she has nothing to lose at this point other than any shreds of integrity shes grasping onto. Any actual findings would be nothing but blind luck, and would take quite a while to validate. Far beyond Trump's inauguration date, anyway. CNN is the only network really making this a headline, for obvious reasons. Donald Trump is now quoting infowars tweets to claim that an election he won was rigged. This country is an absolute embarrassment.
Yep, their FAQ is awesome. One of their best selling products was another Black Friday sale of a box of bullshit. Seriously... people paid money to have an actual box full of bullshit delivered to them.
Kind of has been since Bush. He's referring to this, also known as the ongoing battle between republicans trying to suppress voters and the democrats trying to get anyone who will vote for them to the polls, with total disregard for who they are. I don't have a whole lot of confidence in the numbers that study concluded(they're too high if anything), but however you figure it you aren't going to get anywhere near 2 million for any election. Then there was the incident where he and Pence got triggered by some triggered SJW artists in New York. Overall, I like most of what he has been saying since winning the election, but goddamn if these 4 years aren't going to be NUTS.