Toytoy, isn't Vegas a ghost town right now? Shit, Vegas has NEVER been representative of the average population of the USA. WE NEED MAIL-IN VOTING. Computers can be (and have been ) hacked. Not everyone has time to stand in line for hours TO EXERCISE THEIR RIGHT AS AN AMERICAN. Trump can vote by mail, so why can't the rest of us? (And by "us," I mean the rest of y'all; I'm a felon who can't vote.)
No one has hacked the voting computers to change votes. We need mail in voting due to coronavirus, but when the losing side has some bullshit conspiracy theories as an excuse, which I'm sure there will be again, it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with the voting methods.
Is there evidence that it’s actually occurred in large-scale practice rather than just a demonstration of the possibility? There are ways to decrease the risk of that occurring. And I think mail-in ballots are more at risk for fraud. Not to mention USPS is garbage and unreliable. If fraud is truly a concern, then there should be no issue with voter ID laws. The people that are too retarded to have any form of picture ID in 2020 should be completely disenfranchised anyway. Also, voting day should be a federal holiday.
So, if your 'claim' that the USPS is garbage and unreliable and we shouldn't do mail-in ballots, you're okay completely removing the ability for any and all military personnel that are currently deployed oversees to be able to vote? You can't have it both ways. Either ALL mail-in voting is invalid; in which case you're going against 45 states and all overseas process, or you allow it in all cases. And by the way, if you do want to bring up fraudulent mail-in ballots, lets talk about how the president completed a mail-in ballot using Mar-a-Lago as his "personal" address; however, for tax reporting purposes, that address is listed as a business so technically he's committing voting fraud.
And you know this how? Do you have ANY idea how fucked up most US voting machines are? As in, stupidly easy to hack? Russians were shown to have hacked some voting machines in 2016. Without any paper records, you have no way of verifying if any election has been hacked or not. (Unless you catch them in the act, like has been done). You're talking out of your ass.
B-b-but they can't get one. Because of like racism and stuff. I saw it on John Oliver. Plus, if they're too lazy to get an ID that could mean they're too lazy to report being oppressed. We'll never know if it's many millions or some millions.
Keep waiting, because they are so fucked up that they don't have anything remotely approaching audit trails that can tell you that shit. That's part of the problem. Other countries have their shit together because they're using open source software that is properly designed. The systems used in the states are fucked.
I live in CA which is basically it's own country but I've been mailing in votes for years. Is this not normal in all states?
I mean, yes I can? We currently have it both ways. Not sure why ‘claim’ is in single quotations either. USPS is terribly run and has a funding crisis for its employee benefits to the tune of over $100 billion, and that doesn’t include the billions in operating deficit it puts on the books year-over-year with no resolution in sight. It’s also one of the few federal agencies that do not use any GAAP. Much of that is due to continuous, gross mismanagement by a long line of PMGs. Both parties continuously treat it as a political commodity. If that’s how it runs, those philosophies will surely impact the day-to-day operations of delivery services. So no, I do not trust the USPS to handle the election process on a nation-wide scale. What about it? Are you referencing something that I’ve specifically defended before? I don’t support that whatsoever.
Same. I live in Ohio ever since Bush V Kerry I have voted absentee because I’m not fond of lines. Unless they are chalked out on a strippers ass.
THANK YOU, NETT. I'm on my phone right now, but there's video online of a software developer testifying in court about how he/ his company made voting software that would allow the candidate of your choosing to win by a small margin, no matter what the actual numbers are. Anyone who thinks that computer fraud isn't going on in at least a few places has their head so far up their ass that they can see daylight.
I'm not making any political statement or arguing one way or the other on any subject...I just saw a headline about this article, and it cracked me up because I had just caught up on this thread this morning. First line:
The article doesn't even make the claim that the Russians accessed data that allowed them to change votes. It says they accessed data that allowed them to view voter registration. That is a bit different. They also claim we can't audit, although we do have something of a method, it just fucking sucks. They did full recounts in 2016 in Nevada and Wisconsin that matched the previous vote tallies, and the partial recounts in Michigan and Pennsylvania did as well until they were stopped due to the huge expense, lack of evidence, and lack of give a fuck from the Clinton campaign that had long since accepted it lost. Why should I think any votes were changed? There hasn't been a comprehensive update to the US voting system in 20 years. Both sides stretch the limits of the law, and then make outrageous accusations of voter fraud that never have the evidence to support the claims. I'm guessing for most of the countries you reference how people vote isn't a contentious issue every election, but of course it is here so whenever any legislation is introduced to update the system it's immediately torn down as a nefarious scheme to further rig the system in (insert opposition) who naturally always already have it so far skewed in their favor. It's a self perpetuating problem that isn't getting addressed any time soon. Yeah, we'll have a modernized voting system. Maybe in 2040.
I'm not saying it happened because I haven't seen any evidence yet that it did, but the fear there was that the Russians could have deleted registrations. People would then show up to vote and be turned away because they weren't registered (and because our archaic laws don't allow same-day registration in some states). With a good data operation knowing which names to target (or even a mediocre one that just made assumptions about people's race based on their name), this strategy could be highly effective at flipping a close election.
The article didn't make that claim because Nett made that claim as an expert in his field who actually knows what he is talking about. But keep going with this both sides thing you have going on there, it really adds to your narrative.
I believe that as a possibility, but like other registered voters who allegedly 'might have' been turned away(this one comes up a lot because republicans are always trying to expire names of inactive voters) no investigation ever seems to find these people. I find it very difficult to believe that hundreds of thousands of voters needed to swing the 2016 election were turned away, and yet we're lacking the reports of such widespread phenomena. Maybe it is easy to do, but it's not nearly so easy to hide. I don't know, maybe they'll need something like that to happen before they finally do move forward modernization.