The idiot in charge is threatening to go elsewhere for the convention. Breaks my heart I tell ya.
Wouldn’t hurt my feelings in the least, wasn’t looking forward to going through a FBI background check just to go to work.
White House says voting by mail = fraud; White House press secretary has voted by mail 11 times in 10 years Also, this: So he can't travel to vote there, but he can travel to play golf there all the damn time.
The best part is that he claims he 'resides' at Mar-a-Lago; however, when that place was originally built, he had it classified as a business center to obtain certain tax exemptions, so he is in fact committing voter and/or mail fraud... So, maybe he's right?
He is a walking, living, breathing migraine headache personified. He’s probably saying he resides in Florida because he kind of soured his welcome in NYC, with the whole plague and everything that he doesn’t give a fuck about.
Sorry, build is not the word I should have used; however, he still had it re-classified from a residence to a private business club to save on his taxes. Which is basically the latest issue he's now dealing with as it's likely illegal to now claim it as his residence.
And just so we are clear that Trump is a whiney, crybaby, petulant shitstain: He should be banned from Twitter outright for what he said. But Twitter sucks as much as he does.
Welp, Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton, has once again overturned a lower court judge's decision to allow mail-in voting for everyone. This guy REALLY doesn't want people voting...
The Texas Supreme Court said that fear of contracting COVID was not valid justification for requesting an absentee ballot, whereas the highest Federal Court to rule on the issue so far says it is (it's being appealed to the 5th Circuit). So Paxton is choosing the ruling he likes best. Although even the Texas Supreme Court didn't like the intimidation Paxton was engaged in aimed at local election officials.
Its the whole game. The masks are off. Not like they were ever truly on. But what a lot of the media isn't telling people is that absentee voting has been a large portion of GOP strategy to get people to vote in states like Florida. They just push for it on their side. Its not fraudulent and its one of the best ways to ensure a paper trail. All things the current republican party does not want.
40+ million unemployed. Economy tanked 100,000 dead and counting. Pandemic Race riots Voting rights under assault Breathtaking corruption and lack of accountability (another senior official responsible for auditing the federal government just quit). Executive order threatening free speech and the internet's de facto business model That's just the past, what 2 weeks? 10 days? Seriously, how the FUCK does anyone support Trump through this? Is it possible to genuinely believe there is no better leader for this point in history than Trump, based on everything he's done thus far? I am not trying to be dramatic, I simply do not understand how someone reads the news right now and thinks we have to have four more years of DJT. I realize the President is not omnipotent, and many of these things were not directly within the span of control of POTUS. However, looking at the few things above, is there anything he's done to make those issues better? Anyone feel encouraged by the POTUS response? How can you look at the record of May 2020 and not have some major criticisms of the leadership we're getting? To put it another way: if we had had NO ONE at the helm through those issues, you could make a strong case we'd be better off.
In history? Countless. In a field of exactly two people, one of which is Trump? That requires consideration of how/why people think so. Take the pandemic out of the mix, and the other bullets above can easily be applied to the last 4 Presidents (except for Clinton and economy) plus many others bullets. That’s not a defense of Trump at all, but I’m also trying to anticipate the mindset of many voters when they hit the lever or punch the ticket in November. I don’t even really understand the R vs. D concept anymore. I’m only 34, but have voted in every election, and I’ve never felt more unrepresented before.
Trump is going to win in November because, well, because 2020. One last punch in the dick. Has anything 2020 thrown at us show him not winning?
This time it’s coming from Europe. They’re walking under the ocean like in “Pirates Of The Caribbean”, towards you right now. You just wait. Soon.... hundreds MORE will become target practice for the Minutemen. This is the first time I've heard Biden speak, and this feels...pretty solid.
Everyone else sounds so much more presidential than the, "shitgibbon" I think my friend referred to POTUS as, has been. I would give both testicles to see Sheriff Chris Swanson, or someone like him, run for President.
Speaking of Steve King, he lost in the Republican primary tonight. He's officially out of Congress come the new year.