That is great news for you guys, and it’s about fucking time. He was the most racist and worthless piece of shit in congress, it seemed like praying for his death was the only way to get rid of him. They actually grew a brain in Iowa, good for them because he was making them look like retards.
They had been the ones to vote for him. So the voters are the ones making themselves look like retards.
I get that pointing out how stupid Trump is is beating a long-dead horse at this point, but it just came out that he listed the White House as his place of residence on his Florida voter registration.
I thought the issue was that he was registered to vote in Florida with Mar-a-Lago as the address, despite MAL being a business rather than a residence (so voter fraud) and also by-laws in Palm Beach not allowing anyone to live at MAL?
This is the step PRIOR to that in the maze of stupid. When trying to even register to vote in Florida he SHOULD have listed Mar-a-Lago as his residence (still illegal). Instead, Cheeto Benito listed that his residence was the White House; therefore his entire Florida voter registration is technically null and void as he's claiming he's not even a resident in Florida.
So does this mean he's guilty of voter fraud? SEE! HE SAID THAT MAIL IN BALLOTS WERE WIDE OPEN FOR FRAUD!
he's committed a lot of crimes, voted fraud being one of them. Guilt or innocence is a decision for the courts to make. But as to what you're going for, yes. Speaking of crimes, any chance this might shine some light on the whole "felons should vote" thing? If there are degrees of felonies and crimes, there should also be degrees of getting your rights back.
People in jails are used for the population counts to determine congressional districts so people in jail should be allowed to vote. Just like every other citizen.
if you've done your time for the rape of a child? Yeah, no thanks. That person doesn't deserve to vote, ever. Or own guns. Or anything else. It serves (hopefully) as a deterrent as well. But DWI? Drug charges? Theft (to an extent)? Rehab them in jail, then let them be humans again or they're gonna end up back in the same place they were when they made the bad decision. Someone gets caught doing drugs, then gets out and finds they can't get a job, vote, own a gun, do anything "normal" again and what's gonna make it temporarily better? Why, how bout a little of that nose candy again!
Nope, everyone gets to vote. Even if they're in jail until they die they get to vote. It sucks when a Paul Bernardo votes but suffrage should be universal for its citizens for a nation to call itself a democracy. Otherwise you get this moving slider of where it is okay to take away a person's right to vote and you go from murders can't vote, until eventually you get to outstanding parking tickets means you can't vote.
I disagree. You cannot vote until you are 18, because (in broad strokes) children aren't as informed, educated, mature or responsible. For similar reasons, you can't get a driver's license, or serve on a jury or join the military. If you are convicted of rape or murder or defrauding millions of dollars from people's retirement accounts, you have demonstrated similar irresponsible characteristics. Just like you don't get sentenced to 25 years for a parking ticket, I don't believe that that offense would strip you of voting rights. Maybe if you've served your time, and cleared probation, you could have your voting rights restored, unless it's a crime that was punsishable by life in prison or death.
I agree, but didn't articulate it as well. As long as you're a non-functioning member of society, you don't get a say in society. With the assumption that prison is meant as a rehabilitation (whole other discussion) then when you're done, you are expected to be a functioning member of society again. Not saying prison works, at all, but if that's the assumption of the system, then so be it.
It'd be nice if part of prison reform (that needs to happen) could be some kind of "rehab evaluation" or something. Category A crime (some types minor felony) you get your voting rights back after your time and probation is complete; Category B (more serious offenses) you must complete your t&p plus score above an 80(?) on the rehab test to get to vote; Cat C (those I mentioned before) you never get voting rights. Then, employers could also use your test score to give guys a chance, rather than just looking at the felony record and denying them. Some kind of positive re-entry to society. I dunno.
it would also be nice if employers weren't prohibited by certain laws and licensing from hiring people who have unrelated felonies. Wrote a hot check 10 years ago when you had a family to feed and no other means to do so? Great, no one uses checks anymore and you did what you had to do to keep your babies fed when the grocery bill was higher than the cash you had in the bank. That shouldn't prohibit me from hiring you.
It never ceases to amaze me that the man contradicts himself on everything he does and in writing... 2 Years ago Last night