I live 20 miles from Kentucky. There is no way this holds. They love Mitch more than they do basketball, OxyContin and MtDew combined.
Sounds like a combination of the last two would give you enough brain damage to vote for that satanic cocksucker.
A lot of the people out in these parts of the country don't know what he's actually doing in DC. It is more of a cultural alignment with conservatism. The fact that he is so down in the polls tells me that cities like Lexington are growing and the average age in the state is going down. Social media and younger people are far more prominent than older white voters and their tv's. I would also be willing to bet that when McConnell goes back home and talks in front of his constituents, his tone is much different than how we see him as a national figure.
This is the kind of shit you only say if you're convinced that the cult is well into the kool-aid stage of delusion.
Hopefully history will remember Rhodes people as fondly as it dies the Klan some day. These retards think that if they type anything it becomes a Mandela effect. And when they get called out they either go dark, or say it’s right regardless of fact and tell everyone to go fuck themselves like Trump does.
When you give a lawyer an opportunity to tell the President to go fuck himself, they don't miss: https://twitter.com/CNNPR/status/1270802155201576962
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news...nator-coronavirus-black-population/111944850/ Is every elected official in the US completely retarded? Serious question.
https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/11/politics/electoral-college-2020-election/index.html Solid Republican: Alabama (9), Alaska (3), Arkansas (6), Idaho (4), Indiana (11), Kansas (6), Kentucky (8), Louisiana (8), Mississippi (6), Missouri (10), Montana (3), Nebraska (4), North Dakota (3), Oklahoma (7), South Carolina (9), South Dakota (3), Tennessee (11), Utah (6), West Virginia (5), Wyoming (3) (125 total) Leans Republican: Georgia (16), Iowa (6), Maine 2nd Congressional District (1), Nebraska 2nd Congressional District (1), Ohio (18), Texas (38) (80 total) Battleground states: Arizona (11), Florida (29), Michigan (16), North Carolina (15), Pennsylvania (20), Wisconsin (10) (101 total) I can see both Penn and NC going blue. Florida being Trump's home state is....perfect, but I don't see that flipping blue right now. Leans Democratic: Colorado (9), Minnesota (10), New Hampshire (4), Nevada (6), Virginia (13) (42 total) Solid Democratic: California (55), Connecticut (7), Delaware (3), DC (3), Hawaii (4), Illinois (20), Maine (3), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (11), New Jersey (14), New Mexico (5), New York (29), Oregon (7), Rhode Island (4), Vermont (3), Washington (12) (190 total) REQUEST: Can we spin election coverage into a separate thread? There seems to be enough shenanigans to support two threads, and if nothing else some of the local ads are fucking priceless. I am genuinely curious why CNN thinks Texas "leans" Republican. I know the major cities have been skewing more liberal as time goes on, but does anyone lucidly think Texas will not support Trump? Where did that uncertainty come from? I can see Iowa and Georgia flipping, especially GA given the race issue that Trump isn't....dealing with well. I also think Florida will go Trump (it's his "home" state after all). I think Virginia is now solidly blue. I also think North Carolina will flip, or at least be far closer than 2016.
Two recent polls put the race basically dead even: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/texas/ This is a particular low point for Trump, so I expect Texas to move back into his column as his fortunes improve, and CNN likely does as well, but it's hard to describe a dead even polling as anything stronger than a "lean" in either direction. It's certainly not solid.
I have a gut feeling that both texas and florida go blue this year. We'll see how accurate that is in November.
If you're basing it solely on polling, maybe, but the GA governor and all of his lackeys have just shown that they will do anything that they can to suppress voter turnout and ensure that the state stays red.
If he loses Texas, thats the ballgame. It would take a serious showing in Houston, Austin and Dallas for that to happen. San Antonio too. That 18-29 demographic will need to up their game by about 10% showing at the polls. Florida will be difficult as well.
This thread was spun of from the Serious Thread for that exact purpose. Feel free to lead the charge in upping the quality of it. It doesn’t have to be the same 4 people having an anti-Trump circle-jerk all day long.
You're right, we should be having a serious discussion on whether a 75 year old white man bleeding out the ear is a secret antifa crisis actor. Reality is anti-Trump, it's not our fault people have made rejection of reality the central issue of our current political landscape.
I really dont give a shit, hes the one that made the request. But endless snark is not a substitute for substance. We dont need a spin-off of a spin-off when the original purpose of this is the thing he is asking for.
Really? Because I have a gut feeling that we're going to see a lot of rigged voting machines and voter suppression this year. Expect to see a lot of "sure wins" for Dems end up going to Republicans who were way behind in the polls.
I would be shocked if both Austin and San Antonio didn't go heavily blue. I think the fact that these protests -- the peaceful ones, I'm referring to here -- have been going on so long, and largely consist of that younger demographic you're concerned about, speaks volumes. Of course, all the polls showed Clinton beating trump by a wide margin too. But this just feels different to me.
I'm not making any predictions bout final results until we're much closer to the election, but I will say the current numbers mean that the Trump campaign is going to have spend money in Texas that they had definitely budgeted for elsewhere.