"About 12 couples will pay at least $580,600 to attend a dinner in Dallas and about 25 people will pay $250,000 for a table at Bedminster, according to invitations to both events obtained by POLITICO." https://www.politico.com/news/2020/06/11/trump-campaign-resume-routine-303413 Spend money you say?
Every dollar spent in Texas is a dollar they can't spend in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, or Arizona.
Biden might want to consider hitting the pavement himself since Trump has already raised nearly $100 million more than him.
When Trump win re-election, I think we should take these celebrities and place them on an island where they have to try to survive naked and afraid style except they can’t tap out. Ever.
Did you see the videos of women washing and kissing the protesters’ feet? Or Pelosi in African garb taking a knee? I acknowledge systemic racism in this country and the need for change. I don’t support pandering on any level.
There’s a point where activists or activist groups overplay their hand and lose supporters as things become more and more batshit crazy. Id argue we’re at that point and as a result we’ll be going though this shit again, just like always.
Celebrities are just husks of former people. They know nothing except attention and adoration which is generally moderated by their publicist. Being cooped up in their mansions isn't enough when they aren't getting the attention they crave. Hence, this performative horseshit.
Maybe I’m in the minority here but I don’t think that’s a bad video. I don’t recognize any of those people, but I assume they’re celebrities of some type? Or otherwise famous? Reality is, there are a lot of people out there, of all ages, who don’t know how to handle this. Who aren’t racist, but they aren’t informed either. They want to do good but they don’t know how or where to start. To see famous people, people they look up to, basically saying “it’s ok, we were there too, just start somewhere” is a good thing. I think that right now you have a lot of people wanting to better themselves and see things for how they are and not how they want them to be. So videos like that help. Every little bit helps. but yeah, pandering, the blatantly political Nancy pelosi type is just fucking sickening. Actually, pelosi’s botoxed face is fucking sickening, but her pandering is too. Trump and pelosi, two sides of the same coin.
I think it’s also to address the “silence is consent” aspect of the BLM movement. A lot of my friends posted on their social media a list of “things you can do to keep momentum going.” There was some links to donation sites and advice like reaching out to friends who are black and listening to them. The last one was (I’m paraphrasing but it’s almost exactly what it said) “call out your friends who aren’t posting about this on social media.” I mean, I understand the sentiment, but also...I don’t post anything on social media other than pictures of things I’m literally seeing or doing.
Their plan backfires, alienating the swing states, and Trump is re-elected. They’re their own worst enemy.
These people do not matter in real life. We pay money to be entertained by the fictitious content they provide to us. Thank you, for making me forget about my life for two hours but now you’re not an actor, you’re just Sean Penn and you’re a complete fucking asshole. All the fake boat rescues in the world doesn’t mask the fact you tied Madonna a chair and beat on her for hours. Ben Affleck needs to shut up and stick to his two talents: directing movies and losing his family with his sociopathic alcoholism. Los Angeles turns every single person that goes there to “make it” into an onion with no true core: just layer after layer of fakeness to peel away until at the centre, as said, is an empty husk. You have made more money than you could ever deserve doing such an easy job pretending to be something you’re not. All this political shit dies not affect you, you don’t care, stop ACTING like you are so goddamn concerned about the Little People that you dread running into if you dare go out in public. They should be using this pandemic time to learn to make better an more original films instead of this garbage they’ve been making. Decent movies are far and few these days because of you assholes. Work THAT out instead.