Trump gave a speech at West Point and it did not go well. Specifically, he did not go well. Link with videos of him struggling to drink water and walk down stairs. If he was a relative, I'd be concerned. Those are clear signs of some neurological issues. If you've been in the unfortunate position of having to see a relative deal with parkinsons, alzheimers, recover from a stroke or any related neurological issues, you know how it's like turning the ignition key and the engine tries to turn over but it doesn't quite get that crank. That's what him almost getting the water to his mouth reminds me of. And the stairs is just a straight flash back to having to be that close to my grandparents ad my wife's grandfather in case they fell. Trying to give them the independence of doing it themselves, but also being there to catch them just in case.
I have no proof to back this up, other than the pictures and video everyone else sees, but I wonder if he has a form of Spina Bifida. An uncle of mine had it and he walked on his toes, leaning forward. And it can cause numbness in your hands, so I read.
I’m not one to jump on board social media driven theories, but damn, seeing those videos has me thinking. And if in fact there is something serious going on with his health and they’re covering it up... holy shit the ramifications of if and when it’s revealed.
The crazy thing is I never would have heard about this ramp thing if Trump himself hadn't tweeted out an absolutely absurd defense of it.
The ramp I could write off, but the water glass... yeah, there’s resin for pause. It could be shoulder pain or something I guess, but the first thing that came to my mind was neurological deficit from a stroke.
stroke was the first thing I thought of as well. The ramp could have been nothing on its own, slippery steps or extra close security or whatever, but taken together those are 100% not good, and they amplify the effects of one another.
He’s not exactly somebody who going to hand over the keys if they’re sick, because he’s going to deny having it at all until he’s making decisions well past the dementia phase of whatever could be ailing him. He’s already demented enough as it is.
NO HES IN THE BEST SHAPE OF HIS LIFE DON’T LISTEN TO FAKE NEWS CNN. The water glass didn’t seem that weird to me, but the ramp was straight-up old man shit. The lack of swinging arms was... odd. But hey, we keep electing people in their 70s.
when I woke up from my brain surgery, I had to re-learn how to walk. Complete neurological thing, it's like my body just forgot over the course of those 7 hours. My balance was fucked, but with someone holding me up I counteracted the fact my cerebellum was flattened like a pancake. Hardest thing to learn was swinging my damn arms. First trip down the hallway, my arms were completely straight by my side. I literally just forgot to move them. Didn't know I needed to. I get to the end and my nurse goes "ok sweetie, that was really good! Try swinging your arms next time!!" So I'm like oh yeah, duh! And the next trip down the hallway I was swinging those motherfuckers completely exaggerated, out of sync, and wildly. Looked like I was double jointed or some shit. My parents, who were present when I first tried walking, still joke with me about it to this day. If there was a way to make a prop bet that he has some kind of neurological condition going on, I absolutely would put money on it after seeing those videos. Water thing reminded me of when my late grandfather, who had parkinsons and dementia for a long time, would try to eat and get his utensils about 3/4 of the way to his mouth but struggle that last little bit.
Just so I understand you correctly, 14 months of Biden talking nonstop gibberish, hiding from the public eye, and having constant 'gaffes' like forgeting what office he's running for would only indicate to an "idiot" that he might have a health problem, but Trump taking a slow sip of water is all but surefire proof he has dementia, or parkinsons. I really don't get you guys sometimes. The ramp stutter step looked kind of bad though. I'm sure if he actually does have a serious health issue it'll start showing up a lot more.
We had to go through months of listening to alt-fighters on how Hillary was dying during the last election and that gave us false hope, now let people cheer on the possible flatlining of THIS fat, unlikeable fuck.
They should both have to bang their rusty straight razors on the curb to prove they have the dexterity to be president.
Didn't Biden say he wanted to kick his ass last election? I say go for it. Let them fight it out. Donny tiny hands vs the Corn Pop Killa.
I could see Biden fighting as an old-school pugilist and Trump just fighting dirty by kicking him in the balls or something.
I doubt Trump could lift his feet six inches off the ground. That man has never done anything strenuous, ever, and the evidence is right in front of you. His entire “tough guy” persona is the fakest and most laughable bullshit in history.