Some old guys can stomp their own snakes, make no mistake. ...however some soft, spoiled and stupid Manhattanite is NOT going to accomplish that.
I think Trump is going to needle the shit out of him until Biden snaps in some bizarre, alarming way during the debates. Thats exactly what undid Elizabeth Warren with the whole Native American DNA thing.
It’s a shame, Biden USED to debate well before his egg was so scrambled. He made Eddie Munster look like a petulant little retard in the last VP debate (although looking back that probably wasn’t a tough task for pretty much anybody). Since then he’s become I Like Turtles.
Given what the guy has been through with his family, I don't blame him for being fucked up. His first wife and son died in a car crash and his eldest son just died from a brain tumor a few years ago. I would not have the will to do what he's doing.
Anyone know what the ramp material was? If it was carpet, concrete or some sort of aluminum structure, I can easily see walking slowly and deliberately. Dress shoes are slick as shit on some surfaces. Also, he knows that if he went down, he'd be mocked relentlessly F-O-R-E-V-E-R. I don't blame him at all for taking it slow. Now the water glass thing? That looked weird as shit.
Compared to what Trump deserves to be mocked for, him taking a tumble will hardly crack the surface. Besides, you’ve already had your fun in clumsy Presidents. Remember Gerald Ford and his sidekick Ouchie The Inconveniently Placed Pipe?
Him taking a very public fall would probably be a great way for him to negotiate some sort of medical resignation with a possible agreement that he get no federal charges. I'm sure Barr would be happy to make the deal. Now as for state charges, thats something else entirely.
Not a hope in hell I think. Anything medical that he'd have to resign for means it would not be up to him... once it came to light, action would have to be taken. Especially if it was bad enough to stay any following federal charges.
So, in regards to the whole ramp thing, I will give him the benefit of the doubt, mostly due to it being "known" that he wears highly lifted shoes which would make it hard to walk downwards when you're already really pitched forward from a postural position. (Seriously, look at any pictures of him from the side when he's standing, he looks like a drunk centaur that's missing the back half of its horse body.) The hand thing though... as someone who's got one parent that just recently suffered a stroke and another that has been battling parkinson's for the better part of 30 years, I'm definitely chalking that up to a neurological condition of some sort.
I think there will be a ton of fallout from the COVID payments being made, and he'll be shown to have lined his and his friends' pockets with billions of dollars, but he'll probably be dead before anything can be done about it. I think his corporations/etc will be decimated after he dies and the rest of his family will be left holding the bag and the GOP won't give 2 shits about them or protecting them.
I also use the COVID relief funding as one example of something that I think will come back and bite him. By no means is it the only thing. Well worth the read, from Jon Stewart. When all of this is said and done, Trump's empire will depend on this election. If he wins, he gets 4 more years of millions of dollars funneling into his resorts and enriching his donors and the time to distance from some of the worst offenses. If he loses, he gets a DOJ, State Department, FBI and the state of NY with a license to investigate his dealings, and no air coverage. His corruption was open and egregious, and the people investigating him will have vivid memories of him firing a lifelong public servant days before retirement to fuck him out of his pension, lambasting and outing them on Twitter, shit-talking veterans and the like. His style of leadership doesn't exactly inspire followers, nor does it make a lot of friends. You either seem to get ahead or rich off of him, or he pisses you off. Few in between, and the one camp is far larger than the other. Hell, there was even a piece about how certain faces of the administration were refused service in DC restaurants because they were so disliked. There is a safe, long, rewarding and brilliant career ahead of investigating the Trump family's corruption and it starts the moment he's out of office. This is likely to happen, if for no other reason, than to warn off other celebrities, billionaires, etc. from attempting to follow his path. I think the GOP turns on him the moment his balloon pops with the electorate, and they enable the dismantling of the Trump empire, in part, because they can't afford not to, and in part to ensure the party platform isn't hijacked again. The issue with Trump is that he flouted the norms of the system and made it acceptable for things to go even dirtier. That will come home to roost, and for the average person in the Trump sphere without a resort empire to fall back on, it will leave a very bitter taste in their mouth when they find themselves friendless, associated with his corruption and their work tainted by association. Or, just check in on Steven Miller, Bannon, Hope Hicks, etc around 2026 and see how things are going.
I don't think anyone is giving him credit for inventing it. A lot of people have done the same thing long before.
I bet when he leaves office nothing happens. Just like usual. The fact that they could have been investigating corription the entire time and spent so much on Russia kind of says everything.
It still blows my mind that you think there are other former presidents with a resort and hotel chain named after them. Does CNN just not report on the millions of dollars the Secret Service spends on the Obama resort in Doral, Florida? Or some secret laboratory? Is that the newest conspiracy theory? Obama's secret, taxpayer funded, Chinese llama sexual supplement farm: Obama Llama Ding Dong. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
Dude are talking to me about conspiracy theories after 2 years of Russia nonsense? You're kidding right? And Bush was doing shit like profiting off wars he started. What do you think Bill Clinton did in office?