Yeah, it'll be right there in the history books. Investigation proves massive traitorous conspiracy with Russia, so investigation dropped with no follow up. Sounds about right. Or maybe you guys can't accept it because then you'd realize how ridiculous all that shit you said sounded and you'd die from embarassment. You know, one or the other.
Will it, though? No matter how long the list of gaffs that this clown has created— illegal or otherwise— remember that magic word: Nixon. All it takes is his buddy (or even a very distant teammate) to become next president, and he’ll ride that helicopter off into the sunset. Mission Accomplished.
Here's what I wrote in Nov 2016: And holy shit, I was right. Furthermore, the Trump Tower meeting, which Jr not only admitted to, but publicly tweeted the receipts for, was collusion. It was the entire purpose of the meeting. The Trump Tower meeting was worse than anything I expected the investigation to find when it started. So no, I do not consider the Russia issue to be "nonsense," it would have taken down any President that was held to a standard that resided in reality.
Yes, dude, I are. Yes, Obama Llama Ding Dong was indeed a joke, until I see it show up on InfoWars, then I will point to this as evidence that I'm in the Illuminati, and know things...secret things....secret dong pill things. "Russia nonsense"...sure has the FBI convinced, and I'd wager they have better info on it than you or I do, seeing as how that's their job and all. Sure, the FBI totally exonerated Trump...just read their report, where it says that. I'll wait. Bush was...what, exactly? He had members of the military pay $600 a night to stay at his hotel in Baghdad? Bill Clinton was apparently getting blown by interns, a move so scandalous, it took us nearly 20 years to get over it...until President Pussy Grab came around and used campaign funds to pay off a porn star. I have an idea, you show me some receipts of taxpayer money going to a bank account with "Bush, Inc." or "Clinton Cigars Company" on it, a la "Trump Resorts", then I'll believe you. Til then, I'm remembering that most presidents put shit in escrow so they are not tempted to abuse their office for their personal gain, until Palm Beach Palpatine decided he could get away with it. You're right, I'm so worried about dying of embarrassment, not a pandemic that shot out of control because the president called it a hoax, ran the response into the fucking ground and subsequently killed more people than 70 years of armed conflict in 4 months. You going to get around to making a point here? Trump is corrupt. He's corrupt in very different ways than other presidents: he doesn't try to hide it behind whatever nonsense you think Bush, Clinton, etc. did that magically doesn't show up in their tax returns or financial disclosures. He's using his position to put taxpayer dollars in his company, in plain sight. He didn't invent corruption any more than he invented racing to the bottom. But claiming he's not guilty is laughable, and pointing to shit other presidents have done is pointless and misleading.
Well, let’s face it. NOTHING will happen to him as long as Barr is around. (Speaking of people you’d like to see take a horrible fall down a set of steel stairs.)
Because he took a meeting to hear dirt on political opposition. Gee, who would do that? Oh right, every politician who has ever ran. It's unprecedented! Trying to defend the retarded shit people wrote has gotten downright pathetic. You were wrong. You made complete asses of yourselves. Just be adults and admit it.
If the emoluments clause thing is such an obvious slam dunk since day one of his presidency, cut and dry corruption, why didn’t the democrats pursue that for impeachment ? Or pursue it now? I’m not well versed in the topic but the radio silence on doing anything about it by the Democratic controlled house gives me an inkling they don’t think it’s a strong case as much as it’s thrown out in media appearances. Where’s the duty to the constitution Warren went on about?
Unless you're actually Trump, don't try the "assert something in the face of all evidence" and hope it works out for you. You can't pull it off.
Barr is an utterly corrupt sack of shit. That’s what I’m saying. This is without debate. The fuck are you even on about? You still stick up for those top twats like a dog with a frisbee.
Nah, I'm not defending them. They suck. I just find it funny people are legit too childish to admit they were wrong even after the investigation got dropped. Not to drag it out forever, but watching people still try to rationalize it with shit like "He took a meeting to hear dirt on Hillary" is surreal.
This is a mighty high horse for the guy who accused Hillary Clinton of treason to be riding around on.
You have been wrong more consistently than any other poster on this forum. I genuinely do not understand where your unwarranted arrogance comes from.
This might be the single dumbest comment in the history of the board. The only thing that would compete is the post you took it from.
I was just giving you shit man, no worries. And reminding everyone of how funny that was when he owned himself with it. We have differing opinions on this shit, so what? On topic of the thread, this ad is gonna resonate:
Oh, ok. I can entertain a lot, but being called a nazi because I disagree about the Russia investigation seemed a little much.
yeah what I said had nothing to do with your opinion on trump slurping russia dick. I mean you were wrong about it, but that's ok. People can be wrong sometimes.