Apparently he was banging the kids sister when their mother died and he stepped in to help out but so far I have seen no evidence that he ever referred to him as his son prior to all this.
It’s only fair to assume that there is a chance he’s banging him. Check Rent-A-Boy’s current staff list.
just showed my mother in law the videos of trump struggling to drink water and needing help down stairs. "poor guy he's probably just tired from all the work he's doing" - her response to the stairs "awe! he may have been nervous" - response to the water one ... and her father died about a year ago with full on alzheimers
I wonder if she's writing the same post somewhere about her son in law with Trump swapped out for Biden.
federal judge just denied trump's attempt to block bolton's book from publication. At this point, we all know the "juicy details," so it's just one more thing for trump to go on a bitch fit on twitter about. If the end goal is being re-elected, he's making so many bad decisions toward that end that he should just take whatever he wants to do, and then do the exact opposite of that.
Biden should win. At this point he just needs to continue doing what he's been doing all campaign. Not a single goddamn thing. Trump will handle the rest.
Aside from Trump being an assclown, which yes, but aside from that for a moment, is there a clearer statement of what a petulant, petty fucking loser you are than the butthurt book Bolton is putting out? I don't think there is anyone on the face of the Earth who repulses me more as a human being. Let's be real too, there might be stuff in there worthwhile for the public to know, but he is publishing for one reason, and one only. His sad, bruised, asshole of an ego.
Vox have a podcast called Worldy which did a pretty good episode on the book and part of it was about how it's a complete money grab.
Tuning in to the Tulsa rally, I’m just waiting for Master Blaster to come out. Christ what a shit show.
it's gonna get ugly check out the live videos on Snap Maps. I just watched some kind of armored vehicle go down the road with "infowars" on the side. Also an absolute shit ton of confederate flags. In one video with a bunch of the flags a dude was holding a sign that said "Trump supporters and KKK members only." Hopefully he was a protester making fun of them. I'm 50/50.
live feed from a documentary producer on facebook if the link doesn't work search for "andrew kimmel." Trump's speech just ended and it's starting to get violent. When I left there to come here I was watching a bunch of biker dudes with shotguns on their backs and shot shells on the slings
I didn't watch the rally, but... kung fu is a racist term now? BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Straight. Fucking. Retarded. Btw, is 'Spanish flu' racist against Spaniards now?
He called the coronavirus the kung flu. While not the most offensive thing on earth, it’s his way of trying to shift blame on the Chinese for his abject failure. This is a gop candidate’s ad here in Houston. It’s so ridiculous.
Kung flu is obviously a racist term. It's reductive, demeaning, and trafficking directly in a racist stereotype. Go up to a Chinese person and ask them questions about kung fu. Add a Jackie Chan impression on top of it. See how that works out for you. But yes, he said it so chucklefucks could laugh directly at it and other chucklefucks could laugh at owning the libs with it. TL;DR: Trump is a racist troll and decent human beings shouldn't be getting their jollies from his antics.
Well, I do. Because it's fucking hilarious. He could come out tonight, say something about tacos and sure enough by morning people would be lapping it up like fucking dogs. Taco is so problematic! But you're such a better person than me Gravy. Whatever the fuck makes you feel better, buddy.