Oh you poor naive child. Look at who the Republicans are running for Senate in Oregon and for the House in Georgia-14. And that's the insanity they breed when they win.
Wait, what does "Stans" mean? Interesting read: https://gen.medium.com/america-was-built-to-fail-d077855f40a6 Trump's next rally was supposed to be on July 4th in South Dakota. I wonder if that's happening now. It's not like there's a lot of people in South Dakota this time of year to draw anyway.
https://www.politico.com/news/2020/06/23/trump-cdc-overhaul-coronavirus-335039 https://www.politico.com/news/2020/06/23/trump-governors-2020-328085 The blame game begins. I think it's especially telling that his response to the CDC's handling of the pandemic resulted in a "review". In one of the few times I've seen this shit from the inside out, his task force up-fucked everyone's way of operating, then ghosted. No responsibility. No value added. No leadership. Just "run everything past us so we control the messaging" and off they would fuck, worse than useless. Now, it seems, Trump's war with the truth is unwinnable. Meanwhile....https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/06/second-great-depression/613360/ The fucking clock is ticking. This fall could be the worst few months this country's endured in modern times, and the next round of stimulus seems to have been promised "in two weeks" for 6 weeks now. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/new-cases-50-states The states in red have something in common: AZ, SC, OK, FL, TX, ID. It's almost like if you politicize a virus, people get sick unnecessarily. No way that's going to be problematic.
It's taken from the Eminem song "Stan" about an obsessive fan. It basically means someone who is a big fan of a celebrity/other individual, and when used as a verb it means the act of being a being a fan.
Like if I said I stan Fresca, it means I love Fresca so much that I’ve written them fan mail and contemplated driving my bound and gagged wife to a bridge to toss her in a river to die, all because she doesn’t understand me like Fresca does. I stan Fresca so hard.
It is neither political nor invented in the last four years. The earliest entry on Uban Dictionary is from 2006.
Maybe "throwing shade" and "clapback" have been around a lot longer too, but I never heard them until relatively recently. They might have existed somewhere, but they weren't a regular thing in headlines.
Clapback is relatively new but if you only recently heard about throwing shade you need to get more gay friends.
Imagine thinking that people wearing masks during a pandemic is some kind of political statement against you. https://www.businessinsider.com/tru...-disapproval-not-as-preventive-measure-2020-6
He is such a whiny little bitch. He doesn’t like testing because it effects the numbers. People used to willingly invest money in this same retard. And if you know history, they no doubt regretted it.
I have heard of both of those for a fair while now but while I understand the reference Stans is a new one for me.
Trump's AZ rally had 3k in attendance in a church. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/06/23/trump-rally-arizona-336565 I forgot where I read it, but the church supposedly was like "We didn't know it was Trump until after they had booked it" On the virus: "Tuesday was another record day for new Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations in Arizona, as public health authorities struggle to get the virus under control and avoid another shutdown, which would hammer an economy that has been slowly rebuilding in recent weeks but remains fragile. The state reported 3,591 new cases, nearly doubling its daily case count from last week, and 42 related deaths. And hospitalizations exceeded 2,000 for the first time since the pandemic began. When he mentioned what he called “the plague,” the president dismissed it: “It’s going away,” he said. “What a job we’re doing with testing. We did ventilators,” Trump said, attacking “the fake news people” for what he called misleading the public about how bad the situation is. “We’re going to have a vaccine very soon,” he promised." Earlier in the article: "Images from the event showed a large crowd tightly packed together, with almost no one wearing protective masks. There were no temperature checks for the estimated 3,000 cheering attendees who, like many of Trump’s staunchest fans, ignored a new local ordinance requiring them to wear a mask, despite a public-health plea from the Democratic mayor on Monday." Houston, meanwhile, will likely run out of ICU beds this week. This isn't going away. This is getting worse, and the fact that a virus has political implications at all...well, Trump has only himself to blame.
I've had gay friends going back to high school and I work with some gay people right now, and I swear I have never heard that term, or any of these terms for that matter, outside of the internet. I guess you just have to be in the right clique.
People are starting to get very unhappy that my city is hosting the RNC. A little economic injection is nice and all, but not at the price of scores of diseased morons running all over town spreading that shit everywhere.
I thought “clapback” was used to by somebody who tried to defend something, failed miserably, then claim what they just did was cool anyway. Because whenever somebody uses that word that’s basically the context of what happened: bragging over your involvement in an internet argument.
He’s simply makes shit up. “We’ll have a vaccine soon.” Just pulling things out of his ass. Your country may as well be a bunch of five year olds. A bunch of five year olds, playing in the sandbox and Trump comes up declaring everyone has to obey him because has the powers of Dr. Strange. Just making shit up. And no matter what he says, a bare minimum of a hundred million stupid people will believe him, without question, that he literally has magical powers. I know that racism and police are the hot issues, why won’t anybody call in the problem of STUPID PEOPLE?
That manner of definition fits a lot of these new agey words. Whataboutism- You were shown to be wrong, and couldn't defend what said so you pretended the thing proving you wrong doesn't count. Mansplaining- You said something retarded, a man tried to explain to you why it was retarded, but you were too retarded to realize you were retarded. Stanning- You use this to indicate you should be thrown off a bridge like Stan did to himself in the song.