Recap: Russian bounty on American troops, furthering the hole Trump's dug for himself with the troops COVID-19 response is more fucked than initially expected Evictions begin on Wednesday, so no hope for 2nd stimulus. Trump tweets someone shouting white power and deletes it. Why the FUCK would we re-elect this guy?
You joke, but I think Biden's playing the smartest move possible in this whole timeline. Continue to internally build a team and just keep your mouth shut. No need to interrupt your opponent in the middle of mistake after mistake. Biden has said little on many topics except for a few key soundbites here and there in response to some of Trump's more egregious issues as of late and he continues to keep widening his standing in many polls. Why change what's clearly working at this point?
to be fair, he deleted it AFTER leaving it up for something like 18-24 hours. Long enough for members of the GOP to hold press conferences saying it’s beyond offensive and he should take it down
I was thinking this morning, I cannot WAIT to see what the "October surprise" will be. Aside from whatever disaster 2020 has planned already I mean.
This is the political wisdom that everyone seems to understand: If this election is a referendum on Trump, Biden wins handily. Right now, that's the most successful strategy by far. If this election is a decision on competing policy initiatives, Trump has yet to put forth any and Bidens are largely Obama era rehashes. Advantage Biden, if for no other reason than something is better than nothing, but it's a narrow one. Trump likely doesnt have policy for 2021, because so much of the 2016 policy stalled and he will struggle to defend that. If this election is Biden vs. Trump, heads up, it's a toss up, with Biden as a slight advantage, per the normal Blue vs. Red.
I can see this backfiring if Biden shows up to the debates and retards his way through it with nonsensical gaffes and Trump just stands there. Kind of flipping the current strategy on its head. Every election with an incumbent is a referendum on their job.
Neither of these guys are particularly eloquent. I can imagine the debates being a shit show as well. If I am Bidens team, it's all about making Trump look absurd and full of shit. Biden should literally be laughing this guy off the stage, and it should be absolutely savage. "How about that wall, president golf trip" kind of shit. Biden needs to take the approach of "I am slaughtering this guy, he doesn't deserve this stage, and I will make him look like the amateur in over their head that he actually is." I would rather gargle genitals made of crushed glass than moderate that debate.
First, let's see if we even get to a point where these debates even happen. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Trump backs out for any number of reasons because he knows he'd be pretty much a sitting duck at that point. The other really big variable in all of this is whether or not they allow an audience for these debates. Trump thrives on being able to be on stage and deliver known talking points to elicit a reaction (both positive and negative) from a crowd. If you take that away from him, and make it a true debate around policy and current topics, there's no way it does him anything but harm.
“you’ve done a great job at building” “Thank you sleepy joe” “... nazi-Germany style concentration camps along the border” “Motherfu-”
Hahahahaha! Trump back out?! He is waaaaay too much of a narcissist for that. Even if his team of advisers told him to back out. Never. He won't even consider it.
Can't back out if you never agree to do it in the first place though. At this point only Biden has committed to doing any presidential debates. He's committed to 3 individually and one VP debate.
If there are debates, I don’t see Trump standing on his record or future ideas ( should he come up with any by then ). He’ll come out there and hurl insults like a drunk monkey flinging shit until Biden snaps. Because he likely would.
And Reddit finally got around to nuking The_Donald after putting it in hibernation last year for threatening cops.
That sub has been dead for months since they booted the mods. They also banned CTH which was just as much of a cesspool.