Just when I was planning to buy so many... but he’s got Elon Musk in his corner! This is the only way we can save America and the planet. /s
“Punish”? You know that’s literally impossible, right? After attaching himself to such a clan, pain and suffering would be as nonchalant as ordering a glass a water.
You mean like Bloomberg's campaign? Or like Trump's campaign last election? Can someone PLEASE explain to me how Kanye West is even a thing? His "music" is shit. He's known universally as a whiny little bitch and all around wack-job. His face is the visual representation of the word "constipated." But somehow the media still pays attention to whatever he does. The worst thing is that there are lots of great musicians who don't get any recognition. FUCK KANYE.
now THAT'S a platform! Since trump apparently doesn't have anything he wants to do next term if he gets re-elected, he should just run on that instead. "FUCK KANYE" is a viable campaign strategy.
This is all moot until Kanye actually does what’s needed to formally enter the race. If he’s just announcing it on Twitter, who the fuck cares? I’m running for president too, guys. Please tell people.
https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-quits-fox-news "You've helped me fight a battle with reality for years now, why won't you keep lying for me?" Also: https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/505753-trump-second-term-plans-remain-a-mystery-to-gop So, apparently my confusion on "Why re-elect him" isn't just me.
Trump has really leaned into White Grievance issues the last few days. He's decided what his campaign strategy is going to be.
Yup. A decent size of the opposition assumes he won on that basis in 2016 anyway; he probably figures he might as well own it. His current campaign manager looks like he ties women to railroad tracks and twirls his mustache.
Bill Simmons used to write about how professional sports organizations need a VP of Common Sense or NFL head coaches need another coach standing right beside them that is the common sense coach - to stop them from making stupid decisions that everyone else can see is stupid. Why in the hell doesn't Trump get that guy or girl to run his Twitter? I don't even mean policy decisions. Anybody who casually followed the NASCAR noose story knows that Bubba Wallace had *nothing* to do with it. And, yes there was some misunderstanding and misinformation, but it wasn't a "hoax." He tweets days later the way someone flies off the handle without all the facts yet, despite the fact that it's days later and those facts are now available. That part of his image is fixable. You can easily have a staffer sort through that before you press send.
What do you actually propose here, though? Isn't part of the point of public office being that the general public is allowed to run? What are you going to punish him for? What's the Genuine Presidential Run acid test look like for you? I mean, Trump would have failed most of the tests that I can think of offhand, and he, you know, actually became president.
What of his actions over the last 4 years suggest that he would accept part of his image needs fixing? The man is a total lunatic. I don't mean that in an "angry liberal talking about republicans" kind of way. I mean he's actually crazy; you'd have a better chance of him campaigning under universal basic income than you would of him accepting that his personality is problematic and should be controlled.
I freely admit it's more wishful thinking than anything, but the proper response is that his upcoming album release absolutely tanks and it sells no copies. It's bad enough that we have people who run for President just to raise their political profile or sell a book, if it becomes a vehicle for people selling things totally unrelated to politics we'll never have a sane campaign again.
No, you're right. I know you're right. It's just, I've seen a lot of politicians that are filled with bluster and narcissistic, and it seems so simple to do a few little things to make himself more . . . tolerable? I dunno. I keep living in a normal world, and I forget he's in delusion land.
Don't get me wrong, I agree with you. It's kind of like there should be a "contempt of court" type of charge for frivolous runs for president. But I just don't see how to enforce that in a constitutional way.
He actually is proposing a black man apologize for finding a noose even though he didn't find it and even if he did, wtf?
Don’t worry he made up for that tweet with one about the sports teams name changes and Elizabeth Warren. He has his moments of lucidity when firing off Twitter zingers.