Trump tweeting about the NFL when 200,000 people have gotten this virus since Friday is staggering. ...I mean it's the offseason. Way to perpetuate pointless coverage, you Chester Cheeto Chode.
You have to keep in mind that 1 in 3 or 4 of us believes this dude is bringing back Jesus and the Good Ol Days. I think we are seeing the facade crumble, but you have to accept the people who support him back into the fold of reality and functioning government. I cant profess to know what that looks like, but some truth and reconciliation needs to be on order come January, one way or another.
I understand that some people are going to find his crap acceptable no matter what, just pointing out that the logical option ("someone should review my social media posts to make sure that I'm not alienating my voting base") is never going to be on the radar for Trump. He's a wild egomaniac. Giving up that control is fundamentally against his nature. And frankly, I'm glad for that. Let the ego run wild. Let the whole world see your raw, unfiltered insanity. If the country chooses to re-elect that, well, I guess there are far more stupid fuckwits in the country than I ever expected. But at least everyone gets to see, and make their choice. As far as reconciliation goes... sure, there has to be some middle ground. It's not reasonable (even if it would be best) to just burn it all down. If the whole Trump regime does come crashing down, it'll be interesting to see how many of Trump's associates get cast out. I'm guessing it won't be many - a crony here, an overly-loud supporter there - and most of the scumbags will continue to remain gainfully employed at the cost of the American taxpayers because the public has a short memory and even shorter attention span.
You clearly don’t know many people in their mid-70s surrounded by “yes-men” that are willing to change their personality, and it shows.
With the two party system we have in place, a lot of people feel they have vote for him - and they're not all fuckwits. If someone doesn't think Joe Biden is an acceptable choice, what do they do? I didn't vote for Trump in the last presidential election, but I wasn't going to vote for Hillary, either. I think the right to vote is a precious freedom in our representative republic, and I take it seriously. There are certainly places that don't enjoy such freedoms. Watching TV coverage of Iraqis with purple thumbs risk their life to vote, I'm not just going to stay home. If you (not you personally, Binary) want to call anyone that has conservative beliefs or wants to support Republican platforms a fuckwit, that's fine, but that's a different conversation. Trump will get at least 35% of the popular vote, and not all of them can be dismissed as fuckwits. I voted with a write-in last time, I guess I can do the same again.
Accept that sometimes life gives you shitty choices, suck it up, and vote Biden. Ignore the realities of game theory that come into play with two dominant parties in a first-past-the-post system, and vote third party. Disengage from politics and don't vote.
How is Biden as shitty as Trump? Just on the "he's not robbing the taxpayer of millions" front, I'd prefer Biden. In all honesty, you could write in literally anyone for POTUS, and focus on educating yourself on the state and local elections, making informed decisions at that level.
Pretty much the only reason I vote. I live in California, you think my vote for president matters in any way?
I don't think your question was directed at me personally, since I have twice now indicated that I wrote-in for President last time; and, I'm 51 years old, and have spent a lifetime educating myself on state and local elections. I agree, that's good advice. But, I'll answer the first one, since I posted the statement to begin with. imo: He's 78 years old, and I don't believe he is physically or mentally equipped to be the president at all, and certainly not the president we need right now. He's gaffes shouldn't be just laughed off. I think he's not mentally competent. Trump is hated by the media, and a large portion of the country. Biden should be able to ride that to sweeping popularity, yet he's been a ghost or a disaster over these last few months. Everything that Trump is being bashed on for Covid response, or Twitter comments or whatever, Biden has not been able to counter with any oomph. Part of Trump's popularity that put him in office was his anti-Washington position. Biden is full on all Washington, and that's all he's done. New ideas and youthful vigor (like Obama) is what will bring needed voters out - Biden does not represent that.
Sorry, Biden's already came out with some wild gun shit I'd not even consider even a protest vote against Trump with. All "assault weapons should be placed under the nfa"? He can go fuck himself with a pineapple. Demented old codger.
Wait, you mean to say that you want the supreme Court to go even FURTHER to the right? You do realize that with the way it's stacked right now, we won't have to worry about the Second Amendment being fucked with for another twenty years, right? Also, am I the only one amazed at how long RBG has held on?
At the risk of wading into it, can anyone explain to me why the 2nd Amendment is more important than the 1st, 4th, 5th, 8th, 14th, 15th, and 24th, not to mention Article I?
As I said the last time you asked this: because if we lose the right to own guns, WE'RE NEVER GETTING IT BACK. Tell me when, in the history of EVER has a government/ country with a disarmed populace decided to allow it's citizens to own guns? Take your time, I'll wait. For reference, and a glimpse of fantasy in the form of legislation. I think of all the wedge issues, the 2nd amendment is an interesting one. I disagree with most of the things I see there, but if my next gun purchase has to go through a few extra hoops to have someone competent at the helm, so be it. I have no reason to believe the "gubmint coming to take mah guns", considering how big this industry is and y'know....300 million of them in circulation. Also, Trump's 72 and looks like someone melted an orange kickball. Biden is 77 but doesn't look it, and I can see the VP pick being REALLY important. I can also vouch for having a functional cabinet being a pretty important factor in functioning government.
He may not look 77, but he sounds like he’s 120 when he has to answer questions off-script. Who he might hire for his VP/cabinet is a terrible reason to vote for anyone, especially since the criteria for his VP appears to be nothing more than race and gender characteristics. I heard the same argument with Trump and that turned out splendidly. The fact that Biden was part of the Obama administration is enough reason for me, personally, to not vote for him and seek out a 3rd party candidate.
@Rush-O-Matic If you can walk into a ballot box and check off Trump's name, you fundamentally fall into the "fuckwit" category for me. No, he definitely is not. And I think Biden is a very shitty candidate indeed. You can say a lot of bad things about Biden. But the man that is in the Whitehouse right now is nothing short of deranged. I have very strong political opinions, but happily entertain a variety of opinions from a variety of friends and family. I've had good debates and bad debates. Sometimes I just shut up and listen and nod. I think you can be conservative, and still a good person. I think you can be wrong about your political beliefs (not red vs. blue, just that some people are misinformed on both sides), and still a good person. But Trump is an objectively bad human being, on so many levels, that there is no situation where I find a vote for him to be acceptable. I think it's morally bankrupt to vote for this racist, horrible shitstain of a human being. I understand many of those who voted for him in 2016, even if I think a lot of it is poor reasoning. But it's past that, now. We know who this person is.
To be clear, I am completely aware that there are a variety of reasons people will vote for Trump. I have more or less compassion/understanding depending on the reason. Some people are ignorant, some people are lemmings to their party and will happily walk off a cliff, some people have single-issues that override everything else, some people are basically amoral. But when I can't find a single justifiable reason, I'm not that inclined to break down how much of a fuckwit some people are and whether I think they're a bad person or just misguided. The gun issue is super divisive. But the government is not going to take all of your guns away, and if the fear that someone might make it less convenient for you to own a firearm overrides literally every other issue, I think that's a real problem. And this is coming from someone who used to shoot competitively so I'm not exactly a gun abolitionist.