So THAT’S why it’s a hoax! They want to destroy the economy itself just to end a presidency, that makes PERFECT sense. And all the citizens and business hurt by this pandemic are all in cahoots on this, of course. Then when the hero is cheated out of the White House, America will become a barren, debris-spewed wasteland filled with all the post-apocalyptic horrors: scientists, research facilities, honourable public servants and people who recycle. *Barf, shudder, etc.*
my brother in law told me day before yesterday, in all seriousness, “If Biden wins there will never be a republican president ever again. The democrats will control the country for the rest of our lifetimes.”
You sister showed great progression and tolerance by marrying a man with Down Syndrome. It’s always the same. One team is in charge for a bit, the other team wins, than it’s a hard snap in the opposite direction and everybody is pissed. You need more political parties. Four, at least. Two sensible centrist ones, and two for both of the right and left fringe psychos where they can all wander around, shoot loads on each other and make new retards.
How many riots will there be if Trump wins? Unless it's a complete landslide and undeniable, how long does everyone think Trump will challenge the results? I can't see a scenario where he graciously turns over the presidency.
Challenge? Even if he loses in a landslide, he’ll just have Barr declare him the winner and that will be it. Go fuck yourselves, we’re in charge. It worked for the Mueller investigation, it will work again.
I think we should stop with this line of questions. If Trump loses, we still have rule of law. This discussion glosses over the fact that he didn't want to win in 2016, has no plans for a 2nd term and since the polls started suggesting he was losing has doubled down on shit to deepen the divide. He doesn't want to keep doing this. He wants a Fox News channel where he can berate, bully and lie and there are no consequences. We had similar discussions in 2016, and nothing happened. Trump knows it's win or face some serious consequences. If he loses, it's in his best interests to go quietly and cut a deal as quick as humanly possible. If there's an uproar, especially one where he fans the flames (a la his "Liberate Michigan" tweets), the likelihood of pardons dramatically decreases. Not just for him, but for his kids and the people in his orbit ('friends'??). Personally, I wouldn't oppose seeing his empire ripped apart and him crucified on a pile of Legos, but that's mostly just anger as a taxpayer he fucking robbed. That said, every election we've had thus far has been an absolute shit show: His followers tend to be a lot more bark than bite. I think as we get closer to the election and the bandwagon continues to empty, you'll see people just get sad and walk away like a Ratt reunion tour at the county fair. The critical piece is just to let that happen. By and large, Trump's supporters aren't swayed by logic, data, reason, or facts. They are passionate about Trump as a personality, the reality he represents is irrelevant. They like him because all the "intelligentsia" that has power over them and to a lesser extent, the people ramming diversity down their throats for the past 40 years can't stand him, and it feels like evening the score a la "you get to jam your fingers in the doctor's ass this time". It's a fantasy, always has been. They haven't thought critically about any of his shit, and they won't start now. To be fair, some of his supporters are simply angry about the identity politics over the past 20 years or so that excluded white people. I remember hearing (in SC), "there's an NAACP, black history month, affirmative action, but there's not one for white folks". If the goal is equality, then why can they get treated differently BY LAW? Trump was supposed to be the guy that set all that straight and there is still immense appeal in that. I will reiterate: Trump supporters are not thinking critically about him, his policies or his actions. The data, logic and facts are like bringing Snap-on tools to the stone age: some of them will be used as a bludgeon, but the precise intention is fucking lost. You have to engage these folks by listening and walking them into critical thinking. They KNOW how supporting him is perceived and are defensive as hell. The antagonism needs to end, or we'll be right back where we started in 2024, with someone worse. Couldn't hurt if we stopped making assholes famous, as well.
This line kind of got me, because Trump voters are the most overrepresented constituency in the United States. Their votes are more heavily weighted, through Senate and Electoral College apportionment, as well as gerrymandering in the House and at the state level, than anyone else. If they don't feel represented in politics, it's because they're too stupid to vote for people who represent them.
Well... Republicans somehow convinced a whole lot of poor people that they’ll have their back, so... yeah pretty much.
CNN would hire her daughter as a WH correspondent so she could sit in the front row and ask questions at press conferences. "Please don't ground me for this like you did last time, but on a scale of 1 to 10 why do you hate telling the truth so much? And on a related note, why does Dad cry the three times out of the year you have sex with him?"
Why is it most female republicans fall into the "hate fuck until one of you literally dies" category? I'm still waiting on Anne Coulter to take me up on that.
Between Tomi Lahren, Coulter, and Conway; it's like a Republican version of that PSA showing why you should never try meth, even once.
He cries during sex because she leaves the lights on. It’s the perfect birth control for a skeletal, weather-beaten hosehound like her.
So the White House Press Secretary, while whining about "cancel culture" from the White House briefing, claimed that Paw Patrol was canceled. It was never canceled, it was just a joke meme that went around Facebook back in early June. We truly are run by the stupidest people.
Hate fuck,bro. Remember I am a liberal, Peace Corps swamp inhabitant. I would bend that bitchy bony box kite over and break her hips before I speckled her butthole with my socialist spunk.