I had to go back into Google to look this up - not because I believed Paw Patrol had been cancelled, but I remembered reading a serious article about (against?) Paw Patrol, and other "good cop" tropes on TV https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/10/arts/television/protests-fictional-cops.html
In her defence, she seems more qualified to be a rich Persian’s fucktoy rather than a White House press secretary. They should not have hired her, the poor thing.
The TV show was never cancelled, but there were people actually saying it needed to be. These same people made COPS go off the air, as well as Live PD. A tad bit of an overreaction, and one that pisses me off quite frankly. I understand there being an over-correction as things swing back to the middle, but people were, and still are, taking this way too far.
what's the press secretary's name? I would hate fuck the shit outta her. But only if she was muzzled. Possibly by my dick in her mouth.
I'm kind of curious, can anyone here separate themselves from their partisan positions enough to realize how fucked this country is? It appears that this November we have two choices: Trump or Biden. Y'all constantly update this thread with what a piece of work Trump is. But what will a Biden presidency be like? Something has slipped a cog in his mental abilities, there's plenty of examples of his diminishing cognitive reasoning. He's pretty much locked himself into his running mate based solely on gender and race, not their abilities, just their gender and race. Chances are that VP selection will end up being president. Is that where we are now? Gender, race, and hatred of the other side are more important then actually being qualified for the job? Which ever side you're on, if you look at it realistically, we're fucked seven ways from Sunday. Buy ammo. Lots of it. The rhetoric of hating and demonizing anyone with a different opinion has reached a level I've never seen.
In fairness they’ve been putting up presidential candidates, and especially vp picks, since forever based upon race, gender etc. More recently, you think Sarah Palin was a VP candidate based on her experience? Think Obama wins, first term at least, if he wasn’t black? Think Clinton gets nominated if she isn’t female? (I know that last one is arguable; she’s the only argument I have for the existence of lizard people). Think Pence still gets the VP nod over someone like Chris Christie if he wasn’t so religious? I’m not saying it’s right — I don’t think it is, at all — but it is reality. People vote aspirationally. They want to see themselves as being open and accepting of everyone, being “woke” even if they aren’t, which is why it wouldn’t surprise me if Biden picks Stacy Abrams as VP because she’s female and black. It shouldn’t be this way. I wish we had better candidates and more than two viable parties. But until it changes, this is what we have. And of the two choices, I’m fine with Biden. Wish it was someone else, but I’m not upset. I am absolutely not okay with Trump though. As for how to change this, I think you start with the media. People are largely only aware of what’s put in front of them. These town halls, these debates, when we get back to having them, need to allow for more than two parties. And the other parties that do exist, like the Libertarians, need to get their heads out of their asses and find a good candidate as well.
People wish for more than the two shitty parties we have, and then regularly continue to vote for one of the two shitty candidates. I’ve voted third party a few times now. And sure enough, am told how I’m “wasting my vote” for doing so.
In November America has two choices Democracy or Kelptocracy. People can be forgiven for voting for Trump once after all he had no political history. Just a series of bankruptcies, money laundering, human trafficking, racism and reality television hosting. But now you have a solid four year track record of incompetence, corruption, treason, pandemic and economic collapse. And a long list of shitty countries that took advantage of America because they could massage his delicate ego. And a long list of allied countries that he has snubbed, back stabbed, tarrifed and jerked around because they would not compromise their values to massage his ego. And you have doomsday cult evangelicals singing his praises. So voting for Trump a second time gets no forgiveness.
The problem is that two large parties represent a Nash equilibrium in a plurality voting system like we have. Before voting third party, you need to reform the voting system to something that does away with the spoiler effect. So far this has really only happened in Maine (after they got absolutely screwed by the spoiler effect letting LePage into the Governor's mansion with 38% of the vote).
You mean fucked like we were in 2016!? Jesus Christ, I don't think there has ever been a worse political match. I'll take Biden over Hillary, that's for damn sure.
The Republicans have unveiled their relief bill, titled HEALS. Health Economic Assistance L Schools What is the L you ask? Liability protection. Because nothing says "it's safe to get back to work" like "the unsafe work environment will create a tidal wave of litigation if we don't eliminate worker protections."
The collective response up here to the 2016 presidential finalists was “Wow. Just... WOW.” Biden should have run then, instead he spent the past four years evidently shoving crayons up his nose.
He would have, and he definitely regrets not running, but his son died that year and he wasn't up to it, which is perfectly understandable.
How does that even qualify to the level of a theory? Who came up with that one, the kid who wrote “Axe Cop”?
Well, that hurts, Canada. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opin...abeb8e-cdfa-11ea-b0e3-d55bda07d66a_story.html