The pollsters keep saying Texas is in play. I’ll believe it when I see it. I fucking live here. Oil and gas is the main driver of the Houston economy in a city of 4 million.(including burbs) That said, if the city of Austin makes a healthy showing, that could be the ballgame. With amount of new industry out there and volume of California transplants, I think it will eventually turn blue. They said Texas was in play when Beto ran again against Ted Cruz. It was closer than anyone had ever come but he still lost by something like 6%.
If Biden wins Texas, he's already won Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and might have scored Georgia and Ohio as well.
first Biden/Harris speech together was incredible. Remember that these two have known each other for a long time, as the late Beau Biden and Harris were very close. Biden is essentially running with a family friend. Will be interesting to see how this dynamic plays out.
Guys, birtherism is back. If you really needed to be convinced that the Republicans have no new ideas.
it's especially funny hearing people saying she's "not really black." These opinions come mainly from white males, who are apparently the arbiter of blackness.
Trump freely admits to sabotaging the post office in order to screw up the election he literally just came out and said it. What the fuck?
Well, cheating may be his only hope now. Since there’s no excuse for his actions he might as well be honest.
Goddamn it. Would he please catch the rona and die already. I don't wish most people bad luck but for him I'll make an exception.
At this point I don’t see how the gop in the house and senate doesn’t grant the post office funding now. Sure, they’re evil blah blah blah but they also will want to save face after trump admitted to that. Him saying that out loud will cost him the support of some of his own party
oh I’m not counting on it. I just think they’re gonna look around, see the incredible odds he faces for re-election and realize that at some point they’re gonna have to jump off the ship unless they wanna go down with it. Now would make a very convenient jumping off point for them. But if they don’t do anything it wouldn’t surprise me at all
'Nerds, I'd bet whatever amount Trump is withholding that the Republicans double down and back it. A LOT of people in this country are really pissed with them, and I think that the only hope for some of them is to cheat and suppress votes. You say that you think Texas will go blue this year, and I say no, we're going to see some election fuckery that will make Bush/ Gore look like an elementary school student council election.
And lo, the rageful fucktard approached college football: "But the undercurrent is also political: Don’t let the left win. “The Left doesn’t care — they think removing joy from the fall will hurt Trump, so they’ll push to shut down football,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham tweeted Tuesday night. “It’s all political.” Sigh. Football should not be political. And given the safety concerns that have emerged in recent years, leading to youth participation in dramatic decline....they might want to get on the right side of player safety here. Politicizing things that used to be common ground isn't going to end well. Sports and politics aren't great bedfellows, especially not now. Case in point...“When they stormed Normandy, they knew there were going to be casualties,” Hall of Fame coach Lou Holtz said Tuesday."....JESUS OVER-DRAMATIC DICK IN A DUCK CHRIST....College sports for our entertainment is not the same fucking thing as WW2. "From the White House podium, press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Trump was trying to protect the dreams of college athletes who “work their whole lives for this moment.” Trump himself called into a Fox Sports radio show Tuesday, rhetorically asking host Clay Travis: Since in-shape college players aren’t likely to get die if they contract Covid-19, why aren’t they being allowed to play? “These football players are very young, strong people physically, so they’re not going to have a problem,” he said." While older Americans and those with underlying health conditions are more likely to die from the Covid-19, the disease infects people of all ages, and can cause serious cases and possibly long-lasting conditions in people of any age. Indeed, there are numerous scientific and medical arguments against playing college football. There’s the need to reverse the latest rise in cases, as well as the reality that several states with popular teams are currently experiencing some of the worst outbreaks in the country. There is also emerging research showing that a high percentage of patients who recovered from Covid-19 developed myocarditis — a heart condition that exponentially increased their risk of sudden cardiac arrest. Several college players who had Covid-19, symptomatic or not, are now reporting that they have myocarditis. And the act of playing football — a sport involving frequent contact — could spread coronavirus, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert, told NBC Sports back in May. “If there is an infected football player on the field — a middle linebacker, a tackle, whoever it is — as soon as they hit the next guy, the chances are that they will be shedding virus all over that person,” he said." It's incredible that you have NFL players, millionaires with secure futures, opting not to play this year because of the risk and foregoing a literal fortune, but the 20 year-olds playing for the price of a now-online degree are supposed to accept this risk? Also, THIS MOTHERFUCKER HAS TIME TO CALL FOX FUCKING SPORTS???? Also, "Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania to name a few — are also big football states." an SEC fan (UGA), y'all might be football states....just not college football. (Looks at Browns, Bengals and Lions)....are y'all sure y'all want to be called "big football states?
Don’t worry about football too much, that quote was from Laura Ingraham. A stupid, worthless cunt who nobody cares for the opinion of. Your country should come together and put forth legislation that sees her ground up into shark chum. Nobody is getting rid of college football. Even though the ranking systems sucks it has its saving grace in an easy-to-understand gambling format.
ehhhh, that goes both ways. I was listening to espn earlier hoping to get a break from politics and they were reporting how the lack of college football could swing some states, such as Ohio, AGAINST Trump. Again, ESPN reporting political shit. Their argument was that people in Ohio going without football are seeing this as a tangible result of trump fucking up, for some, the first tangible result of Covid they have seen. Politics in sports is also at least part of the reason why I’m not watching the nba right now. As a spurs fan I’m used to a certain amount of it, and Popovich has never said something I haven’t agreed with completely. But I think the NBA has gone too far with this, way too far (though I agree with their stance), especially during a time when people are looking for a break from political discussion and the day to day worries. Also, they’re silent on China because that makes them money.
This is why I'm extra glad the NHL let Canada handle ALL of hockey. And so far, no issues to report. Other than the most dominant post-season goalie performance ever ultimately being for naught due to a puck bouncing off of a face.