Cohen releases forward to book about trump just another day in paradise. Especially if you like getting peed on in vegas showers, apparently.
yeah he thinks it's gonna absolve him of his sins or something but I don't see it that way. This isn't OJ's "if I did it." This is "let me lay out everything I helped make happen and now everyone is fucked because of." I hope every penny from the sale of that book goes toward the families of COVID victims. Do Republicans realize the Rubicon they're crossing? We've already reached the point where there is no scenario in which I would regard a Trump victory as legitimate; he has abused his office too egregiously, in an attempt to cheat this election, to ever fairly win a second term. The further Republicans push, the closer we come to widespread violence.
The closer they get to losing, the closer they get to abandoning democracy at its most fundamental levels. Every principle they ever claim to have ever held means absolute dogshit at this point.
as absolutely horrible as it will be if he wins, the real shitshow will start if he looses. I could imagine a scenario where he has to be forcibly removed, and I don't think that's too much of a stretch. They will do everything in their power to call a Biden victory illegitimate despite having no proof and frauding their way to votes anyway. "Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell adjourned the U.S. Senate for the rest of August on Thursday after failing to come anywhere close to approving another Covid-19 relief package, leaving tens of millions of out-of-work, hungry, and eviction-prone Americans without additional financial aid as the pandemic and economic crisis continue with no end in sight." Not a fan of the source, but it seems no second relief package is coming this month. We're in for it now, folks.
We're in for a complete shit show either way. He wins, the civil unrest will ramp up from those already actively looting and pillaging. He loses, he will get his base so fired up and pissed off retaliatory actions, protests, etc. wouldn't shock me in the least. At the risk of hyperbole, I think our society is hanging on by a thin strand right now. I don't look forward to finding out what makes that thread snap.
Maybe it's the area I am in, but is his base as energetic now? I get in 2016 they were far more cohesive. But now, I wonder if a lot of them are quietly receding, or just deciding that since Trump turned out to be a pile of soggy dogshit they will just stay home? The social embarrassment is one thing, but...well a lot of his support was never subtle, especially among white folk. From what I understand, 33 to 40 percent of the country constitutes his base. It feels strange to me that without the rallies, without a compelling villain, and in light of at least some of the things hes done, that grip maybe slipping. That said, a friend send me a closed door video of Ted Cruz's dad talking to donors, in what amounts to prophecies of a crusade. They are trying to use Revelations to describe the current moment, and talking about Sharia Law, Hindu, Latino and Black Supremacy movements, and a bunch of other fantasies. It was creepy as fuck. They are trying to "militarize church going folk" to defend against a supposed onslaught of atheism (well shit), "pagan religions" and the left is supposedly secretly anti Christian, because...reasons. Texas is a truly scary place, politically speaking. Less brimstone, more brisket, please.
Judging from what I see around me in real time, they are just as, if not more, fired up and vocal about their support of him. And I'm way north of the Mason-Dixon.
I agree with Walt. There are a few social media friends who were 2016 Trump fans have quieted down but the hardcore Trumpsters that I know have doubled down on him. A good friend of mine seriously said "Trump is trying to lose. If he loses in 2020, Biden will run this country into the ground and then Trump can run again in 2024, fix his mess just like he fixed Obama's mess."
A few friends of the family were Trump supporters, and all of them are now embarrassed that they voted for him and are going out of their way to ensure he doesn't get a second term. This is in Northern Ohio. So who the fuck knows?
I think everything is less energetic now. There is a pandemic going on. People have been subdued. Social interaction as a whole is way down.
I've seen everything across the board. From people who are embarrassed to say they support him but still do, to people who are convinced that if Biden wins there will never be another republican elected, to people who just don't give a shit either way anymore. I don't think we know anything right now. Hopefully we will on election night. I can't believe I'm typing that. But I bet the validity of the election, no matter who wins, is going to be debated for quite some time. It's really fucking pathetic. Here's what 270toWin is saying. Here's what fivethirtyeight is saying
I don't see either option as a win, honestly. Once again, we're reduced to having to pick the best of a bad lot. American politics are completely fucked anymore.
the USPS has decided to endorse Biden, because no shit. I thought they had already chosen who to endorse, but better late than never. They're pretty influential if I remember correctly? **edit** the UNION. meant to say the usps UNION!! whoops
Nah, otherwise all those police unions wouldn’t be able to throw their pro-brutality rallies for Trump.