Circumstances put us in the middle of a Trump boat parade yesterday. We just needed to travel up river to pick up friends at a campground. People say it was around a thousand boats. The water was pretty dam wild. Keeping a heavy, slow Pontoon, with no power steering, that doesn't turn well in smooth water was a fight the whole way. I put on a life vest; a) in case we got hit by some fool and b) the wakes we're as high and confused as I have ever seen, not the type of conditions that a pontoon was designed for. In the eight-ish miles I had to run with this parade there were at least a hundred boats with Trump flags just watching the parade go by, not actually participating. We met two boats going the opposite direction, they were taking an absolute pounding. They must have been the Biden-Harris counter-parade. Edit: Oh, yeah, I about forgot to mention the Trump helicopter flying over the whole thing.
please tell me this is the one in Austin that got a bunch of press and has since been dumbed “Dumbkirk” after a bunch of people needed rescuing when their boats sunk
No, Kerr Lake in Virginia. I think I saw that one you're talking about. A trump parade absolutely looks like the photo below, something I would have avoided if not for my friends camping up river.
...So now valuable resources have to risk their lives to rescue these stupid, worthless old/fat fucks. They pawn this shit off in the article as if the entire thing wasn’t some divine quest for retarded irony: ....let’s let this please go on record as A Thing That Was Actually Said.
Of course it’s a fucking pontoon boat, because science indicates if at least one dipshit is present, a pontoon boat is underneath him. I would enjoy these photos more if they were taken from the point of you dropping concrete chucks on these fucks from the top of the overpass. Sorry, but with all the flags and shit.... what the fuck do they have to be so proud about right now, exactly? I guess it’s hard to see from the inside when you’re dim, but I can’t think of a time in my life where your country should be more embarrassed of its current state. Are they aware that the idiot’s name on that flag has made your country a worldwide laughing stock? It’s not exactly something you get to call “fake news” on, those are the facts.
Freedom and bald eagles, baby, that's what we're proud of. I guess it's kinda like when you get embarrassed by your dad for ripping a big fart in a crowded restaurant, but you still love your dad. By that, I mean love of my country, not its president. If changes are going to be made, we'll find out some time after November's election.
Some interesting quotes coming out of the new Bob Woodward book. Trump apparently sat for 18 interviews for this book (despite this it should be noted trump has already declared it fake news). This one seems pretty on the nose. Also lots of stuff about how he knowingly downplayed COVID all along
Trump released a short list of names for SCOTUS and on that list are Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, and Josh Hawley. Jesus fuck.
From a resume perspective they're not the worst possible; all three have Ivy League JDs and Hawley was Missouri AG. But none of them have meaningful judicial experience, and Cotton and Hawley are barely out of diapers. They're also, as mentioned, total partisan hacks, and Cotton might be a legit fascist.
Question for the smart people: What is the Republican/ GOP/ Conservative endgoal? They seem to be trying to actively destroy this country and promote wealth inequality, but what is the point of it all if the United States ends up a broken, bankrupt shithole like Russia? Are they just planning to cash in their chips and move to private islands?
I am genuinely curious at what point in history we became a 3rd world country, but I am sure it happened recently in my lifetime. The GOP platform right now is....troll libs and stay in power. No legislative agenda aside from vague notions about the deficit, taxes, and healthcare that I have seen is put forward. Trump listed people he'd add to the Supreme Court (and dear JESUS), but that's not a "here's why you're voting for me" or a "here's what I'm going to do with another 4 years." To answer your question: Yes, enrich themselves seems to be fair game at this point. The PPP loans are the latest bit, but Trump and his circle seem to have done really well while he was president, and refused to put his holdings in escrow. I saw a decent post on Reddit about the performance of the Senate vs. the market average, and....yeah, it seems they know things we don't. Cruz's wife, for example, is a senior exec at Goldman Sachs. McConnell's wife is an heiress to a shipping company and oh, pish paw, head of the Department of Transportation. I'm sure that won't overlap. The economy under Trump was performing incredibly well. In part because of the deregulation and as I think we are about to find out, because the Fed and Treasury tuned the economy to run like a drag car: balls out for 4 years, and if it falls apart after that, it's someone else's problem. The long-term actions that Trump enacted: tax cuts, for example, or environmental deregulation, will come back to bite us in the ass, say around the time we need to put $2t on the credit card, with no serious way to pay it back without scaling back on some things we hold near and dear (like Social Security or the military) or when we have massive fires, or a hurricane spews oil into Louisiana and there's literally no one responsible for cleaning it up. Take a look at Cameron Parish, LA: population of I think 3900 folks, despite being the largest parish in LA by acreage. Why? Mix between hurricanes and environmental distress. To Trump, Russia is a success story: back in the 1980's shit was literally falling apart. In the 1990's it was bedlam, and along comes Putin who through brutality, coercion and straight up crime, got Russia's shit together. Trump sees himself as only slightly differently, despite Putin being one of the most illustrious and accomplished figures of the former Soviet Union and Trump being...well, Trump. Let's just thank God there's not shirtless pictures of Donnie T on horseback, or it would make masturbating to Immortan Joe erotica preferable by comparison. Trump likely doesn't see the cause of the fall of the Soviet Union as a flaw in the ideology of communism, that's an academic exercise he's incapable of. He sees it as "weakness", as in feeling empathy to these poor people undermined the strong, and toppled the empire. Trump is generally 3 things: 1. Unpredictable. Every politico on EARTH thought he was going to lose, and with impeccable reason. No other person could do the things he did and still be even given air time. He mocked a disabled reporter, for God's sakes. He turned politics into trash reality tv and the first rule of trash tv is shock them with how low you can go. No one understands why he remains as popular as he is, and no one can replicate it. It doesn't seem to be tied to any particular mastermind behind the curtain. It's one thing that scares the fuck out of me: Biden has surprised exactly no one, and I doubt anyone in Biden's camp truly knows what Trump is going to do next. 2. Focused on projecting strength. He can't abide "weakness" and quite literally gets more popular for mocking and belittling people (a la John McCain). He will not admit defeat, and that furthers the strength of the lies. No one bats 1000, but he sells himself as so strong and successful, that his supporters simply can't acknowledge the reality: they've spent too much money on this time share in hell that they can't even complain it's too hot. There is no underlying ideology anymore and no flaws with Fearless Leader, so of course the evidence is all faked, the media is a conspiracy, the dead kids are "crisis actors, and Fauci is a Democratic hoax peddler. It's so much easier to continue with the lies than to admit you've been hoodwinked by a con man pretending to be the All-Powerful Oz. 3. Not held accountable. This is the one for me, that is most damaging. He's admitted to thing we know are impeachable. He's committed crimes while in office. We know this. He's obscured other crimes. Literally everyone that comes out of his orbit says he's a terrible human, unfit, etc. But due to the hold he has over his cult, he can't be brought to heel and he literally announced today the folks he'd stack the court with to ensure he never does. You get to a certain point where you go...fuck, maybe he's right, if he can dance through the hail of bullets. That and to a Republican, they don't give a fuck what happens to YOU, it's only an issue when it happens to ME. Until Lindsay Graham dies of Covid-19, they truly do not give a shit. Notice how NO ONE said a Goddamned thing about Herman Cain dying of a virus he got at a Trump rally? Like....complete radio silence? That is truly astounding to me, especially considering how Cain was one of the few faces of color in this whole circus, especially as a donor. I will say this over and over again. Until we admit that Trump has done some good things, and needs to be judged on his achievements as leader, not as his character, and until the Democrats stop making every. single. fucking. thing. about race/gender, we will remain in this cycle of division. Ultimately, it comes down to who courts the labor vote, and right now, Biden isn't doing a damned thing to convince the blue collar folks in Ohio, Florida or Michigan that he has the sauce for their sammich. We know all about Trump's character, and half the electorate has decided they don't fucking care. So every time we see a "Trump's a racist/sexist/squirrelist taint tickler" we have to go...'yeah, we know. Everyone knows. Half of us don't care, and if you don't change the tune soon, we're going to have another 4 years of him, which will be pretty irreparable."