Or, he has data that suggests polls in those states are biased or inaccurate, that ad monies may be better spent elsewhere.
It would be delicious poetic justice if someone embezzled it from him. Since it’s the new “blood in the water “ the piranhas in the media are latching onto today I’m going to give it about a week and see if the reporting changes or more comes out.
Don’t worry, they’ll just give Biden a heads-up on the debate questions like they did for Hillary. As for Rogan, it’s sad that he’s probably the most trusted media figure in the country now. Or maybe it isn’t.
Maybe. Trump isn't advertising around here much either. Between the road signs, the boat parades and the Trump shirts, I don't think Biden is going to get a good return on his ad investment in this area.
could also be like how it is here, where a minority of people support the idea of Trump so display his stuff like a damn SUPREME jacket. And everyone else just looks at them like they’re idiots but it isn’t a good representation of the actual opinions of the crowd. Those fuckers would tear a Biden sticker off my car or destroy any Biden flag I displayed. I’m not changing any opinions with it, so why do it?
this is exactly the type thing I was thinking of when I said I’m not gonna display anything pro-Biden. It’s for that exact reason. Their crazy and violent attitudes won’t change my opinions, actions, or votes. But they will change how I publicly display them. I’m not gonna draw unwanted and potentially violent attention to myself. If I was single, might be a different story. I might even be down for a fight over principles. But I have a family including two young children, and while I get the sense that some of those violent trumpers might not care, I certainly do. It’s just not worth the risk.
I mean I think you’re safe if you aren’t actively confronting an armed individual in the middle of a riot like that incident. My point was those winners of the room temperature challenge were your neighborhood friendly child rapist and wife beaters who were out trying to start fires and fights for the BLM cause. The blade cuts both ways.
Isn't "a more patriotic version of American history" what we've been teaching in schools all along? Or are we just going all-in on "African immigrants who helped build this nation"?
There has to be a happier medium between the '1619 post modern everything is and needs to be viewed as racist' and Trump's 'Nazi supermen are our superiors.'