I mean the 1619 project is a journalism effort that teachers can take or leave as they desire, it's hardly comparable. People act like it's controlling education in America, when the reality is that textbooks across the country (especially the South and states that use textbooks written to Texas' standards) egregiously underplay the nature and role of slavery. It's probably a bit better for kids today (and by "better" I mean still soft-selling it by calling slaves "workers"), but the books and standards used for Trump's generation are hilariously racist. The Lost Cause myth and the efforts of the United Daughters of the Confederacy wrecked the education of generations of Southerners. Spoiler: Virginia textbook used until the 70s
They don't have a month and a half, they have ~four months. They don't need to confirm the replacement by the election; in fact they probably don't want to, given the position that puts Collins, Gardner, Tillis, etc in. I expect the vote to happen during the lame duck session after the election.
They will use this as leverage to try to get out the vote. Shake a few more conservatives loose to try and win the election. Cramming someone through before the election would squander the opportunity this provides. Now if they lose the WH and senate and THEN confirm someone in the lame duck period, people will take to the streets. And the Dems would have every incentive to end the legislative filibuster, admit DC and Puerto Rico as states, and add seats to the Supreme Court.
Could you guys possibly have more shit oozing out of your ears? I mean, every one of us have had our reason to stress this year. But there’s been so much bad shit that’s put people in the street and add odds with each other. Ginsburg’s death, and the threat of Roe v. Wade being abolished is on a LOT of minds right now, and it’s being spoken of with a very, very, VERY angry tone. Seriously, you guys simply do not need this. People need to get a grip and your country’s Leadership is obviously not going to help in that department. They tried and failed miserably. More than once.
In totally unsurprising, but still completely shitbag, moves, McConnell has admitted, with zero shame, that everything he said after Scalia died was a complete lie: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/18/tru...ourt-will-get-senate-vote-mcconnell-says.html
I mean he uses some lame quasi excuse but in the end he's just asking for what Obama wanted in 2016. What?
The dumbest part of the whole RBG thing is that it's her fault that you're in a position like this. Her ego _needed_ to have Hillary be the one who appointed her replacement. Her ego _needed_ it to be a woman. It should have been Obama putting someone up there, and Kavanaugh should never have been appointed either. The gop are going to put someone in her spot. Those that are saying "I'm not gonna do it" are going to keep saying that while the back room deals are being made, then "I didn't have a choice".
THIS, RIGHT HERE. Trump already said that he has people picked out. Any ideas what this will mean for the country? I'm sure we can kiss Roe v Wade goodbye, but what else?
Well the Democrats are already jerking themselves silly with extreme scenarios of what they’re going to do if another confirmation happens. RvW is the Democratic boogeyman to amp up their base. It’s their version of the 2A. As Chuck Schumer said during the final months of Bush 43’s term, it’s in the Constitutional authority of the Senate to do what they want until their last day in session. If this was happening after Election Day that would be one thing, but it isn’t.
I've never seen a Democratic President promise to appoint only justices who will repeal the second amendment.
Clinton openly supported re-examining the 2nd via scotus while she was campaigning. The left theory of a living and breathing constitution that should be constantly reexamined by the courts also means they don’t have to promise any one given thing. Just appoint someone of your political stripe and they’ll reinterpret as needed. Given Biden’s official campaign platform on guns and liberal states ever burgeoning gun laws it’ll be a litmus test for democratic presidential hopefuls within the next cycle.
Clinton musing about Heller is hardly the same thing as iron-clad above-all-else requirement of being anti-Roe that the right enforces on their nominees.
Show me a liberal judge who wouldn’t reexamine heller with the same zeal any conservative on roe? The left doesn’t have to promise anything as I said it’s built into the philosophy of their jurisprudence. Any litmus test is purely political optics and fundraising fodder for them.
Merrick Garland. Even if you did overturn Heller, unlikely as that is, it wouldn't eliminate the second amendment, it would just return the interpretation to a collective right to bear arms instead of an individual right, which is the way it was for most of our judicial history.
Is there something in the water in Georgia that makes them create the most batshit political ads? First the Kemp ad, now this: https://twitter.com/JacobRubashkin/status/1308102428240359424
So I guess what makes it the worst political ad in American history is the fact that they most likely confused Atilla the Hun with Ghengis Khan. Her ad was racist against the Chinese. Called for executing political opponents. It’s amazing that this is what she spent her insider trading dollars on.
These aren't even fringe candidates in super partisan districts, these are statewide races where the candidate is already in office.
To be fair, she’s not the first political figure to compare herself to Atilla the Hun. Kaiser Wilhelm II also did the same thing. So go easy on her.