All I am saying is that more of history class should have been dedicated to pieces of shit holding back progress, so we know what they look like and how they behave. The SC could be comprised of Ted Cruz and all of the people that masturbate to his picture every night, and they wouldn't change R.v.Wade. Its never going to happen, because if it did, the conservatives would need another wedge issue, and that one has worked well for 60 fucking years.
You say that like they haven't been road testing new wedge issues for the last four years. Immigration, "destruction of the suburbs", etc etc. Not to mention ol' reliable: guns.
Yea but “Roe v Wade” has a nice soundbite element to it. The GOP already has racist undertones weaving throughout their “platform”. Destruction of the suburbs would only be helpful if they weren’t already lost to them on demographics alone. Racist fears really only work on older folks. My neighbors are seemingly normal older people. Very kind and sweet. Give you the shirt off their back types. But get them talking about the nearby apartment complexes and forget it. The phrase “apartments” has become a euphemism for poor brown people. Their political philosophies are purely fear based and are practically set in stone.
None of those issues involve religion, and that's the biggest organizing entity to get old folks to vote. Lose abortion, the Jesus folks might actually vote on some other issues, and well, if Christ's teachings are any indication, it wouldn't be Republican.... They have a hard enough time keeping a straight face talking about family values back with Gingrich. Now? GTFO.
Hypocrisy has never been a deterrent for them before. It seems to be the main form of currency in DC tbh. People love to bend and change norms as it suits them. This is not a new thing. But when the legitimacy of the federal government hinges on it, the stakes feel much higher. Especially when they openly discussing trying to steal the election.
IF Trump gets to appoint a pro-life justice, they'd pretty much HAVE to overturn Roe v. Wade or risk losing their base. How could they justify blowing their shot at it? They'd expose how full of shit they are.
I like how the Trump administration is so corrupt that Senate Republicans can't even run a smear investigation against Biden without accidentally implicating a member of the Trump administration:
I thought Bill Maher was crazy when he said Trump wouldn't leave if he lost. Maybe I was wrong. President Donald Trump was asked Wednesday whether he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power should he lose this fall to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. The president declined to do so. "Well, we're going to have to see what happens," Trump said. "You know that I've been complaining very strongly about the ballots, and the ballots are a disaster." Pressed further, Trump said: "We'll want to have — get rid of the ballots and you'll have a very — we'll have a very peaceful — there won't be a transfer, frankly. There'll be a continuation." I have a question for everyone here... what do you think of this? Do the Trump supporters around here go along with this line of thinking? Do you Republicans think that this is acceptable in an "anything to win" fight? Is it OK for Trump and the GOP to cheat to get re-elected?
Hasn't it all been said at this point? Trump is an authoritarian. Trump is lying every time he talks about voter fraud. Trump genuinely does not believe in democracy or the rule of law. All of this has been out in the open for years. The fact that he has ever gotten, or ever will get, a single vote is a stain on our nation's history that will never wash out. Etc, etc, etc.
Ultimately, I think it's something that won't phase Republican voters or senators and therefore doesn't matter at all. There's nothing democrats can do to hold Trump accountable at this point. Republican voters have to get tired of this, but they won't. The prizes are too alluring. Even Mitt Romney falls in line when a SCOTUS seat is up for grabs.
If he is somehow able to get the Supreme Court to toss the election his way(which they’ve done for republican presidents before) they can hide behind that and call it a legal win. Republicans are always republicans first and Americans second. I’m not normally a doomsday type of guy, but I have very little faith in the court system because they have voted consistently to curb voting rights. Trump is looking to invalidate mail in ballots because of made up voter fraud. The cult is so strong within the party that I don’t put it beyond some of them to actually destroy ballots and go to jail for it, but since the votes will be irreparably destroyed, not much could be done about it. I’m voting in person because Texas is really restrictive about voting absentee. No one can do it unless over 65, sick with proof, or out of the country during early and actual voting. Early voting around here is pretty robust though.
Can someone explain something to me like I’m 5? I’m new to trying to wade through the cesspool of politics... Didn’t Trump get impeached? What does that mean actually? I remember it being such a big deal when it was Clinton and with Trump it’s nothing?
I think there's less of a risk of voter fraud and more of a risk of a logistical nightmare unfolding. There has been a notable amount of cases of ballots arriving after a candidate has been called, getting lost in the mail or being completed incorrectly. Also, what mechanisms are place for stopping people from voting via mail and then in-person? I'm not sure there are any, at least nothing effective. The USPS has been comically underfunded for 20 years and posts a loss in the billions quarter-over-quarter. Considering the CDC has repeatedly said there is no reason why in-person voting can't be managed, it seems like the worst possible year to try something like this out on a larger scale. This has nothing to do with Biden or Trump specifically, but just a general incompetence of federal agencies. As far as Trump vs. Biden, I think we are going to look at a mess like we saw in 2000 rather than a clear-cut winner and the opponent refusing to concede. But lets say that happens because its morbidly fun to game out that scenario: Biden wins both the popular vote and the Electoral College decisively. Post-election and pre-Inauguration Day, Trump signals he believes voter fraud was rampant and that the election is invalid. A completely unified Democratic Party and a quickly growing contingent of Republicans are demanding Trump leave the White House peacefully. Inauguration Day comes and Trump refuses to leave. At noon EST, Biden is sworn into office by the Chief Justice. Immediately, all nuclear codes in the "football" expire and the military aide who carries them for the President leaves the White House. All US military personnel and federal agencies report to President Biden. Trump loses all Secret Service protection except for the small detail that is afforded to ex-Presidents. Biden quickly appoints a new Attorney General who tells Trump that he and his administration officials the remain will be indicted on criminal trespass charges. A small timeframe to leave lapses and the AG summons federal agents (probably a combination of Secret Service and FBI) to forcibly remove Trump and any other administration officials and place them under arrest.
add to that Biden’s team of like 500+ attorneys already, and a lot of very wealthy people in this country who can and most certainly will throw their money and legal assistance at the problem because they have a vested interest in a peaceful transfer. Trump is fucked and he knows it, and at this point he’s just grasping at straws. He’s the comments section of the Internet, with a much louder voice and influence.
Arnold Schwarzenegger has already offered personal funds to reopen voting stations.
The best part was Nancy Pelosi jerking all the tiny dicks she could find in Chinatown to show solidarity when Trump closed off travel with China.
Judging by the people I know and co-workers who seem to worship the asshole, I have no doubt they'd be fine with it. Of course these are the same people who shared memes and thoughts accusing Obama of planning to do the exact same thing towards the end of his second term. This cult of personality I see, even here in Upstate NY, is fucking scary. People driving around with "Trump" flags and MAGA hats abound. They truly hold him up in ways that border on worship, no matter what he does or says. He is never wrong in their eyes, and they are all in. Kinda reminds me of another time, in another place.
I think it’s weird and crazy because there is literally nothing to them aside from “owning libs”. There is no set of principles and guiding beliefs. It’s just “he wants to hurt the people I hate” therefore I support anything he does. And they only hate all these people because the media they consume tells them so. It’s sad and I feel bad that they have been duped so hard by a con man. I was talking to my dad yesterday to check the temp and he literally has no idea about anything going on but somehow, every time a window gets broken in some city, he knows immediately. Seeing my dad like this has absolutely shattered the heroic view I had of him growing up. Just a completely incurious, borderline racist, scared old boomer whose only beliefs are based on people and things he hates and nothing about what he wants to see for the country.
If you mail in a ballot, you're recorded as having mailed in a ballot. If you then go to vote in person, you would be flagged as having already voted.