What Juice posted is essentially how it will play out in DC. As soon as Biden's sworn in, career federal agency officials will report to Biden. My fear is what those that spent the past four years drinking his kool-aid will do. A handful may decide its the sign the Republic has died and time for the new civil war.
If the election is truly an overwhelming loss for Trump, I see him resigning before he leaves office so that Pence can pardon him. If it somehow goes to the court, and he still loses, I still see him resigning for "medical reasons" and letting Pence pardon him. He's too much of a coward to be seen getting dragged off or whatever.
The real risk is if Trump can get a state legislature to go along with him. Let's say the map looks like this in the immediate aftermath. Trump held a lead in Pennsylvania on election night, but as ballots are being counted, it eventually tips to Biden. Trump alleges all manner of ballot fraud with mail-in voting, as he's been prepping for for months, and demands the count on election night stand. The Democratic Secretary of State of Pennsylvania certifies Biden as the winner, but the Republican legislature says that the mail-in ballots were rife with fraud and as a result they will be appointing the slate of electors directly. Now we're in a whole new level of fucked.
I don’t know who wins in that case, I’m guessing the state legislature has more authority over an AG? I would guess a fight like that eventually goes to the SC. I don’t care enough to go state-by-state, but I wonder how many states have AGs and legislatures that are opposite parties?
Trump will not actually pull off a coup if he loses. He probably won't even tie it up in court a la Florida in 2000. At worst he will claim he was robbed and be an ass on the way out, and use that as an excuse to ignore the transition protocols and destroy evidence. This dude doesn't want to be president, and he is starting to realize what will happen if he loses....and he's losing. And running out of tricks to pull. He has a disturbingly real shot of winning, but right now he is losing. He knows it, and his donors are the ones most powerfully and clearly indicating it. If he was winning, he would keep the SC nod until after November as another reason for folks to vote for him. Hell, earlier in the thread someone mentioned that very thing. He's not, because no one is confident he will win. This is all talk to excuse some nefarious shit, as if we expect him to say, sure ill go quietly. Its like asking Katt Williams how he will act when he gets arrested by Jared Kushner....the fuck you expect him to say?
Do Does Graham have a legit shot of losing SC at this moment? Because that lying piece of shit has no dignity or morality whatsoever. As bad as McConnell, talk about a turd that won’t flush.
According to several polls, he is tied. But I still don’t feel confident because it’s South Carolina. He’s openly whining on the news about how broke his campaign is, so I don’t really know anymore. McConnell ain’t going anywhere. He’s currently up 20 points over his challenger. I’d love for him to be gone, but I would also like him to stick around long enough to be powerless.
I'll put it this way: I would be shocked if McConnell lost in Kentucky, but I wouldn't be shocked if Graham lost in South Carolina.
He has to die sooner or later. You cannot simply look like that and be alive. He looks like a muppet that came from some sort of very embarrassing era of evolution.
I’m confident McConnell won’t lose. I’ve been to Kentucky. It’s gorgeous. It’s also the only state in the more than two dozen I’ve travelled through where I didn’t like anyone. Places that have a bad rap still have good people in them except for Kentucky. I think it’s where all the Waffle House customers come from. I hear Connecticut also sucks thoroughly. Haven’t been. My expat friend told me “Dude, rural southern Florida is less miserable.”
I wouldn’t surprised if most of the gop senate actually voted for Biden themselves. They might play dumb but they aren’t dumb. If they can somehow keep their seats in the senate, it would be worth it to lose the White House and regroup somehow. I think the GOP is severely harmed after this is all over. It will be quite difficult to be the party of law and order and whatnot when they broke every norm and law while they had the majority. That is of course if they lose in November.
Harrison is a pretty serious candidate. If Tim Scott (the only black Republican) wasn't also from SC, I would say it's more of a threat. Graham is the worst kept secret in gay Republican circles, and he might be pulling punches to avoid being outed. The only downside is that Harrison doesn't hail from one of the 3 major population centers in SC (upstate is the nouveau-riche BMW industrial center, Charleston is the old money, and Columbia is the state capital), so he can't count on one of them ticking firmly in his favor. Graham inherited Strom Thurmond's seat, and could have parlayed it into a seat for life, just like Thurmond did, but got blindsided by the Tea Party, and lost a lot of his support in the other chambers and neighboring states. He's simply not able to avoid being on the wrong side of history anymore, and there's too much exposure of him being caught flat out. He didn't play well with other prominent SC politicians (Trey Gowdy, famous for the Benghazi harangue, and Nikki Haley, famous for being a Republican minority with a future until she took a Trump job), and while he's got the tacit financial backing of the GOP, he's hitched his wagon to Trump. As the likelihood of a Trump victory declines, and as the prospects of another 4 years of Trump seem....less than ideal, Graham has very little to offer SC voters, other than piggybacking off the Trump economy and good ol boy GOP nonsense (guns! bortions! muslims!). His social media game is atrociously bad and he's cringeworthy when he speaks in public. He's what Gideon from Gravity Falls grows up to be, and it's hard to place a ton of confidence in that. Harrison has the unique combination to bring legions of the rural black voters out to vote, the Democrats who never bother voting in SC, and the people that are disgusted by Trump. I'd say depending on how the BLM movement fares in the next few weeks, Harrison will either win an upset or narrowly lose, casting a shadow over Graham's likely final term if he wins. SC is seeing a microcosm of what TX, FL and other deep red states are seeing: the growth is blue, and it's turning places purple that used to be unthinkable. The population that's growing there isn't married to the GOP, they don't go to church as often or place much stock in it, and they detest the good ol boy politics. Haley was an easy pick for governor precisely because she wasn't of that ilk, and professed to be Republican. TLDR: Harrison has a legitimate shot, but could get fucked over by a ton of racially-themed violence over the next few weeks. His ground game will have to be superb to win.
I grew up in Connecticut. This is 100% accurate. Every city is an impoverished nightmare and there are zero interesting things anywhere else. The government could put on a clinic on how to fuck up a state’s economy.
Trump is now claiming an "'America First Healthcare Plan" five weeks before an election, with no legislative support. I don't want to be blunt, but if you believe such a plan even exists, much less it being a good plan, you're a god damn moron.
Just you wait. Rush Limbagh, Ben Shapiro, and all of Fox news will be preaching how great it is in a week. Also, how telling is it that Trump is pushing HEALTH CARE, of all things right now? What happened to the wall? Why isn't America great again?
I remember once somebody bringing up “Voodoo Economics” during the Trickle Down era. The response was “Voodoo economics? Let’s try it!” McCain called his presidential campaign “America First” and then picked sans-meds Margo Kidder as his VP. That slogan is not to be trusted.
Shapiro is at least a little smarter than the others. I give him credit for using doubt and patience from time to time, rare in the age of pundits. I just want to know his secret to not aging quickly while being stuck on fast-forward.
Most of my guys here at work are talking about nothing but Trumps new healthcare plan and how they all love it. I brought up how it’s all pure fantasy because nothing has been written/passed etc and they all told me I was full of shit, Trump said it on TV so it’s already been done. The disconnect and blind belief in Trump supporters is staggering.