FWIW, 'Dirty was referring to the Supreme Court nomination, not South Carolina. But to further his point, I agree in the sense that Trump wants to fast-track his pick BEFORE the election in the case that this does end up going to the Supreme Court to decide and he wants as many of his appointments to be there to get his back.
Some say the best healthcare plan ever. He knows more about healthcare than anybody. A lot of good people will be helped by this healthcare plan.
I remember this phrase. It dates back to the 1980 presidential election- actually the Republican primaries. Reagan and Bush , H.W, were running against each other. Reagan proposed a “trickle down “ economic approach, and Bush labeled it “Voodoo Economics “ to discredit it. Although he wound up as the VP (it was common back then to tap the runner up as the VP candidate) I think he was right. It was ultimately bullshit that led to greater income disparity.
In 2016, one of the many lamentations of the Clinton Presidential campaign was a clear lack of campaigning in battleground states. Based on some of the reports coming out, I'm wondering if Biden is actually campaigning less than Hillary did? If so, that can't be a positive.
physical campaigning or online? Because no one can do physical campaigning right now. You can't compare 2016 to 2020. The rules are different, everything is different. I think Biden is doing as well as he can, though honestly the best approach right now might be to just let Trump keep shooting himself in the foot every few hours. There's a massive contingent that will vote for anyone more competent than trump just to make this shit go away, and that's not a high bar to clear.
You guys will NOT have the best healthcare ever. You will not touch France, Finland, Denmark, or any of those far better countries in your lifetimes. Your healthcare is a pale shadow to ours, and is in no way going to become better than it in the next decade. He’s just making shit up, like the Wall, like COVID, like he said he would have Hillary in jail... but as long as he says it, it’s true. And the cult of personality that makes up 40% of the country will demand that you acknowledge at as true.
Seems like he's as good as can be expected under the circumstances: https://twitter.com/RonPaul/status/1309567134222233601
Didn't this happen to Judge Judy, too? Things like that scare the piss out of me. Being completely lucid and well spoken and then hearing your own body just tank on you suddenly. Freaky.
Trump just told Fox News that he's going to nominate Barrett for the supreme Court. Sweet, merciful crap.
Ok, so I underestimated the White House staff's ability to wrestle Trump the ground and prevent him from announcing it before the body cooled, but other than that.