She not just a Christian, she's a Christian Dominionist. They're a whole order of magnitude crazier than your regular run of the mill Christians. They want to make The Handmaid's Tale a literal reality.
At a speech at notre dame she told the law students to use the law to create god’s kingdom. putting faith above the law is an absolute no-go for me.
Is it really a prediction when it was reported that Trump actually said “I’m saving her for Ginsburg” though?
Dont know why all these pics are so huge but whatever. You will see the largest attack on a public figure's religion in our lifetimes. Any pretense to civility is out the window. I had a feeling she was going to be the pick all along. Trump is nothing but predictable. He straight panders to the narrowest base possible and Barrett is that demo's pick by a country mile. She's also the most contentious pick that will throw the confirmation process into chaos. The inevitable religious smear campaign will fire up that base like nothing else. I bet youll see the polls tighten if the democrats get particularly nasty.
Just when you thought you got rid of Scalia, you get his equally insane apprentice. I wonder if Thomas will hump her leg as much. He’s probably so excited, he might even speak words.
Considering it’s only been a day and the media is already suggesting she illegally adopted her black children and participated in human trafficking or whatever, I’d say the smear campaign is already in high gear.
Except she's not a Catholic... She's a Christian Dominionist. They're the craziest of the crazy Christian sects. All those people complaining about how if we elect Muslims to the government, they'll start enacting Sharia Law? Yeah, this is basically the Christian version of that, except a lot of people won't say a word about it since it's "their team winning".
Catholicism deserves to be bashed. Over five thousand raped kids in your country can’t be wrong. But let’s be clear: she is the craziest of the Catholics, absolute unhinged, smear-their-own-shit-on-the-walls fucking NUTJOBS. Catholicism is disgusting. It should be labelled a terrorist organization before any “group” is.
I can't wait for Republicans to say how wrong it is to judge and potentially persecute someone just for having different religious beliefs. That'll be a hoot.
I just read an article on the Blaze about the leftist attack on her adopted children....and it was two guys on twitter. That doesn't seem like smear campaign in high gear. Nor does it seem reflective of the dreaded "media."
No but I’m sure fox and a whole slew of gop pundits and politicians will amplify it super loud and make it out to be that “LEFTIST DEMOCRATS ATTACK RESPECTED JURIST’S CHILDREN”
Absolutely. When I googled "amy coney barrett children" google popped up like 10 tweets about it. 8 were GOP activists declaring that the left was going to attack her and how wrong it was. 1 was one of the guys who was smearing her for it. And the other was someone saying the children should be off-limits to criticism. Besides, Republicans don't really mind attacking someone for having black adopted children. Ask the McCain family about that.
Neat, but your investigative journalism needs work. After what happened with the Kavanaugh hearings, don’t like it’s some absurdist fantasy. If any judicial nominee is even suspected of wanting to separate fetuses from the coat hangers that await them, the Democrats immediately begin character assassination campaigns.
I think the Dems should just accept the seat as lost and mentally move on at this point. Accept that the only principle anymore is power and act accordingly should they win in November. The most bothersome thing being said right now to me is that the GOP is saying the election will be decided by the Supreme Court. They’re already planning on contesting the result should it show that they lose by any margin. They obviously won’t contest it if they win. Never before has a politician said that once the Supreme Court determines a winner, we will accept the results. And then openly trying to stack the court in their favor because they do not want a legitimate election to take place. It’s not enough to even win. The win has to be by such a large margin that it’s too big for them to cheat. Far more worrisome to me than the possibility the Dems might raise the issue of her religion guiding her legal principles.
So it's going to happen, but it hasn't happened yet? If you want to criticize my "investigative journalism," just link me to this smear campaign that's in high gear. I'm not seeing shit about her children at all. And was Gorsuch the target of an character assassination campaign? Why not? Roberts? Alito? There seem to be some pretty major gaps in your theory right now. Maybe it will happen. Maybe it won't. But your post said it was already happening. If it is, link it. I'm a liberal guy on liberal twitter who follows the LIBERAL MEDIA. All I'm seeing is people saying the children should be off limits. And you probably think you're being oh so clever with your little coat hanger jibe, but remember this: women are going to be getting abortions either way. The coat hangers come out when there aren't any other options. Besides that the entire pro-life movement isn't about stopping women from having abortions. If it were, they would campaign to get rid abstinence education and provide birth control for free to whoever wants it. The fact that they don't spend their time doing that tells you what they are all about.
Just look at this supposedly mainstream media NBC News Reporter smear Amy Barret. Just disgusting character assassination from the dems and their media allies. Just look at them in their Sunday best and shit. Obviously assassinating her character by making them look like the quintessential American family. Absolutely dastardly stuff by the libs here. And look at just assassinating her character even more. Check it out. The false link between Amy Coney Barrett and The Handmaid’s Tale, explained: They’re not actually connected. But the story spread anyway. Some seriously nefarious shit out there. Wow. The media is not some monolith. Do people fuck up and also do bad shit? Absolutely. Is there always some giant conspiracy lurking. Nope.
I found tweets by a Democratic strategist within 5 seconds, but I continue to applaud your ability to satisfy your confirmation bias; please post more proof of it for everyone. It was pretty clever, thank you. I know the coat hangers actually come out, that’s why it’s funny. I don’t lose sleep over the fears that the Supreme Court is going to start sending everyone to Christian re-education camps.
1 democratic strategist is now a smear campaign in high gear by the media. Okay. And this isn't directed at you Juice because I know you didn't vote for him, but because I can't help myself I have to say it's hilarious to see conservatives try to decry "oh my gosh look how far liberals will go to get their way on the supreme court" when a) the entire right wing lied their assess off in 2016 about why the wouldn't even hold a vote on Merrick Garland and exposed themselves as total shitheel hypocrites about it this year and b) they all decided a philandering reality t.v. star lacking anything resembling a moral compass was fit to be president as long as they got the court picks they wanted. The right wing is willing to go much further than the left wing to control SCOTUS. Much much much further.