The NYT has got to be the most useless liberal rag you can find. They play in to all of the wrong stories, and nothing holds any weight. It's like they get what they think is a huge boulder, they throw it, and it turns out it was a styrofoam prop. It's inconvenient at best.
Right. The article is written as if it’s a bombshell about him being guilty of tax fraud or something. In reality it doesn’t tell us anything.
So we're just going to pretend that paying Ivanka several hundred thousand dollars to "consult" for a company she already works for isn't just tax fraud to avoid the gift tax?
Not to mention that what he submitted to the IRS for taxable income is only half of the story. The other piece being the obtained bank records from Deutsche bank and comparing the valuations provided for said properties/holdings/etc. Guess what happens when they (according to his attorney) don't match up?
I'll go with "nothing because your entire political process on all sides is completely fucked up and nobody does the right thing any more" for $500 Alex.
Unfortunately, you're probably more on the right side of all the outcomes than not. That being said, what was actually in those reports isn't the "nothingburger" his supporters keep trying to pretend it is. But when you and your ilk are the ones purposely de-funding the groups that would do the work to fully investigate any potential discrepancies, that makes it pretty convenient to make it easy to sweep away. On another note; Biden just released his full 2019 tax returns ahead of tonight's debate.
On a serious note, what’s everyone drinking during the debate tonight? I found a few debate drinking games online, but I would be trashed before the first commercial break. I’m going with a bit of Bulleit and ginger.
I saw that Harris also released hers. Based on the the tax percentages they paid, it almost looks like they purposely didn't look for write offs or "loop holes". I know people who make about what Biden makes and they sure as shit aren't paying what he's paying but they're also not doing anything illegal. I know that if I made a million a year, I'd sure try to maximize anything I could legally do to minimize my tax burden. Not sure why that's so frowned upon.
I don’t think working to your own advantage is frowned upon. But when the total bill is roughly what a lot of Americans pay per month for income tax while he’s openly profiting off the tax payers for his properties and near daily golf outings, it’s pretty egregious.
Drink every time trump calls Biden "sleepy Joe" while Biden is in the process of saying something coherent.
I have a friend who drank antifreeze. I don’t recommend it, unless you like long hospital stays and kidney failure. I’m with our Canadian friends. I have no desire to watch this debate. Purely coincidentally, I’ll be drinking rye and hard cider.
Holy shit. It’s 5 minutes in and it’s like two old men arguing with each other in a nursing home cafeteria. I’m not going to make it.
Trump really can't handle being on a stage where someone else can talk. I want to laugh when Biden quotes Trump back to Trump but this is too serious.