Proud Boys have already incorporated "stand back, stand by" into a logo:
Me in March: I'll leave my apartment when the threat of coronavirus is gone Me in November: I'll leave my apartment when the threat of coronavirus, wildfires, and political violence is gone
With all this shit about stand down and stand by, this seems like as good as time as any to say that if you vote for Trump, you're voting for white supremacy. Quite frankly, guns, abortion, or whatever rightwing party platform someone supports, is intrinsically linked with Trump's white supremacy so long as he's leader of the party along with the shitbags who support him after today. There is no lame "he was only joking" or whatever bullshit excuse people try to use. His supporters will need to make a choice between supporting a white supremacist, which by extension, makes them a white supremacist and whatever rightwing party platform they support. Or they don't vote for him and return America to some semblance of reality. Remember, that pudding brained dipshit declined to disavow white supremacy multiple times, in front of the world. He called for these neckbearded GI Bros to be ready to attack other Americans for the apparently capital crime of not agreeing with him. A vote for Trump is a vote for armed failures who can't get laid.
Anyone else surprised how moderate Biden sounded? Or was it impossible to hear over the sound of trump acting like a petulant child? I was always going to vote Biden, but this debate changed the calculus a bit. Now it's as much about as voting for Biden as it is voting against trump. I actually kinda like the dude after this.
You mean the long-serving Senator from Delaware who was picked by the first Black President to appeal to working class whites turned out to be a stolid moderate type? I am truly shocked.
I was worried the current makeup and trends of and within the democratic party, and the desire to please the extremes, would pull him further left. Potentially a lot further. What I heard from him was complete middle of the road.
Some disorganized thoughts: The debate questions were softballs. "Will you condemn white supremacists?" "Will you condemn armed militias?" "What is your health care plan?" Only the last one requires more than a one word answer. The moderators for the next two debates need to control the microphones. I noticed that several times Biden would self correct when making a statement. Several times Biden would quote Trump's staff/appointees at him. I wonder who is getting fired at 3am because Trump didn't like it when Biden said that the Director of the FBI said that Antifa was an ideology and not an organization. I feel like Biden is holding tightly to the center right of the democrats. He refused to let Trump paint him as far left. He was very clear that as the Presidential Nominee he was dictating Democratic Policy. He is catering to angry republicans and doing his best to make it easy for them to vote for him. It is the smart strategy anyone left of Biden is voting for him. I'm convinced that the Bernie or bust movement in 2016 (and now) was/is just cowardly Trump supporters lying about why they had/have to vote for Trump. I can't really describe how unsettling it was to see Trump's behavior. I've seen it before in young children trying to deflect blame but to see an adult do it, and an adult who is "the most powerful person in the world" do it is unsettling. Trump didn't look like a leader and his bluster and deflection doesn't work as well when he has four years of his own actions to answer for. Biden was always going to win this debate. And by telling Trump to "Shut up." and calling him a clown, a liar, a fool and a racist made him seem more human because was I in the same situation I wouldn't have done any better keeping my composure.
Biden was good at debates. Back when the GOP thought Paul Ryan was going to be their new hotshot quarterback, they thought he could Cool his way through everything and then Biden just ate his lunch at the debate. Just like he overwhelmingly won against Palin. You know.... The Rogue.
Hold the fuck up. Literally nobody thinks Paul Ryan is cool except Paul Ryan. Spoiler I watched 10 minutes of the debate and turned it off. It was too painful, but I did catch some of the highlights and commentary. Declaring a winner is like doing so after a US/Soviet nuclear exchange. Everyone is fucked anyway.
Biden came out on front. He just needed not to have an eye bleed and stroke out and he was going to come off looking more professional than Trump. I dont know if it will move the needle at all poll wise but it was an implicit victory for Biden in my eyes. I do think the line of the night that everybody is freaking out on, Trumps Proud boy line, was more of a simple flub than some overt Hitler storm trooper directive everyone that hates him is obviously going to make it out as. He was repeating back the same phrasing Chris Wallace asking him to say and flubbed 'stand down' with 'stand by.' But slip ups like that cost you and he's going to eat it for it.
The only time Trump shut up and didn’t interrupt or say shit was when he was asked to denounce white supremecists. And he didn’t do that. The wording may be “a flub”, but his lack of action spoke volumes.
If it was a boxing match Biden would win on split decision. His responses to many of the questions were idiotic and didn't make a ton of sense, but he was just completely eclipsed by Trump being a fucking retard the entire time.
What Trump said, "Stand down. Stand by." is now the Proud Boy slogan. These groups will use any excuse to claim legitimacy. And the Proud Boys are the Alt-Lite of White Supremacists. They are the least harmless and least dangerous of the fascist groups in America. They exist to normalize the Alt-Right and they exist as a recruitment channel for the groups that are worse. And Trump fucked up a yes/no question. One that was as simple as "Do you denounce Cancer?" I don't know exactly what my point is other then Trump shit his pants so badly that his supporters can claim that Biden farted.
Biden definitely wasn’t his sharpest which can probably be blamed on his age. I wouldn’t call him senile like a lot of people enjoy doing. He trips over words especially when they start with an M or a P sound. But also, I don’t see how anyone wouldn’t get even a little flustered being talked at the way Trump was doing to him. Trump was completely out of control and behaved like a defensive child.
because he didn’t want to offend a massive portion of his base. Which I understand in theory (like how Biden and Kamala won’t answer if they’ll add a SCT seat), but in context it makes it much worse. loved Biden’s tactic of using the words of trump’s own administration members against him. There’s gonna be a lot of people filing for unemployment after this.
I don't think he's actually senile, because I've seen it first-hand its pretty tragic and upsetting. I think he's just an old man whose prime years set over the horizon a long time ago. But he minces his words and makes insane gaffes without Trump in the room and with a teleprompter in front of him. He requires an honest assessment of his capability just like Trump does, and it just doesn't seem like has it in him. I'll never understand why out of 30 potential candidates he won, but I guess we'll find out if that was the right decision. If the Democrats lose this election, the entire party needs to be torn down to the studs and rebuilt, because that would be the biggest embarrassment since the '84 election. Biden does not have to do anything at this point except not drastically fuck up.
I think a lot of it has to do with the way the primaries are handled and the order the states vote. It’s not representative of the voters in the country having Iowa and New Hampshire go first. Once the momentum is lost with a candidate, it’s hard to get it back. Also, Bernie is really only popular with the far left Twitter world and they only vote in the lower teens. Mayor Pete is super smart but comes across like a business consultant(which he was). Warren was sufficiently sullied by Trump and only a small segment of the left was behind her. Klobuchar was whatever. I’m not sure what actually happened to Harris’ campaign. At the end of the day, Biden comes across like someone who you could have a beer or cup of coffee with and that means more to people than actual policy debate.