With how strict the distancing at Biden’s events have been, you think he is/they are freaking the fuck out?
Oh please. Make shitty decisions and shitty things tend to happen. That’s all there is to it. That goes for you, me, Trump and anyone else. Decisions have consequences. Now people wishing someone (Trump or otherwise) dies of COVID is pretty ugly, but it’s a sign of the times I guess. On the bright-side if he survives maybe he’ll actually take it seriously. That aside, this announcement of the news was pretty funny: Spoiler Anyone taking bets on whether the 25th Amendment is invoked?
I’m not even sure I fully believe it. The cynical part of me feels that this is a good chance for him to lay low and avoid more disastrous debates. He can garner public sympathy in the mean time. And then “recover” as a hero in time for the election. Or, it’s a way for him to medically resign and be looked at as a “frail old man”. I just don’t know anymore. If he’s faking it and it gets out that he’s faking an illness that killed over 200k of his own people, how does that look? Or maybe he does have it, his heart will swell larger than it already it, he has another stroke and that’s it.
Honestly, as sad as it is to say, I hope it shakes some of the "conspiracy theory" shit and now your average Fox News viewer takes it more seriously. I can't seriously hope this virus kills anyone else, but....if it has to be someone....I mean, karmically...... ..... Wouldn't that solve.... God damn it. It also answers the question of "how can this shit show get any runnier". The October surprise didn't take long to arrive.
Why should we believe it’s true though? It feels like a campaign stunt to me to get out of doing debates. We only have his word of him saying he has it.
Now no ones talking about his taxes, or his white supremacy, or any of the bad shit from the last couple of days. It will be all about him, his recovery, sympathy, etc. He literally lied about every single thing that has taken place in his presidency over the last 4 years. But this one thing is true? I need more.
If this is true, then as a “Christian Nation” your citizens simply have to accept the fact that God chose to do this.
What’s better is that the qanon idiots think that any government official who tests positive for covid is code for them being secretly arrested for being a pedophile
Have you seen the post-debate interviews he’s done? He thinks he crushed Biden in the first one. Everything about his personality and bravado tells me bowing out as a “frail old man” with a fake diagnosis is last on the list possibilities. But it does give Biden the excuse he’s been looking for to not participate in the next two.
Or Biden could do a couple of softball town hall events. I’m curious to see how this will affect the Supreme Court hearings.
You think this is the 2020 October surprise? It’s barely the second full day of the month. I’m betting they both get it and one or both die from it days before the election.
we are a month away from election day and 10 days away from the start of early voting here in Texas. I wonder what impact this will have on the undecideds?
that's the thing. I would be perfectly fine with a Kamala presidency. I would be in no way ok with a Pence presidency.