That’s what I’m thinking too. The odds are Trump is going to be fine. But it’s October 2nd, and I don’t know about you, but the election still feels like it’s years away.
HIPPA may prevent any sort of "official report,". For us, its caused a minefield to navigate testing, exposure and mitigation.
Yeah he’s has to give “affirmative consent” on status updates of his diagnosis. That includes just giving an update himself.
Tin foil hat: he sees his badly he’s tanking in the polls especially after announcing Barrett to be on the SC and his performance in the first debate. His narcissism won’t allow him to experience a humiliating defeat and he knows the courts won’t upend democracy to throw the election his way. This is his way of setting up a medical resignation to save face. It’s a terrible political strategy but a good saving face strategy which is what an impulsive narcissist would rather do. Politically it’s bad because it puts covid back front and center showing the seriousness of the virus when he’s been downplaying the severity. It also puts a halt on his campaign. But if he wants out, it’s a good strategy. He doesn’t give a shit about the Republican Party. He never has. He also doesn’t care how it looks that he only now takes the virus seriously after over 200k people are dead. In the immediate, he gets out of debating and it garners him sympathy. Tinfoil hat off
But... But I thought Trump couldn't get the virus because he was taking hydroxychloroquine... This announcement is the very definition of fake news. Two weeks from now, he's going to be saying that Corona is no big deal, he feels better than ever, and if he can do it, so can you.
That's not much of a stretch or even fake news. He might actually have it and die, but don't the majority of people who test positive show no symptoms? And most of the ones who have symptoms recover just fine? I thought the death rate was pretty small, even for old farts like Trump.
@downndirty can correct errors as he’s the SME, but from what I’ve read, the general mortality rate seems to be 1-2% across the general population and for his age group, it’s about 7-8% higher.
This is the kinda irony Alanis Morisette should have written about. I can’t hope for someone to die, but I confess to smiling when I heard it this morning. Heads have got to be exploding among the MAGA crowd this morning. I mean, it’s all fake after all, right?
He supposedly takes it prophylacticly don’t know if that means he has it daily with his coffee and adderall but I guess we’ll see if the early pre severe symptoms use actual pays off.
Meh, what can I say... I think the world would be a better place without him. I won't pull a trigger to make that happen, but I will sit on the sidelines and drink a nice glass of wine while some Fake News China Virus wrecks his shit.
FTFY That's what I was thinking. He's going to say he took some hydroxychloroquine and now he's fine. The best he's ever felt. Maybe Sleepy Joe should take some. Or... he dies
Chris Christie said no one was wearing masks during debate prep. this is gonna get ugly. Or awesome, depending on how you view it.
I mean, the odds are in his favor. At 74, any sort of malady comes with higher risk, but its at worst 80-20 he recovers completely, or is asymptomatic. I think this pops some conspiracy bubbles, and likely causes others to form. Consequences of never relying on the truth to do the job.
No matter how you view it or spin it, Trump was a liar, hypocrite and the deaths of ten of thousands gets laid at HIS feet for not acting right. Not only is there nothing wrong with hoping for his death, the people who aren’t need to act accordingly. Your country cannot improve in any way with him around. HOPE that he goes tits up, so the rest of your nation can stop circling the drain with him. He brought you all down, and you know it.
It depends on what pre existing conditions he had. We know he’s fat as shit and generally unhealthy. There’s strong suspicion he had a stroke or series of strokes when he had that emergency trip to Walter Reed last year. We know that covid can cause some serious circulatory problems including blood clots and heart inflammation. I’d say in his current state, he’s at an elevated risk for some serious shit should his infection turn bad.
Just saw a funny Reddit comment... "The GOP are going to hate it, but Obama was right... Hope is contagious"
But, according to a report from Bloomberg News, some of Trump’s closest confidantes started fearing for his health as early as Wednesday. The report states that some Trump aides noticed he appeared to feel poorly that day and noted how exhausted he seemed—but they dismissed it as extreme fatigue from a relentless campaign schedule and Tuesday night’s debate. Dude sounds symptomatic... that's not a good thing for him.