If he does die, what do y'all think the odds are that the Republicans delay telling the country for a few days so that they can push some more shit through?
I don’t think there’s any way that the news could be kept from every single person in government who doesn’t like Trump. I feel it would leak immediately.
So if he doesn’t win the election are the trumpers still gonna go with the election fraud excuse or are they switching to him being sick and not able to campaign?
If he’s dead it leaves a huge power vacuum and time is of the essence. It will be leaked immediately and people will try to leverage the shit out if it, on both sides. I cannot imagine what the Dem/Rep war room strategy sessions are like right now.
The motto of that hospital is “We Provide Warrior Care.” Apparently that now includes the Keyboard variety.
I think he had a decent incubation period. His rose garden Supreme Court thing last week seems to have been ground zero for this particular outbreak. He seemed okay I guess at the debate. Normal dickhead self. And now he’s going to the hospital. I really don’t know what’s going on, and I think it’s shameful they aren’t being more up front about it.
If he dies will the hoax idiots switch from "it's a hoax to keep Trump from being elected" to "OMG, the Chinese killed Trump on purpose!"? Because I can see that happening.
They have already started with the "China gave this to tRump" line. So if you have friends who are even remotely visibly Asian check in on them. Because who knows what the fuck the SuperFans will do.
So Trump recently tweeted a video of him saying he's doing well and headed to Walter Reed Hospital. Call me a conspiracy theorist but I just can't see him not tweeting for 18 hours and then releasing a video clip fully dressed on a suit going to the hospital.
I can't help but think this is all a distraction from his tax stuff, his inability to denounce white supremacists, his position in the polls, etc. Then at the same time, he doesn't. give. a. fuck. He's the greatest that has ever lived, he breaks records with every drop of piss that falls out of his Herculean body frosted with the finest hair ever to be blown through a breeze, and we're all just jealous. Until he's dead, from this or anything else, the Trump spin machine leaves me with no real ability to trust that I'm being told--or even seeing--what's actually going on.
so, he’s already dead and it’s a body double? Or he fucked off to Russia right after the debate? There’s no end to the guesses!