Pretty low. He's establishment. He'll secure the Christian right, but he lacks the bombastic charisma that Trump has. Good thing for the repubs that McConnell has sealed up everything pretty well.
From this tweet "Chris Wallace just said on Fox that Trump arrived too late in Cleveland to have been tested by the clinic and that there was an "honor system" for the candidates to have arrived after already testing negative."
Seriously? “Honour system”? Is this legit? Cain was probably infected and died because of Tulsa, and the only Trump family member wearing a mask at the debate was Melania and they arrive only a few hours before the debate. My GOD, man. They suck.
Sounds like it's spreading to the White House Press Corp. At least one member has just popped positive. And now the White House has finally made mask wearing mandatory in common areas. Looks like the White House might just turn into a SuperSpreader event.
Looks like the Rose Garden supreme court announcement is the super spreader event. All of the people who are reporting they have Covid were in close proximity to one another. You see front row Melania, right behind her KAC, right behind her are the Notre Dame guy, other side of the aisle is Mike Lee, Thom Tilis is next to him. and of course Trump. All had contact with Bill Barr. Mike Lee was directly behind Pence.
Y'all are missing the big picture here. Has anyone noticed we haven't heard from Dubya in all of this? There's a reason for that, namely that he's a Reptilian and this is just a ploy to start harvesting adrenochrome from Trump. The plan is to inject it into Bush Sr, who by the way, only served one term and is thus eligible for a second term. (You didn't fall for the fake news that Bush Sr died did you?) They're going to create a Bush/Trump/Reptilian hybrid that will be unstoppable....think Godzilla with a blonde Beatles comb over wig, unlimited money, and the personality of a green persimmon. Dubya is the mastermind behind this deep state shit, he was only pretending to have the intelligence of a used Chrysler. And y'all fell for it. As you read this, zombie Bush Sr is growing stronger by the moment as they transfuse the adrenochrome from Trump directly into his multiple hearts. We are so fucked.
Here's an interesting map of all the people who are connected through the rose garden event.
This could get really interesting for the Republican establishment.
The real Jeb was devoured by his litter mates. The Jeb we know was just put in place to distract attention from the fact that Barbara was sacrificing small immigrant children to some obscure Celtic goat demon. Apparently she was into some really fucked up shit after being inseminated with UFO babies by her reptilian husband. From what I've read she was a stone cold freak, but that's neither here nor there. Anyways, as far as I've been able to discern, the Jeb we know is the result of a deep state conspiracy. He's not a reptilian, but an unfortunate pawn in a game that far surpasses his mental abilities. He's just as confused as the rest of us, perhaps more so. Replacement Jeb is just a pawn in a GOP plot that goes so deep it's impossible to fathom. Poor fucker started out as a normal baby in Omaha. Then the Bushes kidnapped and adopted him as a changeling to replace the reptilian real Jeb that was eaten by Dubya.
How the four TBDs from that tweet will fare: Chris Christie: will have a rough time, but survive Rudy Giuliani: will have a rough time, and die Jason Miller: will spike his own drink with a bunch of meds, wake up a month later having beaten it Stephen Miller: won't be affected because he replaces his blood with that of an immigrant child daily
My wife was (until just before the pandemic) a pulmonology critical care nurse. She says that the White House has a fully staffed and equipped hospital just for the President or VP and that if he's going to Walter Reed, he's in way worse shape than the public knows about.
While Im sure the White House facility is better than what a lot of mere mortals generally see the inside of it is certainly limited in size and scope of what a full hospital can handle. The secret service's decision to take Ronald Reagan to a nearby hospital instead of the White House likely saved his life after he was shot since it had a dedicated trauma center.