The cocktail he was given may indicate he's better off being monitored at Walter Reed, where they have access to labs, etc. than at the WH clinic. Also, they can easily get equipment (ventilators, for example?) and specialists in and out without it being a media shit storm. It's not like the Secret Service is can smuggle in an iron lung without it being really fucking obvious. Part of the problem is the WH is kind of small, and is pretty public. It's a security nightmare, so it makes sense to get him out of there for rest and treatment in privacy. Also, inside the WH, the show must go on, whereas a hospital can be more easily isolated and quarantine measures can be actually implemented. The most likely scenario is he emerges in a few days, a bit haggard but ok. It's important to keep that in mind, and the lack of news/obvious lies about his condition ('precautionary measure'), will only fuel speculation as long as he's there. That being probably don't skip straight to some experimental shit out of a Spider-Man cartoon if things are going to plan.
Apparently they have given him another experimental treatment. Remdesivir this time.
I'm just pleased to read all the commentary here, it's enlightening. There is a good portion of the group that clearly have a certain set of beliefs - to some extent - an implied or even sometimes explicitly stated sense of moral authority over the "other side" with their beliefs. This same group to a certain extent is clear they want to install central control over everyone's medical care and now a portion of the same group are here cheering and hoping for the death of the elected leader of the country. It speaks volumes of the character of those who hold that belief.
I don't understand what you are trying to say. Could you be more explicit? Because what you are saying implies a lot but doesn't have the bravery of conviction to actually say it. Say what you mean. Because if I have to translate what you've said into English you might not agree with how I'm going to portray you.
If someone outright refuses to wears a mask, and shames others into not wearing theirs, and people are hospitalized with permanent disability and/or die because of that conscious action that goes against every single bit of science, logic and human compassion available, then I have zero issue charging the person who refused to wear a mask and got them sick with a crime up to and including murder. I also wish mass murderers would die. Does that make me a bad person? Maybe. But I’m ok being judged on that.
Every conservative wants to clutch pearls right now because they see some people in anger expressing that anger on the people who went out of their way to keep the public unsafe. They want to preach about decorum at a time like this. Did we just forget that like 4 fucking days ago, Trump openly attacked Biden on his son’s trouble with addiction thinking he would score political points for it? Attacking his other dead children. Stoking racial animus to provoke a civil war so he can blame the “radical left”. Openly attacking the voting process to keep people either from voting out of fear of succumbing to the illness that he is currently in the hospital for or thinking their vote won’t matter. This was just in the last week, btw. Getting so upset over a moment of schadenfreude after 4 years of absolute bullshit and fundamental indecency is the peak of hypocrisy and irony. The biggest irony is that they couldn’t wait until RBG was buried before dancing on her grave to name her successor. An event that would turn out to be a super spreader event that could in turn upend Barrett’s confirmation. But yes, it is we who are the ones speaking volumes to you.
So now that 3 republican senators have tested positive, looking like as a result from the event where they announced Amy Coney Barrett as the SCT pick... what are the chances that enough GOP senators become sick from that event that they no longer have the votes to confirm?
It's not even votes to confirm; these are all senators that are on the Judiciary committee. If they can't get a full vote there, it might not even make it to the full Senate floor for a full vote.
When it comes to speaking ill of the dead or dying, remember that their death does not change who the fuck they were while they were alive. Trump deserves this treatment, and worse. Fucking deal with it.
The left has lobbed baseless accusations at Trump's children and inlaws about their international dealings since he announced his candidacy. Openly mocking and deriding them at every turn. Open season on every aspect of their lives. Acting like the left has bit their tongue in decorum in any capacity is laughable. Joe Biden's fuck up fail forward kid is totally fair game given his obvious sweetheart treatment by foreign business interest and military posting that he was quietly scuttled out of. It's pure political nepotism. His drug addiction highlights he rosie treatment that much more. In a more reasonable time Hunter Biden would be a poster boy for the warped mess our political class has become and how they get to play by different rules. The single reason for this veneration of Hunter Biden is because of political tribesman-ship. The George Carlin quote is pretty apt, "it's a BIG club, and you ain't in it!"
Trump dying does not magically make any of our issues go away, and it stands a good chance of making them worse. He might have made a mockery out of decorum, and seemingly paid no penalty for it. That seems to be his karma, and the fewer people who follow his path the better. That said, we are in for a wild few days of punditry and speculation, because of the lack of clarity coming out of his office on his health. If there ever was a moment for a higher discourse, let this be it. 200,000 Americans dead, and now the top tier of our leadership is threatened. We as a country have never seen anything upend us like that, and part of the reason is we seem intent on dividing ourselves. The "but the other side" shit is precisely why we are here. It has to end somewhere, and maybe now is the time. Let empathy win the day, because animosity isn't getting us anywhere.
Noooo we won't be having any of that. Im not the only one who thinks he's taking the Phase three drug, not because the situation is that dire, but so he can pretend like he's on the vanguard of the vaccine breakthrough if it works out for him? He's been touting a drug before election day and he can make himself a poster boy to drive it home if he makes a full, relatively quickly.
List examples? Like when people attacked tRump's kids for killing Elephants? Or when the left attacked tRump's kids for taking major roles in Government operations? Or when the left said that tRump could not make Barron a baron? Or when the left was critical the tRump family were given security clearance by executive order? Got any examples that don't somehow link to them fucking around with how government runs? or influence peddling? or shady fucking dealing using the "my daddy listens to me" as currency? You must be running up to an attack on Biden's kids. In a much more reasonable time Hunter Biden would be irrelevant. He was dragged into the political discourse by tRump and his nonsense attempts to try use him to attack Biden. There was a huge investigation over it that led to tRump getting impeached and that led to Republican senators speaking out about how much money they wasted investigating tRump's imaginary claims. If George Carlin was alive today he'd call you out for invoking his name to defend tRump and the shitty people who defend him. Carlin was Antifa and he was proud to support World War Two veterans.
The Biden campaign has pulled all their negative ads of Trump. When asked if they would do the same, the trump campaign basically said go fuck your self. Should empathy win the day? I’d say so. But it’s important to remember that this wouldn’t be the case if the shoe were on the other foot. When Hillary Clinton got pneumonia in 2016, Trump made fun of her for it. The republicans wanting everyone to be nice now didn’t seem to give much of a shit then. Anyone who thinks this country needs a healthy dose of empathy and decency shouldn’t be supporting Trump. Those two things don’t square one fucking bit.